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51731252 No.51731252 [Reply] [Original]

Am I wrong? The only way to fix all of the insane economical and social issues we are suffering from in this world is to have a worldwide reset, whether its from war or being nuked or a worldwide revolution
>inb4 we are in a great reset
thats just some globalist transition shit to keep us in cages

>> No.51731298

It's called vaxxies finding out they took poison all at once. That should do the trick.

>> No.51731306
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You are correct, but it will take something far more dramatic and cataclysmic than a nuclear war or societal collapse. Civilization itself must fail, utterly and completely. And not just "modern civilization" but civilization itself.

>> No.51731311

Well yeah. The hope is that everyone chimps out after all of the banks collapse and everyones mortgages and retirement accounts go poof and we all either remove all of our politicians or just completely replace the system somehow.

We we need to be prepared to deal with next is all of the techno-feudalist (((solutions))) that will be offered up as a replacement.

>> No.51731315

I wish we had so all that would be left of humanity is the sub 50 iq mouth breathing retards and you'd all suffer a horrifically painful death by starvation since you're a bunch of useless eaters and incapable of producing anything

>> No.51731329

2 more weeks!!!!!!

>> No.51731356
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>> No.51731360

anon if the last year has shown you anything it should be that they will literally watch their friends and family die before succumbing to some "strange" illness themselves without ever thinking, let alone admitting, that the experimental toxic protein manufacturing juice they got injected with might somehow be related.
my GP today was talking about how she's been sick for months with some "weird" illness and getting antibody tests to try to figure out what it is (not covid), then mentioned she getting the new bivalent booster soon. my friend's mom was among the first to get the vaccine because she's immunocompromised, diagnosed with terminal lymphatic cancer a couple months later. my sis is now anemic or something, also getting a bunch of tests done. my mom is getting skinny af and it's getting bad enough that she too just got requisitions for broad spectrum blood tests to figure out wtf is going on. none of them are willing or able to consider that it might have something to do with the "vaccine", because it was "safe and effective" and after all, they know some people who took it without any problems whatsoever, so how could it be that?!?
fucking ridiculous and blackpilling.

>> No.51731398

2 more weeks!!!!! Xdddddd

>> No.51731406

There are multiple ways. My preferred way would be global economic collapse and ending central banking, but we'll see what we get.

>> No.51731418

Cope. Sorry you were meme'd out of your job by /pol/. Chad and Stacy are going to be just fine.

>> No.51731425

>hurrhurr but it's not like everyone dropped dead in the street yet it's just a measly 20% increase in excess death and a couple lost years of life expectancy!!!! get your booster OK?!?
yes you're exactly the type of retard I'm referring to

>> No.51731433

>Am I wrong?


>> No.51731439

I'm not the retard here lmao. Is your break over at your factory job yet anon? Don't forget to scan your badge back in on your back to the production floor or you won't get paid wagie

>> No.51731463
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two more boosters!