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5188333 No.5188333 [Reply] [Original]

Here's a short guide for poorfags to actually make money by putting in some work, not just getting burned on pump and dumps or bag holding shitcoins people here say will moon any day now:

If you're putting in less than $5000, you won't make anything just sitting on BTC, it's too expensive now. You'll make a little bit of gains when it rises, but the percentage is so low it's insignificant, you'll neither gain or lose much when it pumps and dumps. Put your money into ETH to trade. Its rising, or atleast fairly stable right now and when it increases you'll get a much higher percentage of gains. LTC is good to hold, its making money for a cheap buy in too, but you cant trade in it, so youll have to convert it to ETH or BTC to trade. You're looking for gains under $100, as you barely have anything in it. Hoping for moon missions isn't going to get you very far, unless you are a patient investor that is willing to wait many months for a coin to increase, which brings up my next point-

Are you looking to make money now or are you willing to wait 6 months to a year for gains? If you are looking for a coin you hope will go 100x over time, then do your research on some significant projects and just HODL and walk away, checking back every week or so. If you do your research well you could come out with a $10,000+ over the course of months, which isn't bad for your initial investment of $1000 (adjust for how much you start with.)

If you need money now, you'll have to grind away at day trading. Hoping for a moon mission that will go 50x in a few days is a fools game. You're just going to lose money and go nowhere. You need to look at the cheapest coins and invest in them, looking to come out with $30-$50 per trade. Sort by the cheapest coin and see if it's on the rise or on the decline. If it's pretty low to its all-time low and on the rise, buy a few thousand of them and wait until it goes up enough to net you 10-20% of your investment, then sell and move on to the next.

>> No.5188410

Keep atleast 25% of your holdings in ETH or BTC then put the rest in 2-3 coins at a time. Do this with 2-3 coins every day or two and you will come out with around $100. This will add up over the course of weeks, you could make $2000 a month. The more you have, the more you'll make from every transaction. This is how you build up to getting a few thousand from 5x or 10x investments, then you can start to put money into hopeful moon missions without risking your entire stack and soon you'll have enough to actually profit from BTC as well.

Remember: when you're starting off as a poorfag, you need to put in work at grinding. It's not hard work necessarily, it won't take more than a few hours a day, but you need to buy low (buy the dip) and sell at a small gain. When you get greedy, you lose. It's basically a part time minimum wage job with a higher potential for advancement

>> No.5188647

redpill me bro

>> No.5188894

The people who've made it either bought BTC years ago or started out with $50-100k. Only the early BTCers hit a gold mine from very tiny initial investments, the rest had money from good jobs and would have probably been just fine with or without crypto. Don't get discouraged by their gains, you could get there one day if things keep on the way they are and you land a lucky coin or two. This isn't a difficult process, you barely need to research a coin to know if it's good or not, you just look at trends and follow the news. It isn't the stock market, you don't need any knowledge of trade analysis or business to actually make money. Heres an example of some recent gains I made on binance:

I looked at the cheapest coins Saturday and saw FUN, LEND and MTH were on an upwards, natural trend, there were no gigantic candles indicating a pump and dump. I researched what they were about and if news had happened or was upcoming, and they all looked good. I bought about 4,000-10,000 coins in each and monitored them. They all kept rising, or atleast not significantly dipping, so I held on until today. I saw FUN had some big news upcoming, but the others were a bit in the air. If I wasn't looking for money now, I would have just stayed in them all, but I need to increase my stack, so I cashed out of LEND and MTH for a payout of $300. I am now at $2500 after having started at $1000 three weeks ago, that's a good $500 a week profit. If I can keep it up, I could have $5000 by mid-January, maybe more if I get lucky on a moon mission.

>> No.5188956

are you interested in starting a telegram group or some shit like that? i started as a poorfag 2 weeks ago and made 200% profit so far. it's not much in absolute terms, but it's not too shabby either.

>> No.5188979

What is a telegram group?

>> No.5189001
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>you don't need any knowledge of trade analysis or business to actually make money

good luck with that

>> No.5189027

telegram is an instant messenger app like whatsapp, but with better anonymity. alternatively we could start a discord server or something.

>> No.5189074

You described exactly what i'm doing rn

>> No.5189158
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>> No.5189177

If you buy in at 0,50$ at what point to you buy out and walk away if you fear neither a dip or expect a steep rise?

>> No.5189199

Isn't every alt pumped right now waiting for a crash? Wouldn't it just be better to wait for solid alts to dip then just buy and hold?

>> No.5189206

You really don't with BTC and the current bullish state of crypto. The vast majority of people who made money did it by holding bitcoin when it was under $5-10k. People that made significant money from shitcoins are in a much smaller percentage, or they already had a good amount of BTC money. There's nothing technical about that.

>> No.5189340

>I am now at $2500 after having started at $1000 three weeks ago
lol, if you just held xmr and eth, you already would've been at 2000$, good job making 500$ more while sweating.

>> No.5189351

If you want to get rich with cryptos it's very simple: Find coins with solid fundamentals, buy, and hodl.

Don't daytrade. Don't buy the meme of the day. Just stick with a couple coins that have an actual chance of real world adoption.

Case in point: If you'd bought just ~$8,000 of XRP on Jan 1st of this year you'd be a millionaire right now.

>> No.5189402

What coins have solid fundamentals and potential right now?

>> No.5189413

my thoughts exactly, hence why im holding IOTA

>> No.5189440

Depends on how patient you are. If you need money sooner than later, then you can't just wait for that, you have to grind with what's currently available. If you are willing to wait and see, then this would be more profitable over the long term. This is all more directed towards people looking for easier, smaller short term gains, those that want to put more work into it for a faster turnaround.

I am not an expert by any means, I just started three weeks ago with no experience. If you have programming knowledge you can just program a bot to do what I explained above and just observe money being made. I don't know how to do that so I have to do it the hard way, and I am not going to "rent" a bot for $500 dollars, I don't have enough money in it. There's probably better ways than what I explained too, but this is for the totally clueless that are getting burned looking for moon missions and pump & dumps. It isn't THAT easy unfortunately.

>> No.5189446

IMO $XLM has a solid idea, and a lot of good sentiment towards it on twitter. I love this thread.

>> No.5189449

Listen to this man

don't chase FOTM pumps here or you'll lose. buy into crypto partnering with actual known entities in the real world and hold

>> No.5189474

Im to the point where ive said fuck it and i'm 50/50 XRP XLM

im convinced one of these or both will do well in the future

>> No.5189556

That works if you can HODL. For those of us starting with $1000 and looking for money sooner than later, we can't. That IS the smartest and easiest way to do it for sure. If you are looking for an actual income from month to month, you have to grind.

>> No.5189571

thinking of buying $XRP right now, seeing that is dipped with pretty good support

>> No.5189577


>> No.5189605

>IMO $XLM has a solid idea, and a lot of good sentiment towards it on twitter. I love this thread.

i do agree, but i'm a poorfag who started out with around $1000. i'm looking to get to 10k short term, so i can invest that money into HODL coins like IOTA for example.

>> No.5189610

good joke

>> No.5189639


fuck, meant to reply to you

>> No.5189643

I hodl REQ, SUB et QSP, every month I put around 1,5k in my long hodl.
And I daytrad for fun with about 500 but that's just because I have to much free time and no friends

>> No.5189647

Probably, but who would have known to hold on to those? As far as I know their surge kind of came out of nowhere, right? Thats why it's hard to just sit and wait, it seems like you get burnt more than you get lucky in the short term.

>> No.5189668
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An actual honest post on this board. Newfags, listen to this anon.

>> No.5189674

Don't worry bro, I'm an even poorer fag.. I got almost $600 rn but it was definitely through grinding. My goal currently is to keep stacking my sats, but a good encouragement throughout the day has been to make $100/day.. gotta start somewhere

>> No.5189686
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I did this when i was a poorfag. Bought up the cheapest coins I could and sold at 3x and moved onto bigger coins like XRP and REQ.
I started out with POE and TRX when they were .01c as that was all I could afford at the time.

>> No.5189711

Kel. Let's take it even further.

If you got the free XRP airdrop like 3 years ago that'd be 1/2 a million now. If you got the free NEM airdrop you'd be a multimillionaire.

It only takes 13 20% to 10x your money.

>> No.5189716

I'm doing something similar. Started with 3k investment and $500 In BTC over the summer as starting grounds. Holding 21k and 11k and 64k in cheap coins and I'm on pace for $20k/mo profits and still gaining lots of BTC value.

>> No.5189747

Same dude, got 1,5k coming tomorrow. Thinking about putting it in XLM, what are you going to get into next?

>> No.5189814

I did this myself. I bought in on LTC back in june, let it sit, made it to 500 bucks after that big boom and now I'm sitting at $1400~

Next stop is 10k. Listen to OP newfags, this is great advice

>> No.5189816

>makes a couple of profitable trades
>makes an advice post about it

thx m8 buy low sell high how did i not think of this

>> No.5189836

What's the best way to get around transaction fees?

>> No.5189847

I was thinking the same, XLM.
But I'm looking also at TRX and XVG, I need to research a bit more

>> No.5189880

Trade on Binance and pay fees with Bnb coins

>> No.5189894

started with 1k 3 weeks ago too and im at 2.5k too anon hoping for 4k by EOY. What are your plans for the upcoming week? I'm 55% ETH 35% ARK and 10% NEO.

>> No.5189907

I just bought a good stack of XVG. Even with all the shilling on biz about it I think it's a solid coin. Germanys largest business publication just released an article about it too, complete with an interview from crazy McAfee


>> No.5189946


Where are you buying LTC?

I've made 50% by holding it, but i pay $15 fees to buy ONE LTC ($320) on coinbase now and that seems quite high

>> No.5190007

ppl have been saying fuck btc and go alts for the last 6 months... this was honestly the worst fucking advise that anyone could/would follow. BTC has finally gone "mainstream" and unfortunately for a lot of alt's this is a HUGE deal for BTC. If people would just understand that when BTC cap's the price will never shoot like this again. It's coming faster then most anticipated and if you think BTC "is too expensive." your going to be in for a real shocker over the next few months. ETH will be next but i'm talking 3 years next. Don't forget BTC can't be sold, and has no CEO's talking shit and shilling.. it's unstoppable and will scale when they implement the lightning network. NOT buying BTC is a mistake, even at 18-19. Trust me.

>> No.5190046

>You need to look at the cheapest coins and invest in them, looking to come out with $30-$50 per trade. Sort by the cheapest coin and see if it's on the rise or on the decline.

Cheap and expensive are such relative terms. Fiat or satoshi value means absolute shit in absence of market cap.

Good strategy overall, except for your "look at price" spaghetti.

>> No.5190050

I know people said it before but do you honestly see Bitcoin going x5 again?

>> No.5190058

I bought BTC initially on coinbase and then converted it to LTC on Binance. There's a better way I'm sure, but I made up for the fees already with the price increase. You probably won't avoid the fees, just consider it a business expense.

>> No.5190122
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Hey, trading eth is exactly what I was about to do, I tried using shapeshift, but I'm srsly confused by where to find my adresses, where will I send all my FUN?
>plz no bully

>> No.5190206

you're lucky you got out of poe when you did i lost some money on that only cashed out half way

>> No.5190238

I can, no one knows how many USD exist. That's ignoring all other major currencies too, the amount of normies who are about to use it to dodge divorce payments and other money grabbing legislation is only limited by their desire to keep their money.

Shit hasn't even started yet.

>> No.5190245
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european princess makes my tummy feel all warm and happy !!!

>> No.5190283

Google a wallet or keep them on an exchange. I just have everything on Binance, no point in managing multiple wallets and all that shit with my little amount. When you get into big money or are mining, you'll need wallets to store your coin.

>> No.5190489

If the goal is cash on hand then wouldn't fiat be what you are most concerned about?

>> No.5190502

I got coinbase, isn't that a wallet? Shouldn't it work? Or do I have to get binance?

>> No.5190524

we'll make it bro

>> No.5190534

just buy LINK

>> No.5190655

Coinbase is an exchange, like binance. Exchanges can be hacked.
A wallet will give you an encrypted file that you can download and store away.
As long as you know the code, you can always recover your cryptos.

Google MyEtherWallet. It's easy to set up, but like the other anon stated, not necessary unless you start playing with huge amounts of money cq cryptos

>> No.5190663

Yes, of course, however in order to judge if a token is cheap or expensive you need to consider market cap. The current usd value tells you nothing.

A 0.01 usd coin might be expensive as fuck if there are a trillion of such coins.

>> No.5190746

How do you judge its real value then?

>> No.5190891

its real value is the current market price, by definition.
will the demand go up in the future?

>> No.5191169

I'm down... if you're still here. Honestly thinking about day trading with 1BTC and seeing where it goes

>> No.5191215


This works until ETH moons, then you get just'd.

>> No.5191231

sure, i'm still here
what's your telegram name?

>> No.5191384

How does stop limit work? Say I have 6000 coins in FUN and its currently at .00000375 BTC. I want it to sell if it hits .00000300 BTC. Do I set the stop to. 00000300 or the limit? What do I put the limit at?

>> No.5191449
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do you have any recommendations as to where to buy cryptos

>> No.5191507

This is a great thread guys.
I started with $1000, up to $3100. Hoping to be at 5k end of week. I’m looking for 50% gains every week for 25 weeks.
If I do that I’ll have 78mil and change.

>> No.5191517
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Digitz confirm

>> No.5191624

How do I find good coins to invest in? Where are you supposed to do research?

>> No.5191679

just downloaded it...

name: MilkMoney

>> No.5191798

I want to invest but I'm still grinding at minwage.

I have $500 I could invest. Is this enough or too little? Also which crypto is best to put 500 in right now?

>> No.5191842

whats your goal? buy and hodl? trade? lose money?

>> No.5191910

Youtube it baby dick wallet

>> No.5191948

watch what's shilled on /biz/ but don't buy at ATH.
Biz's picks are very good long term, but when you see something shilled it's for the purpose of dumping their bags on you. Have patience cause it will dip.

>> No.5191975

This is a great thread guys.
I started with $1000, up to $3100. Hoping to be at 5k end of week. I’m looking for 50% gains every week for 25 weeks.
If I do that I’ll have 78mil and change.

>> No.5192026

can i join your group too?? please i always fomo at ath..

>> No.5192059

Be lucky

>> No.5192112

I want to do a test run with a stupidly small amount just to see how it all works.

I start at something like Binance I guess. First goal should probably be to get a coin to the point where the transaction fees dont make me go negative.

>> No.5192290

>get a coin to the point where the transaction fees dont make me go negative.

Plan ahead and execute.

>> No.5192314

>If you're putting in less than $5000, you won't make anything just sitting on BTC, it's too expensive now.
I stopped reading after this. BTC is never too expensive. It's always a good hold because it maintains value or steadily increases while the alts dump. BTC (and maybe LTC) are the best options for newbie/ADHD traders.

>> No.5192330

Remember with trading that you can be taxed at income tax level (40%+) rather than capital gains (20%) tax if you're in the UK.

>> No.5192389

I guess overtrading is when people start sweating because they see dips and try to get rid of all their stashes which sends them on a downwards spiral?

>> No.5192422

Just bought a couple LTC

How fucked am I?

>> No.5192562

Yes brother add me. I've been paper trading while I'm waiting on the SEC to approve my withdraw of traditional stocks so I can invest into crypto. So far, I'm making 50 bucks every 15min just trading BTC looking at the RSI

About to go to the gym though, I'll be back in like 2 hours

>> No.5192824

there are 2 milkmoney on telegram added both, are u ''slow but sure odds''?

>> No.5192957
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am i doing it rite?

>> No.5193063


Let's say the coin now trades at 100.

Rational strategy: buy in at 100, exit at 120, stop-loss at 80.

What I do: buy in at 100, watch the price. Goes down to 90. Panic sell. Drops further to 88, then starts climbing back up. Panic buy, except it's now it's at 95, so I've lost money. Wait. It starts climbing up. Crosses 120. OK, sell. Notice it keeps going up. Re-buy at 135. Keeps going for a while, briefly touches 150, then collapses all the way to 110. HODL meme kicks in. Wait. Rebounds to 120. Cool. HODL. Check after few hours, The price has been slowly dropping and is now at 110. Realize that I'm fucked, sell. In the end I've made one good trade (95->120), but I've also made two bad trades (100->90 and 135->110), so I have a net loss.

This is where "HODL" and "do not try to daytrade" memes come from. Imagine I would have bought at 100, walked away for a few hours, came back and saw the price at 110. So I would be +10% without really doing anything.

>> No.5193101
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the thing is, where the fuck do i find good reliable websites with good exchange rates for these alt coins

>> No.5193118

you have to stay frosty mane

>> No.5193130

>zero sum game
>trying to help new people

are you fucking retarded OP? dont you understand how more people do the same thing is BAD in trading? You fucking goody two shoes idiot

>> No.5193150

yep ive got burned doing that shit. Just buy set your sell order and walk away

>> No.5193157


>> No.5193207

>everyone in crypto is on /biz/

Come on, Anon. Use your brain.

>> No.5193226

no... its good in trading. it's literally how you create speculative bubbles.

>> No.5193251



OP delete this thread

>> No.5193253

>be me derping through /biz/
>see this thread read it and go hmm
>research cheapest coins
>find CND on binance
>drop $1000 worth of BTC at 230
>up to 360 in less than 15 minutes
>mumble, “good thread”

>> No.5193316

So comfy hodling 7k XLM. I already feel like I made it. I just have to wait a year.

>> No.5193420

Do you realize how high the mc would have to be to 'make it' with only 7k?

>> No.5193426

Are your initials SW?

>> No.5193751


So you just started three weeks ago and now you're giving advice like you're some big time investor? Well guess what, pretty much every coin has been pumping the last few weeks, making gains has never been easier. Pretty much any strategy would hold up, you'd have to be really stupid to lose money in this market.

Maybe come back after the bull market ends and see how well you're still doing.

>> No.5193787

a lot of ppl I know in South Korea are taking out loans from friends and credit cards just to trade crypto, pretty much what made all the gains over the 2017

>> No.5193951

people who want to join the telegram group: post your username

>> No.5194043

Just post yours and people will add you in case the thread dies

>> No.5194062

Johnny Tabasco, I use a thinking man avatar.
I added the milk dude but he's afk.

>> No.5194118


>> No.5194156


>> No.5194223

Thx in advance!

>> No.5194257


thank u :^)

>> No.5194274

how the fuck do I register without a phone?

>> No.5194278

Your thoughts are wrong

>> No.5194376


>> No.5194426

username is Nashtoner

>> No.5194437

But can I stop being a wagecuck?

>> No.5194500

group link:

t dot me slash cryptokekk

>> No.5194511


>> No.5194560

I wouldn't until you hit a million.

>> No.5194604

OK big shot, then you give some advice. Or let me guess, can't reveal the secrets of the trade? Fuck off, if you're going to talk shit then back it up, nobody is impressed.

>> No.5194662

are you saying just *always* buy the cheapest then just wait it out?

or select from the cheapest 10 or so based on if they're closer to all time low or high

>> No.5194730

Depends on your definition of making it. I'm a student at the moment so my funds are limited but I'm putting what I can afford to lose into crypto and if I can walk away with enough to fund my masters then I'd count that as making it. Achievable goals are all I'm interested in.

>> No.5194841


>> No.5195062


>> No.5195122


>> No.5195331

OP you are not wrong, but you are making daytrading easier that it actually is. It is easier to be in profit during the time when almost everything goes up. But that will not always be the case.

>> No.5195408
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>> No.5195490
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I've been at this all day, I'm feeling more and more stupid as time goes by

>Want to get into Crypto
>Want to buy Alt coin
>Get Coinbase
>Buy ETH
>Get MyEtherWallet
>Get MetaMask
>Get rekt

Am I the only one in the world who just cannot understand how to turn my ETH into FUN and then store it somewhere?

I just want to have FUN!

>> No.5195534

Someone, anyone, please help? Should I start from scratch, burn my (empty)paper wallets, get binance?????? WAT DO T_T

>> No.5195761
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Don't need to burn your wallets.
Yes create an account on binance, and send eth to the adress there.
It's the best exchange in quality, volume and has all the new alts.

Please use my referal 10698637, you can give your adress and I'll payback half of it.

>> No.5195773


>> No.5195838

Will do kind anon

>> No.5195845

For fuck's sake! Thisbis no rocket science! Get your act together.

Step 1. Buy ether of bitcoin at your preferred exchange.
Step 2. Open a binance account.
Step 3. Transfer uour ether or bitcoin to your corresponding binance wallet.
Step 4. Shop your desired tokens.
Step 5. Get a my ether wallet wallet.
Step 6. Make sure you have your private keys somewhere safe.
Step 7. Do a test withdrawal from binance to mew.
Step 8. Withdraw your tokens from binance to mew.
Step 9. Add your custom tokens on mew.
Step 10. Go to sleep.

>> No.5195904

kanoski b

>> No.5195924

thanks, are there any other sites with a wider variety of alt coins, binance doesnt even have dogecoin?

>> No.5195936
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Just use Binance my anon friend. Lower fees if you use their coin, new features added weekly, ICOs ring ran through the website, good coins added daily.

If you or anyone else decides to sign up, please use my referral code: 10918179

Just remember anon: We’re all going to make it.

>> No.5195998


Tyler Swift

>> No.5196027

poorest fag

>> No.5196056

stop posting porn, it's not conducive to trading.

>> No.5196065

>If you'd bought just ~$8,000 of XRP on Jan 1st of this year you'd be a millionaire right now.
you killed your credibility with this

>> No.5196198

You should look for trends first and foremost, does it go up and down or is it stagnant? The cheaper it is, the more you can buy and gain from when you're working with a small amount of money. You can still make gains from a coin that's $.30 or even $50, but it won't be nearly as significant unless you catch a moon. If you have 6000 coins you bought at .03 cents and it goes up to .07, you made 200 dollars. A .50 cent coin isn't going to make as significant of a jump in a short amount of time and you will have less of them, thus less profit.

>> No.5196246

No dude. You buy ETH on Coinbase then transfer it to an exchange like Binance or Bittrex. Then you go to the ETH market and make your altcoin purchases. You're adding way too many steps.

>> No.5196299

Step 3, I transfered, coinbase thanked me, funds gone from coinbase
Funds not in binance.... I don goofed?

>> No.5196331

what's the best trend we're looking for, do we buy it on the up trend and wait till it goes up more, or on the down hoping we're at the bottom of the dip?(implying there's what looks like a trend reversal incoming)

>> No.5196361

wait a bit, you should be able to see it on binance and coinbase as pending, if it's ETH it should go pretty fast

>> No.5196408

Add me to the telegram


>> No.5196431

I read that trading to Gdax from coinbase, and gdax to binance was best option to save fees?

>> No.5196675

At the start of an uptrend, but look at the 24hr ATH and low. Which one is it closer to at the moment? If the ATH, then wait for a dip. If it's close to the low and there's news upcoming or you see it's gone up and down consistently before, then buy in.

>> No.5196887

I know super late but no I don't have anything on my profile

>> No.5196947

nice thread op

>> No.5197444


Add me


>> No.5197821


>> No.5198127
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>> No.5198182


>> No.5198464


the problem with that is many people do this:

buy at 100... confident to sell at 120... set stop-loss at 80....

whenever hitting 120 they sell...

but often, when hitting 85... they think... nah... it's just a dip it's still going to 120... remove stop-loss at 80... set at 70... coin hit 73.... move stop-loss to 65.... coin hits 66... move to 60... coin hit 60 and stopped out.

don't be that guy. i've been that guy.

>> No.5198488


>> No.5198752

Please add me to the telegraph as well.
Name: kawaiiteedus

>> No.5199057
File: 17 KB, 994x165, daytrading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why am I even here

>> No.5199201


>> No.5199265

hhaha holy shit what coin is this

>> No.5199331


>> No.5199407

Can one of you add me?
Username: ToWinIt

>> No.5199414

fuck you nigga!

>> No.5199555

Best post I've ever seen on here

Admittedly I only joined two weeks ago

>> No.5199599


lol wtf; alright seriously I have no idea what you're doing but it seems like you constantly get shaken out positions. Remember it's the trader's job to get into positions and It's the market job to shake em out.

Now I want you to load up a chart on trading view. Use Heikin Ashi candles, MFI and CCI to scalp. Confirm that the trend is okay with MACD and AO. Then just scalp if you want to try your luck in beat the bots in <1 hr trades. I wouldn't advise doing it long-term because chances are you'll get cocky and lose it all up in one bad trade.

>> No.5199744

until it comes back to 0.50$ you neither won nor lost. THATS THE GAMBLE

>> No.5199873

Here are some good Discord chat groups to help you out.
There's some good info to be had there and some do regular co-ordinated pumps.


>> No.5199982

Egon Thanks in advance

>> No.5200000

How the fuck does one use this chink site

>> No.5200103

>it's the trader's job to get into positions and It's the market job to shake em out.
Haven't seen that way of explaining it yet, actually a little enlightening

I somehow managed to double my measly investment of a couple hundred bucks since then but that was all thanks to browsing biz for hours until I'd find a smart sounding anon and doing what he'd say. In the process I noticed that the less I touch the buttons the more money I make

Thanks for the genuine advice, currently looking into all of these. Could you elaborate on what you mean by AO? Also, if you've got some autism tier textbook that might be worth giving a read, hit me

pic related, save me from myself

>> No.5200120

how do you get verified on gdax? they said they can't find me on public records

>> No.5200130
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>> No.5200146

I'm late to the party, still adding people to the telegram?

>> No.5200153

Fuck off with your pajeet vizard pump scams. This thread is meant to guide noobs away from you shits.

>> No.5200233
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Starting with quints is a good way my dude

>> No.5200253

You have to give your passport info

>> No.5200449

Telegram : EnronCoin

If you're still adding bro

>> No.5200486
File: 31 KB, 567x561, 12d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> quints for this

>> No.5200555

>Could you elaborate on what you mean by AO?
Nevermind, found it

>> No.5200719

Can you add me too?

>> No.5200957


You spelled XBY wrong.

>> No.5201162

XLM is on an uptrend I'd recommend it. Also REQ. My next investment is LINK, putting 1 ETH into that and maybe an ether in BAT as well

>> No.5201259

I'm a complete noob at this, in order to invest in XRP or XLM I can only buy using BTC?

>> No.5201264

100% disagree, BTC is the ultimate shitcoin. I even used it for years to buy drugs so I know. Good luck tho

>> No.5201271


>> No.5201357

did anyone actually get added to the telegram

>> No.5201685

Yeah it's called cryptokek

>> No.5201687


>> No.5202257

so if I invest $100 on a coin, instead of waiting moon for months I should grind from small dips/gains in day trade?

>> No.5202295

I started with $210 a week ago and I'm just at $214 now. Half of that's in Bitcoin, the rest I'm toying around with and probably losing money with