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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5182251 No.5182251 [Reply] [Original]

How does buying drugs from a local seller on the dark web with bitcoin work?

>> No.5182297

who knows

>> No.5182320
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we dont use BTC anymore. We use Monero
Buy a used Thinkpad of the Internet
Buy a prepaid SIM card from one of those places where niggers cash in food stamps
Put SIM card in thinkpad

>> No.5182337
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Take USB install Tails OS from your main PC
Stick USB in thinkpad
Boot it
Start up Tor

>> No.5182357

How's the situation in switzerland?

>> No.5182371

that looks like cheap hash to mee.

>> No.5182377
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Go to Grams(google the onion link)
Pick your poison or art of degeneracy
Find a shop with good vendor reviews

>> No.5182384

yes, you can still use btc on dream

>> No.5182401
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kek, enjoy ur new friends

>> No.5182407

Go find a house with landline
Open nid
Plug in laptop
Then dial in to your isp
Download the child porn (thats probably what you are really asking)
Then kill yourself

>> No.5182431
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go to one of the foreigner run tobacco shops and ask him for an untraceable prepaid SIM karte
its not safe fagot. OP will land in jail
Once you find a shop with good vendor reviews
Load up XMR on the market place
Order your degenerate poison of choice

>> No.5182434

Find a seller with good reviews for a product you want and send BTC to the provided address, what did you expect? Also, choose a seller with escrow or else if they're shady they can just take the money and run.

>> No.5182448

>Mfw superjail really exists

>> No.5182523
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Dont click FINALIZE early
If your order is large i.e for a party or so, you will need to use a trusted vendor and be prepared psychologically that he might exit scam you
Order one of those anonymous mail boxes or Briefkasten in der Schweiz and have your order sent there. Or use a neighbours address if you have balls and time the delivery
dont listen to this idiot, he is living in 2013

>> No.5182549
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however I do not recommend this. Normies fuck it up all the time and endager security for all of us. Just suck it up and eat the markup of your local dealer, let him worry abouth this logistics, much safer

>> No.5182579

You dont. You buy Monero, then buy drugs off the dark web. Also works for children, dirty bombs and butter knives, for those who live in the UK.

>> No.5182767

How does sending shit to an appartment building work? Do I just send it to the building anonymously?

>> No.5182841

>butter knives
Finally a dark net for the common man!

>> No.5182899

buy Lenova Thinkpad (one with the little red button in the middle of the keyboard)
buy USB to sim thumbdrive
go to walmart and buy burner phone
use sim for thumbdrive and connect burner phone to modem
download onion and use piratebay.org

>> No.5182941
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depends on your location. Where are you?

>> No.5183020

Guessed as much. Gonna have to do searching on my own.

>> No.5183061
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in america they use their neighbours porches. In Europe we cant do this

>> No.5183191

Okay, from what I've gathered the postman NEEDS a name when delivering.
I think that what I'm gonna do is send it to the post office itself with a fake name and go pick it up with a fake driver's licence with the said fake name on it.

>> No.5183219
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lmao just use your name you cuck, nobody gives a shit

>> No.5183259

FBI here. I have recorded all of the IP addresses posting in this thread and will be in touch in due course.

>> No.5183287

Trump here. Tick Tock.

>> No.5183300

What country you in?

>> No.5183309
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Im out of your jurisdiction you edgelord
t. Mons Hadley resident