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File: 80 KB, 1174x429, fed meeting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51729207 No.51729207 [Reply] [Original]

Topic: "Review and determination by the Board of Governors of the advance and discount rates to be charged by the Federal Reserve Banks."

What does it mean?

>> No.51729215

Link: https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/boardmeetings/20221003closed.htm

>> No.51729218

Pivot time.

>> No.51729222
File: 22 KB, 250x358, 875785479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fed pivot
get your fucking silver and gold orders in now

>> No.51729226

It means we pump fpbp

>> No.51729230

Starts with a p and ends with a t

>> No.51729238

You fucking wish.

>> No.51729240 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 544x1174, Screenshot 2022-09-30 204332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens all the time, they had one just two weeks ago. Nothingburger

>> No.51729257
File: 72 KB, 544x1174, Screenshot 2022-09-30 204332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens all the time, they had one just two weeks ago. Nothingburger

>> No.51729266

They are deciding if the next hike will be 50 or 75 basis points.

>> No.51729282

>PCE comes out hotter than expected
>Surprise meeting about rates scheduled next business day
Yeah bros I'm thinkin we're back pivot incoming wagmi

>> No.51729291
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Fuck yea. I just loaded up on all my commodity picks today

>> No.51729294

if it's anything less than 1 that counts as a pivot

>> No.51729325
File: 36 KB, 850x550, 1664585090593276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure the fed isn't concerned about picrel at all. Not when hecking INFLATION isn't under control yet. They'll literally do a global debt crisis because tendies are getting too expensive.

>> No.51729331
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>> No.51729392

were these scheduled only 2 business days in advance

>> No.51729425


>> No.51729457

Yep. And buy up europoors for a few pennies.

>> No.51729463

This is not an out of the blue meeting. I think last one was February and big Nothingburger

>> No.51729483

>he buys commodities

what is this the 1990s? kek

>> No.51729501
File: 163 KB, 750x996, D162DBF6-CBD8-4AFC-B8C4-D146C2127353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US government declares bankruptcy at 10% they need to raise hikes by >>>100bps to try to contain it

>> No.51729507

let's go boooys, swept up a few cheapies this week
800k hbars
1m rose
7500 icy penises
citadel incoming

>> No.51729516


What are the chances it hit 10%?

>> No.51729524

r u new

>> No.51729584

100% Unless they start spamming weekly 500 bps rate hikes

>> No.51730088



>oh no! pce is too high
>lets pivot and make it higher
>yay! good idea!

>> No.51730119

Kek c'mon bro I know bulls say stupid shit on this board but fix your sarcasm detector.

>> No.51730242


>> No.51730246
File: 8 KB, 528x186, Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is a 6.2% August PCE too hot? Seems to be continuing a decreasing trend. Was the target even lower?

>> No.51730615

Now I know why they practiced the "Cyber Pandemic". This is going to be their gameplan:
>Pivot, print $$$ and buy all assets, cover up the collapse
>start periodic cyber attacks on financial system or payment systems
We'll get cyber attack "lockdowns" to slow velocity. Blame it on russia or china. Kikes get their free money. Boomers get their retirements. Everyone else gets penis flattening.

>> No.51730701

You gotta look at MoM. 0.6% since last month is bigly. Annualized its back at 7%. So basically everything they threw at inflation so far only worked mildly from June-July, now the rate of change is increasing again. We are pretty fucked without some kind of black swan surprise.

>> No.51730721




>> No.51730751

This is the correct answer. They are going up before the end of the year they said last meeting. It will be two hikes. Probably .5 and .75. Then another .25 next winter if I remember correctly.

>> No.51730759
File: 1.97 MB, 400x332, 1650919637605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the great reset looks like. Intentionally crashing the world economy as hard as possible. No pivot.

>> No.51730822

Implying they even care that pce is too high

>> No.51730906


>> No.51730917
File: 340 KB, 1710x1158, 1639367423708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been preparing alright

>> No.51730923
File: 25 KB, 819x451, Personal Income and Outlays August 2022 and Annual Update U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This number going positive again is cause for concern then. Thanks for explaining, my macro understanding is laughable.

>> No.51730940

>the bull copes

>> No.51730968

They're going to lower the returns in the reverse repo market well below interest rates. This will incentivize the banks to dump two trillion dollars into the economy in any manner that they can, basically printing two trillion dollars on the spot.

>> No.51730991


>> No.51731064

More like SWIFT goes down and they replace it with FedNow.

>> No.51731187
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>> No.51731338

They'll buy bonds instead. It's too risky to invest in anything else

>> No.51731375

they need to break you pivot fags will becuase you're still bullish. Its going to be another hike

>> No.51731386

fucking boomer stfu gold and silver aint ever going to make you dumbass retards rich. It's value is just as made up except no one actually wants it or can do anything with it.

>> No.51731392

i don't think you retards realize how precarious the international finance system currently is
they can't just keep hiking the rates. a pivot is 100% necessary, and soon

>> No.51731394

>its value is made up! it has no utility!!!
lmao retard

>> No.51731409

it's either that or they're intentionally crashing the plane with no survivors and doing a great reset. anyone who honestly believes that THEY honestly believe they can "fight inflation" with 500bps of hikes while 325 already has us verging on a global credit crisis is legitimately retarded

>> No.51731412

Not yet. They now that the minute they pivot, it's RIP for the USD. They need a bit more time to use a strong DXY to (((their))) advantage, by slurping everything around the world for free. They wont pivot before other countries dump US bonds so hard nothing remain. Actually, they might even wait for a bunch of countries to default on their US denominated debt post-bond dumping before pivoting.
It will be their signal that they squeezed the world to the max and there is nothing left to be squeezed.

Then the kikes will suddently claim it's over for the US hegemony, but thankfully they figured a new digital worldwide currency.

>> No.51731427

nothing burger

>> No.51731473

no i get it, you are still bullish on the pivot. we are going down more

>> No.51731495

if you're not bullish on the pivot you better be bullish on shelf-stable foods

>> No.51731617

im good in both directions. the fed is looking to wipe out all the retards who started trading full time. To many nu fags in the market still

>> No.51731644

Emergency rate hike .75%

>> No.51731662

more like looking to wipe out europe and most of asia entirely

>> No.51731776

They're looking to cause everyone to lose everything and the rescue you all with their new CBDC slave system.

>> No.51731812

>JEWius ID
yeah this could be it. just tired of retards who think the fed is going to be able to walk this tightrope and significantly cool inflation without causing 2008 on steroids and killing entire developed countries (not just "shaking out the newfag robinhood traders" or whatever)

>> No.51731855

I like to think of it as walking along a very long, slowly narrowing triangular cliff. They're on a knife's edge now and it ain't getting any wider.
I happen to believe it's all on purpose but the die is cast either way.
Also note the 1776

>> No.51731871
File: 186 KB, 828x1170, 1660177856566501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. The fed has this meeting literally every two weeks and every one is conducted under 'expedited procedures'. I know you want a pivot sooooo fuuuucking baaaaad but this isn't it. bulls don't get to cum, fucking deal with it

>> No.51731952

let me rephrase it once again - the idea of a market giganuke excites me as much as any bobo, but I don't think you fags appreciate how close to financial system endgame we're getting. this isn't just "hurr my shorts print and all the dumb mumus lose money", it's approaching "commercial banks and some nation states are insolvent and nobody can even cash out my shorts unless the fed violently pivots and bails everyone out to the tune of trillions". we're going to witness the beginning of the end of bretton woods fiat currencies over the next 6-12 months one way or another.

>> No.51732007

Yea. I'm sitting smug with my Shemitah Portfolio (deep itm puts on everything) but OF COURSE right when I want to cash out into fiat there will be no more market, or fiat. WTF do we do anon?

>> No.51732020

I don't think you realize how much no one cares about saving inflated values of corporations or market. The whole point of what is occuring is to crush these out of control institutions and bitch slap greedy persons such as yourself.
Go ahead. Seethe and clamor for a pivot. Gnash your teeth and rend your clothes if it helps you cope. It will change nothing though. There will be no pivot simply to pacify you bulltards and the failing institutions you cling to.

>> No.51732045

Rate hikes are rising faster than inflation. Rates will catch up and move higher than inflation. Its simply happening at a pace that doesn't cause immediate panic. Stop acting like nothing is changing. Clearly it is or you wouldn't be here howling like a monkey to make it stop.

>> No.51732052

i'm getting tired of repeating myself just see >>51731952
if you believe it's going to be that bad you should hold some PMs, they would gigamoon unless it gets so out of control that people actually end up trading them for guns and food

>> No.51732073

oh you're just retarded. they're about to an hero the bond market >>51729325 at 325 bps and you think they'll just be able to slowly but surely get everything under control and the heckin' stupid mumus will finally get what's coming to them.

>> No.51732087

>You better do as I say or else in two weeks I swear to god...
You are powerless and impotent. Your screeching falls on deaf ears. There will be no pivot nor catastrophic collapse.

>> No.51732097
File: 5 KB, 200x195, 1663806327900960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you argue like a kike

>> No.51732098

I do believe it will be that bad. I do have guns and food and pms.
Remember the last 20 years of people saying how China owns everything and if they ever ask for it back, we're fucked? They're asking for it back. How high do you think bond yields will go when China starts dumping them by the trillion?

>> No.51732113

>just tired of retards who think the fed is going to be able to walk this tightrope and significantly cool inflation without causing 2008 on steroids
No one is thinking this besides you doom posters. The rest of us are rooting for it to happen. We aren't terrified by the idea because we aren't delusional doomsayers. The crash won't be that bad for most. Only the greediest of over leveraged fucks will be financially devistated when the crash happens.

>> No.51732127

>commercial banks and some nation states are insolvent
Please stop saying this. My dick can only get so erect.

>> No.51732129

>Only the greediest of over leveraged fucks will be financially devistated when the crash happens.
you're unironically retarded, I'm sorry anon

>> No.51732146

Repeating your delusional fantasies changes nothing. Your posts here will never be read by the fed. They don't give a fuck about your kind nor your lunatic ravings of doom and gloom. Give it up already. There will be no golden pivot.

>> No.51732148

10% in current year is the end of the USD and they're already starting to go parabolic.

>> No.51732167

>banks and nation states are insolvent
>only the greediest fucks will be financially devistated [sic]
sure if by "the greediest fucks" you mean literally everyone except for preppers
continuing to argue like a kike

>> No.51732168

>they're about to an hero the bond market
Good. Burn it all down. Economically rape every instituion that relies on. Destroy the finacials of the boomers too for all that matters. None of these entities deserve anything besides financial ruin for what they have done the past fifty years.

>> No.51732190

>We aren't terrified by the idea because we aren't delusional doomsayers. The crash won't be that bad
>GOOD, burn it all down!!! Economically rape every instituion that relies on! Destroy the boomers!
lmao you have to be trolling or some kind of bot, you're all over the place itt. we don't even seem to actually disagree beyond how much of an aggressive retard you're being

>> No.51732211

False. It is you who argue as such. You're screeching for a golden shower of never ending wealth. You are crying out as you strike others.
I can see the shadow of your nose and hear the wringing of your hands. You're scared that no one gives a shit about your pending finacial ruin. You should be scared. The majority doesn't give a fuck about you. They will cheer your demise as it happens. Get fucked faggot. The house of cards is falling. Spreading your fantastical financial fear porn won't change anything.

>> No.51732215
File: 1001 KB, 288x162, bisonyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51732221

I see you are captiualting. Condolences on your losses. I wish you the worst.

>> No.51732231

You have lost the argument doomposter. No one is scared of your fantasies. Lock yourself in a bunker, delude yourself with fantasies, polish your guns and enjoy your canned beans. The rest of us will move on without you.

>> No.51732248
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1655177648729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51732254

Your post is pure delusion. None of what I posted was all over the place. You're literally blinded by your seething. Get a grip anon.

>> No.51732270

>Surely posting this frog pic will validate my fantasy
Condolences anon.

>> No.51732276

is anyone else enough of a faggot to have followed this entire gay exchange? this >>51732254 nigger is trying to gaslight me or something idk what to call this variety of jewish garbage

>> No.51732319

I read it. He's deffo retarded but so are you for wasting your time responding to such an unhinged moron desu

>> No.51732356

You should be nice to him. He's probably having a terrible time, what with losing all his money in shitcoin casino and staying in that tiny bedroom at his alcoholic mother's place. You're sharing some of his pain by engaging him. And that's a good thing. Don't abandon him now. He needs you.

>> No.51732363

Yea their gonna PissNshiT all over markets, shitcoins , real estate, and your hopes and dreams.

>> No.51732378

China is literally dumping their trillion dollar bags to pump their currency. Bond yields go to >10% and the US defaults

>> No.51732388

This is bond market capitulation. The time to buy them is now.

>> No.51732438

incoming 75000 basis point hike