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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5180639 No.5180639 [Reply] [Original]

>when you were underage b8 and told your family to invest in BTC when it was 50 cents
>when they laughed at you and called you stupid
>when they don't even remember that and give me shit for being a loser

we could've been billionaires, but daddy thought i was just a dumb kid, now i cant even afford electricity

>> No.5180676

Nigga you couldn't buy bitcoin at 50 cents?
lol you never had any money as kid?

>> No.5180705

i hope you get cancer

kids dont have credit cards, please fuck off nigger

>> No.5180766
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>when you were an adult and told by /biz/ to invest in LINK when it was 40 cents, REQ at 30 cents and QSP at 18 cents
I hope you learn from history.

>> No.5180793

Uh you could have just used a debit card

>> No.5180803

You were too dumb to ever own Bitcoin. Use OTC or trade locally.

>> No.5180821

Fuck off, it's obvious you're still underage

>> No.5180837
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>not having a part time job as a kid and having your IT teacher create you a wallet and buy the BTC for you

>> No.5180851

dont have to be 18 to have a debit card? At least, im pretty sure thats the case in the uk.

>> No.5180866
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These things weren't there fagots. Only thing accessible to a kid at that time was mining of which I partook in with my laptop and gaming computer at the time of which am glad

>> No.5180868


Link and Req, what is the third one. I have a sizable Link stack and want to start accumulating Req soon.

>> No.5180933

I got mine in middle school in the 90s. Burger here
Did they change that?

>> No.5180979

take the link out of there please and replace it with anything else...

>> No.5181026

nah in the UK its 16 but you need a guardian to sign you on

>> No.5181040

They were there since the start. Stop larping. If you had internet and money in some form you could've bought Bitcoin with some effort.

>> No.5181060

I told my Sister to buy bitcoin at 3k. Then Ether when it dipped sub 300. Then again at 400.
>I just dont have any money right now

Ohh but they can take a vacation to Los Vegas, they have money for that.

>> No.5181118
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The social stigma of giving out money to get some digital chuck e cheese tokens was far greater than actually mining them. You had to be borderline retarded to purchase BTC with money. Most who did were trolls

>> No.5181163

So in the end you got only yourself to blame.

>> No.5181215
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I said I mined a shit ton of BTC and later LTC mate

>> No.5181260

People forget how the world worked in 2010.
Parents wouldn't trust that shit.
How are you buying? PayPal? You got to be 18 for PayPal and my parents didn't trust it.

>> No.5181314

Why didn't you invest yourself, you didn't have 50 cent a debit card as a kid?

>> No.5181343

I too feel greatly ashamed at my own stupidity.
I had the chance to buy 100 trillion dollar bank notes from the reserve bank of Zimbabwe, for 20 cents per note when it became a decommissioned currency. Instead I spent it on cheap beer and college parties, now each crisp new bill sells for 25 dollars a piece easy and are a much sought after collectors item.
N'salah brother, quit being such a risk averse fag and buy into a cheap crypto.

>> No.5181557

>weren't there
We're not talking about 50 years ago, you cunt. Of course they were there.

>> No.5181777
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Listen fagot, Im talking about the very beginning here. BTC was considered a scam and widely paraded as such. Before coinbase, things like exchanges all looked shifty and highly suspicious. Everything was backed by a whitepaper published by some dude names Satoshi Nakamoto in a mailing list unlike the huge community we have today. Even mentioning anything remotely to do with Bitcoins got you laughed out of a room. Thats why you see most BTC whales didnt buy them, we mined them, we saw it as free money

>> No.5181894
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said dude then started answering questions about his platform in a forum and you could notice his intelligence and arrogance too. Unfortunately, people would try to troll him from time to time, or people were just to retarded to understand what he was saying and this made adoption very hard. If you didnt understand a concept, he would subtly call you a retard and continue on while ignoring you. Those were the times

>> No.5182387

So again, what year are you talking about? Let me know, and assuming it wasn't 19 fucking 90 I will tell you about how debit cards were most certainly available to you.

>> No.5182645
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i started following his threads in early 2010. I was 11 at the time

>> No.5182747

Can relate

>Be edgy potsmoking 16 year old
>"DUDE! I can buy weed on the deep web with this stuff called BitCoin."
>BTC is only a couple pennies each
>Get scared and forget about the idea until BTC goes over $1000

Not a smoker nowadays, but it will forever haunt me that the leftover change from a degenerate teenage act could have left me financially well-off.

>> No.5182908
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this. Everything is so much easier and improved now. For example, back then the only wallet we had was Core and maybe Armory and things were very poorly documented. Things were also so weird and foreign with Public addresses, private keys and such

>> No.5182936

>land of the tea and home of the Islam

Oi m8 u got a permit for that bank card?

>> No.5182989

Should have started accumulating req 2 weeks ago

>> No.5183648
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>credit card at 14

Never too soon to start racking up that debt, goyim!

>> No.5184657


>> No.5184827

Didn’t need a CC, friend

Wire transferred cash to Mt. Gox from a western union plenty of times.