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51721844 No.51721844 [Reply] [Original]

And this is why markets are rallying. Fed can stomach a lot but not the bond market breaking. Pivot is coming.

>> No.51721958
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Fire or ice, Feddies. It is inevitable.

>> No.51722026
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>2 more weeks
>14 more days
>could be
>looking to
>on the horizon
>down the road
>we may
>there's a good chance
>not off the table
>we will assess the situation over the next few meetings
>looking to see how the markets react
>never say never
>things may change

>> No.51722066

>pivoting with 8%+ inflation

You’re acting like as if a pivot makes the situation better or something? You’re basically saying you want to print us out of the downturn like what happened in 2008, except to do it when we have massive inflation on the dollar

Let me guess, you own property with a ton of debt and the rate rises are raping you so badly that you’d rather just see inflation goto 100% than deal with the stress of having to pay such higher rates for your debted assets

>> No.51722116

>Print your debt away and pump your bags
>Crash your investments and drown in interest payments
Seems obvious

>> No.51722355

The Fed doesn't care about your bags, anon.

>> No.51722457

Raising rates won't crush inflation and everyone thinking so is a dumb nigger. We have inflation because of record government spending, nobody willing to work due to this spending, and corporations realizing during Covid that they own a monopoly or duopoly and can charge whatever they want and people have to pay it or starve and never leave their house. Another 2% increase in the bond market isn't going to stop Tyson from raising chicken prices another 20% nor will it make Tyrone want to start slaughtering chickens for $15 an hour. Raising rates to address this problem has always been fucking retarded and useless.

>> No.51722628

To you. You are not them. They do not have bags. They have areas of control. Another crash helps them increase their area of control. Line go up forever does not.

>> No.51722737

raising rates deleverages the economy.
We just need liquidations

>> No.51722831

>We have inflation because of record government spending
Imagine believing this. We have inflation because the Fed is being forced to print mucho dinero in order to keep markets filled with nothing but over-leveraged assets from collapsing, because finance douchecanoes are greedy and dumb where it counts.

>> No.51723599
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Retard, you have an out and it's called Bitcoin. We've been telling you for the past fucking decade. If you don't understand it yet then stay poor forever and eat the bugs, I don't care anymore. Sick of spoonfeeding you doomer faggots. A parallel monetary system is already in place and if you haven't migrated yet that's YOUR FAULT and YOUR FAULT ONLY. Even the poorest bum on the street can buy Bitcoin whenever he wants.

I'm out of pity. Pump this shit.

>> No.51724117

>buying a piece of public bookkeeping technology that is commonly exchanged for usd
Yeah no stick with real things like ammo cigars and fine wine

>> No.51724147

Have fun staying poor. Forever.

>> No.51724249

>Another crash helps them increase their area of control.
Nope, the dollar is desirable because it is liquid. They crash it this time and it will be the end of the eurodollar system. Dollar or no dollar, the US has a much better chance of maintaining financial hegemony if it steers the system out of a cascading debt crisis
governments are the tool of financial powers, they are not autonomous separate entities. this has always been the case, even in the soviet union (the politburo enriching itself)

>> No.51724729


Straight the fuck up + checked. These poltards are insufferable, helpless women trapped in Chud bodies. The ONLY way out is a new system, anything less is bandaids on a quadruple amputee.

>> No.51727401

Bitcoin faggots have proven time and time again that they don't actually give a fuck about bitcoin for anything other than market speculation.

>> No.51727446

>Akshually, endless money printing is good for the dollar
Leave this board and hand your money over to whatever boomer manages your 401k on the way out

>> No.51727493

this is just hedgie psyops to get people to pump the market into opex. it didn't work.

>> No.51728032

Yeah, correct speculation. That's how we're still up 100% on the three year while bagholders of every other asset continue to eat major shit. But again, if you fetishize poverty, who am I to judge? Do your thing.

>> No.51728057

>governments are the tool of financial powers
Right. And the issue is corporate and financial interests and their Thanatosian impulses, not the people that the public have elected, even if they are bound by cynical ties to moneyed interests. Gov't isn't innocent, but by your own admission they're not the ones calling the shots.
>they are not autonomous separate entities
This is self-contradictory. To be a tool, by definition, an object or entity has to be initially be separate and then adopted as an extension of its user's capabilities. The option always exists for it to be used by someone else (ideally, the public or public-minded experts).

>> No.51728113

>up 100% on 3 years
Sounds like a sell.

>> No.51728291

The vice chair of the fed publicly said today that they will not pivot and that they will be careful not to ease conditions prematurely. They will pause or keep hiking when CPI starts going doen. That is why everything crashed in the last few hours. This information is more reliable than that tweet

>> No.51728375

America is finished and the fatasses are still too proud to admit it, kek.

>> No.51728429

>Olive Garden prices went up again this month
I think you’re on to something

>> No.51728644



>imagine making such stupid financial decisions that you need the government to print more money just to stay above water, all while criticizing the poor for being poor, and not giving a shit that your bailout by the government literally makes the poor poorer via inflation.

I have no fucking tolerance for inflation-dependent bulls. They're all a bunch of inconsiderate infantile self absorbed impulsive losers.

>> No.51728714

UK and EU will break before US markets do. That said, low end investment grades are already experience a deflation. Rollovers will be untenable for weak balance sheets. We are going to see shit start to break soon. Unemployment rate be damned. We'll see how far the Fed is willing to go.

>> No.51728732

I understand your reference and I appreciate it.

>> No.51728758

Markets not rallying therefore bullshit

>> No.51728804

I don't know what planet you live on but the USD is DESIGNED TO INFLATE. You goddamn dumbass faggot niggerbrained tranny retard.

>> No.51729472

Correct but
The most reddit word to have ever existed

>> No.51729532

> just cut taxes bro the wealth will trickle down

>> No.51729734

>markets are rallying.

>> No.51729764

Deflation would be better than becoming Weimar 2.0

>> No.51729783

If twitter man says it must be true

>> No.51729811

Nothing wrong about inflation retard, irresponsible fiscality, bailouts and QE are problem

>> No.51729825

You're retarded

>> No.51729909

>you have an out and it's called Bitcoin
Lmao, Bitcoin is worthless without money printing.

>> No.51730374

It's a fun word. I've been using it since before reddit existed.

>> No.51730408

>"""owning""" property with adjustable rate debt
Fixed rate, cash, or barter only.

>> No.51730417

Deflation is the only way to stave off catastrophic climate change. Look at how much environmental indicators improved during lockdown. We need to be doing and creating less shit and squeezing every drop of productivity out of what we already have until we have sustainable energy figured out.

>> No.51730457
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We are still in the bearish season, so I'm continuing to profit by buying at a discount, just like I did when I purchased on Xpress, UTK, DOT, enJ, and ICX. The solution is diversification anon and get rich in the future.

>> No.51730474
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kek this, fucking retarded mutts

>> No.51730501

We mutts are supreme gentlemen. So we’ll allow you to be finished first.

>> No.51730521
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>catastrophic climate change

>> No.51730530

You have an absolute dumb fuck understanding of this situation. Imagine thinking the entire world should default and hand everything over to the banks in order to prevent 'inflation'.

Inflation lowers the value of the dollar and takes power away from the banks and government.

Yes, inflate the debt away, because the consequences of the alternative are much much worse.

>> No.51730540

>catastrophic climate change

>> No.51730558
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The US Federal Government cant afford it’s giga debt at higher bond yields so expect the FED to go even more aggressive with rate hikes.

>> No.51730589
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Ice will suffice

>> No.51730673
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>Fifth 100-year hurricane in the last two decades blew up Disney, downgraded to a tropical storm, had second thoughts and decided to visit the Carolinas as a hurricane again
>Less than a month after a similar storm typhoon'd through Nippon
Not trying to make Loki an actual thing you wankers. Stay in your house and play handheld vidya.

>> No.51730684
File: 43 KB, 579x1024, lizzo toots john adams' horn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so. America is growing more vibrant and diverse every day

>> No.51731159

That was unironically neat and afterwards she encouraged people to study history.

>> No.51731247

Once they start their PR, I think xpress's bank metaverse idea will succeed. Without a doubt, the growth will take time imo.

>> No.51731261

hurricanes happen. Whats your point?

>> No.51731270
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>That was unironically neat

>> No.51731354

Should that make bond yields even higher?

>> No.51731459

fucking faggot. i'd rather have that flute be untouched, and unknown in a dusty drawer than have this sheboon envelope her crusty baboon lips over it. disgusting.

>> No.51731480

Where is the market rallying you fucking lying nigger

>> No.51731781


>> No.51731829

hurricanes of the magnitude that we've routinely seen in the past decade very rarely happen, except that now they do all the time. very odd, I'm sure it's just a statistical anomaly (along with wildfire frequency, flash flood frequency, drought frequency, tornado frequency, etc)

>> No.51731861

>very rarely happen
according to our very very limited data set, sure. oldest records we have are from the 1880s.

>> No.51731922

>the entire world should default
Yes. Fuck the debt maxing corporations.
>hand everything over to the banks
No. Let them collapse too.
None of what you are rallying for should exist. Let it all collapse and be finished. Propping up the bloated corpse of a dead econimic system is no solution.

>> No.51731937

You need to update your ESG narrative. Nobody is defending the anthropogenic climate change narrative.

>> No.51732040

>Raising rates won't crush inflation and everyone thinking so is a dumb nigger.
Correct. But acknowledging the truth would dethrone our god. So we dance a rain dance and if it fails its actually our fault because we didn't offer enough sacrifices.