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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51729348 No.51729348 [Reply] [Original]

This thread will probably be ignored as they’ll bury this or ridicule it to oblivion. I’ll post it anyways.

I’ve been working for Chainlink Labs for several years now and had to sign 3 separate NDAs upon being hired just to find out how marketing for the project works. Things are done in a very experimental way which has produced fantastic results for the company. After befriending several other employees and seeing how things are done with my own eyes, I strongly believe people on /biz/ wold be shocked if they witnessed what I witnessed.

I have too much to share but I’ll try to keep these posts short and to the point.

1. Token seriously not needed and will eventually deter future prospects

Yes, oracles are marvelous but the internal struggle about the ERC-20 token being a requirement has produced some ridiculous mental gymnastics internally. Damage control is consistent via random Twitter accounts or /biz/ posts. There are always discussions about Chainlink becoming its own blockchain but it seems to be hopium. Much of team hates Ethereum. It seems that when Chainlink was in its early stages, it was originally a moneygrab ICO but after the massive success it had, they slowly brought on the talent required to make it a reality. It was almost a rug. Almost.

>> No.51729357
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2. Marketing is insane
There is a team of 6 people, often revolving, that have the task of posting on /biz/ and creating hype on Twitter. The pregnant Sergey meme, the Big Mac meme, assblaster? All by Chainlink labs. Chainlink god(outsourced to a fun crypto dude we found) and other popular Chainlink accounts are also ours. The illusion of community and wellbeing that we created is unbelievable. Unbelievable to the point where the illusion became a reality. Most of the team who is dealt with posting about the project often have slow days because of the natural hype. Although the bear market has slowed things down, there is always a quota to be met.
The goal of influence is strong and has brought on some enormous players in the space. Most of these large organizations who have teamed up with Chainlink see us through rose colored glasses. They have no idea how things really are.

3. New Quotas and price manipulation
The goal for 2022/2023/2024 is to keep the token above $4 but under $10. Price manipulation is real and is key to survival for us. Breadcrumb creation is done by some of the more creative members of the team which ALWAYS brings in big purchases. We always sell against it and keep the price relatively stable. The $1000 EOY meme was perfect but these days it isn’t too effective.

The amount of threads are also decreasing until the next BTC halving. It seems that Smartcon hype was lower than expected to things seem to be winding down internally. For now.

>> No.51729396
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Final thoughts and my departure from Chainlink Labs
Chainlink, originally a potential scam, has surely become something much more and has a future but not as an ERC-20 token. There will be some rather damaging exposure articles over the next several years and as always, the Chainlink Labs team will be there to provide impeccable damage control. It’s our job. Remember that if you come across a funny Sergey thread, it’s most likely us just fucking around to meet a quota. This is my guess as to what is going to happen over the next 4 years:

-Exposure articles are released
-Damage control, official statements from us
-ERC-20 token becomes severely devalued
-Many key figures step down, partnerships cancelled
-Lawsuits, Lawsuits, Lawsuits
-ERC-20 token effectively does
-Chainlink rebrands without a token
-New Chainlink Company has mild success as a data provider

I plan on leaving within the next 2 years. Thankfully, nobody knows who I am yet. I am just one of many whistleblowers to come.

Goodbye and good luck!

>> No.51729416

Man I knew these link threads were from some internal team

>> No.51729455

>Part of a marketing team for CLLabs
Thanks for outing your larp in your 2nd post. Could have at least tried to make it plausible by saying it was Sergs or Hodges...

>> No.51729527

I remember when Chainlink FUD was actually high effort and legitimately made you question your decisions

now it's just worthless noise. yawn

>> No.51729550
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>Man I knew these link threads were from some internal team
is that because you're one of the other pajeets that collectively owns the laptop that faggot OP typed up his blog post on?

>> No.51730428

Nice try. This thread is fake and gay

>> No.51730449

If this pasta is back that means that the bottom is definitely in.

>> No.51730453

I'm so tired. Chainlink will never pump. We all made a horrible mistake.

>> No.51730470

I fucked someone's butt

>> No.51730483
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this project has some serious theranos vibes. coin is absolutely pointless

>> No.51730541

Die you fucking smelly nigger

>> No.51730554

This isn’t pasta. I am not an insider but what I saw at SmartCon was a serious lack of “output” from all the billions they’ve wasted. If this shit hit $50 for more than a week I probably would’ve taken the payout. They have shown the token is not important to them

>> No.51730584

Eric Schmidt literally said "token goes up with network usage" on stage at smartcon.

>> No.51730892

Fucked a butt guy is back let’s go

>> No.51731024

Thanks NEXO, YOU ARE INSOLVENT. This was some next level fud, quite entertaining.

>> No.51731034



>> No.51731048

You are a retard for speculating on crypto currency tokens in the first place instead of reaching out to the company and investing in it directly.

True chads provided Series capital investment to Chainlink labs. If you think you're going to make it off of a utility token then you are actually braindead

>> No.51731189

Not open to biz anons you stupid fag

>> No.51731481

>Token seriously not needed
Same for many other tokens out there
Wake up folks

>> No.51731550

>ERC-20 token effectively does
Is it safe to say that many projects don't need a token/coin then?
>is there any project that any of you like, at all? since you guy hate Ethereum but are using it's blockchain.


>> No.51731563

It just all seems so sus. Especially whoever recorded Sergey hitting his girlfriend....
Right place, right time? tooo coincidental

>> No.51731582

you can say that about any other project as well.
and think about it. are stock ownership needed for a company? no, they will move forward without you.

>> No.51731596

This exactly. I’ve been telling everyone the fud is going to get extra vicious and desperate once the trend against eth/btc starts reversing.

>> No.51731598

>reaching out to the company and investing in it directly.
how? these aren't traditional companies with stock options. + companies can probably surivive through their VCs and backers / revenue. why do they need little people and their stock ownership? kek

>> No.51731602

He seems like the kind of elite that if he fucks girls they like it.

>> No.51731615

Save up 100k and then email their CFO letting them know that you want to invest. It's that simple. Once a company is ready to raise another round of funding, they'll reach out to you with a terms sheet and then you can invest.

>> No.51731657

Why would I want to do that when 100k usd now gets me less tokens than my peanuts did in 2017

>> No.51732025

>Maybe if i say NDA, my larp would be somewhat cool!

You're just stupid, do better.

>> No.51732085

chainlink is for gay tranny faggots

>> No.51732103

>the internal struggle about the ERC-20 token
internally, wouldn’t they know it is not an erc-20 token?

>> No.51732346

Threw in the towel ages ago with a lot other link marine OGs I know.

Kenshi is the new token for us. Rise against the manipulation and heartbreak of chainlink.


>> No.51732593

did it feel gud

>> No.51732631

fake and gay

>Hurr marketing were all the larpers on biz

Just no.