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5181737 No.5181737 [Reply] [Original]

Snoop dogg twittering about crypto. Who else here /takingprofits/?
Cashed out 75% of my stack, fuck this shit

>> No.5181783
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>he cashed himself out
>in the outside

>> No.5181868

if bitcoin achieves spendability it's no longer a bubble. it's just a second cash.

basically if transaction costs are solved it's over. bitcoin wins.

>> No.5182204

Not gonna happen. At this stage the price is only held by speculation, no one is interested anymore in an actual usecase. For it to double from this point we would need another $200b. Even the manipulating forces in the background won't be able to keep this up

>> No.5182256

You will regret this, its going to be very painful. You might suicide

>> No.5182625

I cashed out. The crash is coming very soon. Bulls are delusional if they can't see it coming soon.

>> No.5182642

her tits are fucking fake and that makes me cringe

>> No.5182691

Say what you will, but once the nigger money is in, it's already too late.

>> No.5182718

>he thinks it takes 200b worth of cash for market cap to increase by 200b

>> No.5182742

how are they fake?

>> No.5182743

Lmao. Cryptomarket's marketcap has doubled in less than a month.

>> No.5182745

I'd still nut deep inside her

>> No.5182761
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I'm out too OP. Cashed out 75%. Made over 100k this month alone and 10x'd this year. I've reached my goals and this market is unsustainable

Good luck to all people still trying to /makeit/..

>> No.5182847
File: 23 KB, 997x542, ff80b4f5b5e47ca815d16428529bcd36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fucking bubble threads are really starting to rustle my jimmies...

Look kids, just sell and walk away from the party, its that simple.
Selling is a remarkably efficient way of transferring wealth from beta scared neets to chad trader generals

>> No.5182853

I still got some $15k in the game and yes I feel like missing out already. But the recent mainstream attention is insane and scary.

I think you've done well. Dump on the normies, don't be the one being dumped on.

Well, if everyone would expect to be able to cash out their share it would need to

>> No.5182887

fair play

>> No.5182914

>implying the bubble will just burst all the way down to 0$ instead of creating an other bubble that will be 3x larger.

also.. There are hundreds of different coins, they can easily pop the first bubble and create another one.

Infinite money bitchezzz

>> No.5182935

>Snoop Dogg
He's been in crypto longer than you have dumbass.

>> No.5183024

Even more so is the fact that Coinbase replies to him saying they'll help and then Bitpay too and some drone company. This is quickly going mainstream.

>> No.5183109

I'm gambling there's still one crazy year left ;-)

>> No.5183117


I just cashed 2 BCH out for $5400 AUD, if I had waited 20 minutes it would be $6200 FUCK

But anyway this bullrun is unsustainable, as soon as some whale decides he wants to crash the market or cash out the whole market will collapse.

>> No.5183151

ITT: weak hands discuss their weakness. Bull markets end on euphoria. Does this thread sound like euphoria?

Stay poor, plebs.

>> No.5183166

If it crashes there are still some projects with real world uses that could flourish.

>> No.5183174

Nice link
>op still a faggot

>> No.5183195
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Yes goy sell your crypto, holding fiat is the best for you.

>> No.5183212

also just cashed out some mulah but still 75% of my funds are in crypto

>> No.5183234
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They aren't, she just matured into these funbags.

>> No.5183243

right fucking now

>> No.5183279

Yes! Deposit into a mutual fund, guaranteed 1.8% return every year, assuming the economy never tanks, you'll have a million dollars by the time you're only 70!

>> No.5183350

Solong you wont be missed

>> No.5183551
File: 59 KB, 640x511, u idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snoop talked about bitcoin 3 years ago man, he unironically most likely knew about it before you.

Let that fact soak in, snoop is an early adopter and you are the late normie.

>> No.5183720

What if this is a trap for people to cash out and pay taxes this fiscal year?

>> No.5183856

you have no clue how many trillions of dollars of fake money are out there

>> No.5183881

see you at 40k OP. haven't you realized the bubble is a meme yet?

>> No.5183981

Once in the time of human history, you faggots get free mansions and lambos.

Banks shake it of yall anyway

>> No.5184569

only retards dont think its a bubble. only retards talk about weak hands and hodl until the buble pops and they end up panic selling. of course its a fucking bubble.

now hurry up and pop this shit so i can catch the falling knife and lambo up on the next bubble

>> No.5184635

She's actually attractive until she starts talking.

>> No.5184725

The question is when will the whales dump?

I know there are a ton of addresses that have multi millions in BTC

>> No.5185112

I have been on the chans since at high school. I grew up here. Used to spend my time on b but have come a long way since then. Now work in finance in an IB you would know, just got made VP. I have read research that indicates the average US hodler would sell at 200k USD. The reason they chose that number? It's the average house price in parts of the USA. I don't have a crystal ball but there are a lot of strong hands here that are not selling soon.

>> No.5185221

But the 1 million dollar question is : when will it crash, that's the thing

Gotta say I'm only in for 6 months and with "low money" (only a student for now, so kek) but I still made huge profits
I'm considering cashing out soon but I still take the risk of riding the wave for a bit more

>> No.5185361

Ok take your original investment out and free roll. Sleep well. Problem solved.

>> No.5185375

every day the crash is closer. id rather wait for a popped bubble, catch the knife during the hysteria and wait for a new ATH. even if you insist on the gomble, why bull down on bitcoin rn when you could ball out with XLM or REQ which can realistically hit $1

>> No.5185424

Start ups being valued 100m or more can't be more clearer sign of a bubble. And you want to double down.


>> No.5185652

Well actually I have less in BTC than OMG and PAY. I invested also a good part in NEO. And I'd say I prefer altcoins to BTC for now, because I gained more with them because of my smaller investment than I'd have with BTC

But as >>5185424 said, there is way too much money in the market when you compare to the real uses those coins have

>> No.5185677

I thought of cashing out the gains I made and letting my original investment in but I guess that is also a strategy I should think of

>> No.5186031

Its like Deal or No Deal. Cashout now for 150k or ride it up to 1.5 million?

>> No.5186077


>> No.5186162

Why cash out and owe capital gain tax instead of spending it directly?

>> No.5186221

He invests in startups like Robinhood too, get a load of normie OP

>> No.5186267

why dump?
lmao we already know $ is the real funny money.

>> No.5186319

I'm slowly shaving money off of my portfolio. Having lots of liquidity when it pops means you just get to make ever bigger fucking gainz by buying dirt cheap tokens.

>> No.5186402

Nearly doubled my money with my overdraft in the last 2 weeks and I’m a poor fag. If had joined a few months back I’d be happier but it is what it is.

>> No.5186420

Went from 300 usd to like 12000, I'm happy with my gains, cashed out yday.

The question you have to ask yourself is how much does the market need to grow to see gains like that again? and is it worth risking the money you have on the table?

>> No.5186708

well the hard part about cashing out any money is that if you withdraw 5k now that could be 20k less money in a couple of months

greed is a motherfucker

>> No.5186719

its a unique type of bubble in that when we look at the dotcom bubble they actually posted ernings as it was post public offering and nothing matched up, with crypto there is nothing ro reavaluate based on. its 100% speculation with the only reference being proce memory which has never really been seen before.

as such it is increadibly difficult to call when combined with the zero regulation on manipulations by bot exchanges etc. the reality is that you can increase the price of bitcoin by a dollar by simply spending a dollar above asking price....

i have sold some but im in this out of interest and because i feel people who speculate on things they dont understand deserve to lose everything....so i really am hoping for a big crash.

95%of the cpins out there do nothing and most have no product BUT they have hopefully cashed out enough to continue development into the second bubble

>> No.5186802

>For it to double from this point we would need another $200b. Even the manipulating forces in the background won't be able to keep this up

"Mario Draghi cuts money-printing in half to buy €30bn of bonds each month"
just saying
