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51722151 No.51722151 [Reply] [Original]

What's the business model of black kids standing in front of every single target trying to sell candy at 3x the price of candy inside the store?

>> No.51722243
File: 135 KB, 1200x800, 342DA7B7-DD1B-4279-8A99-7216E4C68E96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit annoys me to no end -
At a red light, they “wash” your window with a bucket of dirty water. Without asking. Then they want a tip.

>> No.51722299

isn't this why you guys have guns?

>> No.51722344

and then saying it's to raise money for their high school basketball team even though the kid is clearly 19 or 20 years old

>> No.51722520

liberals feeling good about helping "disadvantaged youths"

>> No.51722661

that reply is the reason why you don't have a gun in Europe as of now.

>> No.51722723
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because we might hold certain people responsible for their actions?

>> No.51722741


>> No.51722764

Spray wiper fluid on them and tell them to fuck off

>> No.51722819

I have never seen this, sorry you live in a shit hole

>> No.51722844

Cool it with the hate speech, anon

>> No.51722856

What would happen if you tried to sell them candy at 9x the prices?

>> No.51722876

They good boys, workin in they community

>> No.51722893

"hey kid when i come back have some drugs to sell me"

>> No.51722897

nah, in almost every eu coutry it's possible to get semi auto rifle like a AR-15, in some it's more of a hassle, in some much less.

One thing that's actually useful is that in order to get those, you're being checked up by a doctor or psychologist, if you're crazy, or go coocoo if ya get some suga in ya.
That's legit the ONLY reason why mass shootings don't occur often here, because even in the us 80% of mass shooters have mental health issues and/or subsequent mental history.

>> No.51722907
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>Don't have to go into the store
>Support local entrepreneurial youth instead of having to deal with soul-destroyed corpo wagies
>Worst case scenario it's laced with fentanyl and you finally slip the surly bonds of this gay earth

>> No.51722927

>you gon gibs me money or you raycis

>> No.51722933

White people are unable to accurately judge the age of black youth.


>> No.51722952

Theyre not selling literal candy you fucking idiot, although theyd be stupid enough too, candy=drugs to niggers theyre selling super shitty cut up drugs

>> No.51723063

lmao i thought this shit was exclusive to south america

>> No.51723155

This is every medium to large city in the US now. I live in a small town and I'm shocked by the third world shit I see when I go anywhere else. We're living in a cyberpunk dystopia

>> No.51723580

to fleece leftist cuck whites

>> No.51723632
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>> No.51723635

First time on the net?

>> No.51723650

What state do you live in?

>> No.51723685

I've actually never seen this. Only thing that we have in great numbers out here in front of Targets and Walmarts are fake homeless people.

>> No.51723726

What is she thinking? probably that diversity is our strength

>> No.51723911


>> No.51723949

The US is slowly progressing into SA.
This started in my town a few years ago and now it's nonstop

>> No.51723962

Hola senyor como estas

>> No.51723978
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I got banned from twitter a couple weeks ago for discussing this very topic

>> No.51724025
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Anon I.....

>> No.51724066

what? you want me to go on (((truth))) or (((gab))) instead? it's all the same censored garbage anyway, might as well stick with twitter

>> No.51724080

America is like a zoo.

>> No.51724128


>> No.51724164
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>He doesn't know yet

>> No.51724165

why would you ever actually participate in moderated online communication

>> No.51724282

Anyone who buys it has too much cash, so they rob theuhhhhh I mean enact grassroots reparations.

>> No.51724303
File: 14 KB, 472x132, image_2022-09-30_213152199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine using twitter...
Come to Genesis anon.
audibly kek'd, thanks.

>> No.51724520
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based truthsayer
>Cursed be everyone who curses you, and blessed be everyone who blesses you

>> No.51724666

I've lost so much money this week, I'm gonna go postal if I see anymore
>he doesn't know
>oh no he's missing

>> No.51724816

why? so you can lose more money? the people using these lines are shills. also a line to avoid "they're still sleeping on this" and other such phrases. people keep gems to themselves while they accumulate, they shill when they're ready to dump. you are exit liquidity

>> No.51724878
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I'll spoonfeed you anon. pic rel.
NGMI if you can't see the difference between an early project and one that's on its deathbed, too bad anon. See you seething in a month when this has x10.

>> No.51725005
File: 410 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20220916_233213_758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine but only because Satan clearly just opened the door to you and is clearly with us now because
>>51724303 already told you for me

>> No.51725121

Gypsies used that model before Chinese cheap shops existed here.
>buy and steal lots of Christmas decorations
>your average buy price is lower than store price
>resell them at 100% markup to random old ladies that pass down the street and buy shit out of pity

>> No.51725152

Is that because by the age of 14 most of them are in prison?

>> No.51725309

Official theory that was banned with phrenology and other race theories in the west, is that African niggers had pressure to mature physically at earlier age.
You know like a monkey baby matures way faster than a human baby.
Whites being in the medium speed and asian with least pressure being the slowest paced.

>> No.51725332

It wouldn't be Christmas without gyppos pulling a cart of worthless festive crap into the town's marketplace
Makes a change from them demanding you buy a twig they found on the roadside

>> No.51725381

Sounds like some kind of science

>> No.51725549

Smug liberals shop at Target. The teens have figured out that those smug liberals will buy candy at 3x the price because they think its woke and they are helping Tyrone and Shaniqua pay for school, when in reality the $ goes to Nike Lebron AirSwooshes and Mrs. Chang brand Weaves.