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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 4 KB, 406x124, nem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5178117 No.5178117 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese Ethereum

Buy while its under $1

Going to $50 moon mission in 2018

>> No.5178147

You're a complete fucking retard.NEM is way better than ethereum you handicap.

It will at best go to 3 dollars. IN about 2 years. FUcking nufags. NEM made alot of early biz very wealthy faggot.

>> No.5178172

>3 dollars
>in 2 years
>3x profit
2 years? ltc made me 3x profit in 2 days just last week

>> No.5178213

Cardano is the Japanese ethereum, though I'm not saying NEM is bad. I'm actually surprised it hasn't risen further. I've been watching this since the start of the year but I haven't bought in (mostly bought in to other coins)

>> No.5178228

faggot that posted that doesn't understand math

NEM is going to $50 in 2018 when Japanese banks adopt it

>> No.5178253

So what are the go to Japan coins? This and Mona?

>> No.5178267

where can I buy NEM?

it isn't on Binance

>> No.5178309

go to coinmarketcap.com , click on nem, and then click on markets

>> No.5178312

Polo and Bittrex

>> No.5178345

When will they learn.

>> No.5178360

Kek, literally cannot register on their "website"

>> No.5178361

>still waiting for catapult ever since i entered crypto at july.

but seriously xem could be 5 dollars at most since the market cap is so high

>> No.5178369

This is going at least 5$. Don't care if you don't believe it.

People have called this the sleeping giant for a reason.

WeChat has 1.1b users, do you fucking retards even comprehend that amount?

>> No.5178371

ITT: A lot of retards that don't understand what marketcap is.

faggot shills can't even shill properly

>> No.5178389

I have 200k+ on Bittrex and no probs so far. Maybe terrorists and Pajeets are blacklisted

>> No.5178406
File: 570 KB, 801x595, 1500150366426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I never redeemed my NEMstake

Will the regret ever go away? I wish NEM would stop going up.

>> No.5178413
File: 56 KB, 583x435, 1498986182307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought jap eth is supposed to be nukoium or some catshit?

>> No.5178418


>> No.5179080
File: 81 KB, 1016x1082, nekonium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of you are fucking wrong.

>> No.5179111

Nah. I'm good, thank you.

>> No.5179311

Bought a couple days ago. Up 30% already.