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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.76 MB, 640x1036, 1659749453158920.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51724359 No.51724359 [Reply] [Original]

Women also cum fairly often from child birth.

Women also have a strong instinct to moan during sex so as to attract more males to come fuck her. Also why our cocks have that mushroom tip. Its to shovel out the other guys cum so yours reaches the egg. Women are literally evolved to be whores at every step. This is also why they are one of the only animals that conceals their ovulation.

>> No.51724378

That's a man.

>> No.51724390

>concealed ovulation
but also
>moans during sex to attract another mate
One of the tokens is not needed

>> No.51724391
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picture the stench

>> No.51724392

Men cum more when other men watch them fuck

>> No.51724403

fuck off, coomer

>> No.51724406
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>> No.51724415

I'd rather not.

>> No.51724418

Read "Sex at Daw". Monogamy is to sex as the industrial revolution is to the human race.

>> No.51724461

If women are such whores, then how come you can't get any sex?
Guess they aren't whore enough to go with you

>> No.51724477
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Why not?
You gay?

>> No.51724478

>Also why our cocks have that mushroom tip. Its to shovel out the other guys cum

>> No.51724497
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>> No.51724506

>Reading retarded pick up book recommendations

>> No.51724509
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>> No.51724513

>Women also cum fairly often from child birth.

Having done some research on this topic I can say that they do not. It does happen, but it's very infrequent, and mostly a collective lie told to reassure them about the pain of giving birth, especially in the fucked-up clinical position used in the West.

Now certain cock shapes on the other hand...

>> No.51724517

>Its to shovel out the other guys cum so yours reaches the egg
So you're telling me it's good to be the last guy running the creampie train? Good to know...

>> No.51724528

>Business and Finance

>> No.51724533

Why are you posting men?

>> No.51724545
File: 157 KB, 874x1024, 1663563297454958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touched a nerve, I can tell. There are no difference between incels and troons btw, you are literally the same type of people. At least personality wise.
Feminazis, incels, troons, MGTOW.. etc, all a bunch of entitled crybabies that couldn't measure up or take responsability, and decided to cope and seethe

>> No.51724547

that unironically looks like a guy

>> No.51724583
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>> No.51724613
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>> No.51724622

Retard take by a retard. Serial Monogamy has been established by every civilization worth mentioning in every geography for all of recorded history because need to establish child paternity and maximize size of warrior worker class. Whores notwithstanding as social cum dumps not mates. Regressing to coomer rabbits is retarded. Anyone doing otherwise is a genetic dead-end outside a few tiny exceptions like Elon Musk.

Normal dorky monogamous dads with 10 kids are winning genetic battle and coomers are self genociding.
>inb4 beta
Beta us dumping your vitality into a series of blackhole barren thot wombs. Alpha is being the father of 10 kids. Alpha wolves are fathers. Its not more complicated than that.

>> No.51724624

>pick up book
i see education was not high on your priority list growing up, huh?

>> No.51724664

>reading retard midwit gibble is educational
There is a reason your type is going extinct

>> No.51724689

I can tell english is not your first language. This would a a much more concise way of saying what you just did:
> "i can't get laid"
there, sums it up rather nicely.

>> No.51724710

alright sex at daw

>> No.51724721

>i can't reproduce the post
Your line ends with you

>> No.51724774
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pic related
but I can and I did.

>> No.51724833

You don't even have an argument just a reference to a shit tier book written by a moron with a thesis any 10 year old can debunk.
>hurrdurr but my citations
This is your brain on midwit feeding himself into genetic shredder of urbanite bullshit

>> No.51724840
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Incels here should go to a femcel forum, and watch their own reflection stare back at them. Ugly, fat, mentally ill women blaming everything on the men that didn't pick them. Ugly, fat, mentally ill men blaming everything on the women they didn't even try to seduce.

If you are aware of this thought, and you still decide to cope and seethe, instead of working with the cards you've been given, then you don't deserve any sympathy, and I'd encourage you to buy a rope and do a flip for all of us, faggot.

>> No.51724844

You can tell when they're ovulating if you're an attractive guy. They give you a look

>> No.51724875
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Are you gay?

If you dont like muscular steroid girls you are gay

>> No.51724898

>empirical evidence doesn't count if i don't like the evidence

>> No.51724901

what a retarded take

>> No.51724936

May as well be. Her testosterone levels are without a doubt higher than most literal guys here on /biz/. Lmao

>> No.51724950

Damn I wish I knew a powerlifting girl. I'd actually shoot my shot. Everyone around me is a gymthot doing booty exercises or a middle school girl training for gymnastics.

>> No.51724980
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Did you know that steroid girls are trad? Wife material? And low bodycount

>> No.51725039

For most of human history there were no cures for sexually transmitted diseases. People's genitals would stink to high heaven and literally rot off their body if they caught a disease that today is remedied by a quick trip to the pharmacy. Chris Ryan addresses this nowhere in his book because it completely knocks the bottom out of his bullshit program. Dude is an actual cuckold inventing false history to justify his immoral sexual proclivities.

>> No.51725065

That is the most unnatural looking creature I've ever seen

>> No.51725093

Fucking disgusting.
I'm a degenerate but this sweat will be test laced and gross as fuck.

>> No.51725097
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>Its to shovel

>> No.51725153

What does this have to do with Business and Finance.

>> No.51725172


>> No.51725213
File: 35 KB, 555x631, received_341598753527100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does this have to do with Business and Finance.

>> No.51725239

Oh fuck, I thought this was /fit/ lmao

>> No.51725324

read sex at dusk instead
sex at dawn is complete bs

>> No.51725342

>That is the most unnatural looking creature I've ever seen
because its not natural

>> No.51725366

>What does this have to do with Business and Finance.
this thread is better than most on biz ironically

>> No.51725376

>business and finance

>> No.51725426

Not trad at all. Also, infertile.

>> No.51725474
File: 115 KB, 719x1021, 1644338981720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty elaborate ruse. It's a guy. Probably shaved his legs and bought some stockings.

I'm an expert on trannies. I can tell from the thighs that he has possibly been on estrogen supplementation. It's also very possible this is his fetish because muscle that activates in the leg when the penis is hard is activated in several of the thigh shots. A rudimentary understanding of males understanding can show this. That along with the way he rests his legs in a masculine fashion.

Looking at the hand shows me has probably photoshopped them too because they don't look quite male or female. He probably thought he would be clever enough to remove his male features but obviously isn't very familiar with biology.

This along with his 4chan use, crossdressing, and catfishing tells me he is probably a very lonely person who never had many friends in school but also didn't pay much attention to his studies(explains the lack of understanding of biology).

He also tries to act feminine in his typing, but my algorithm tells me he psyche is that of a male. He tries to be feminine in his speech but falls short in many areas. He doesn't quite "get" feminine expression. This is likely due to his obsession with anime he developed due to his social isolation during middle and highschool which ultimately messed up the wiring in his mind and drove him to this fetish. The people who make anime often write female characters who overcompensate feminity but let the male writer's masculinity shine through. This is why many bisexual men favor female anime characters. I'm a little too trained to fall for this, but I can see how many have.

All in all, this is a ruse that would fool an amateur. Someone not well versed in gender expression in speech, biology, and male/female psychology. Hope this helps everyone here.

>> No.51725485

The gay is you fren. Muscles are secondary male sex characteristics. Fortunatley for you that faggot shit is open and accepted for the time being.

>> No.51725494

Legit disgusting wtf is wrong with you

>> No.51725502

if i ever saw this woman in public i would confidently approach her, make eye contact, and say, "bane?"

>> No.51725567

How do you explain women who experience no interest, no pleasure, and in some cases even pain when performing the "needful act" , anon? Not all women are literally evolved whores who enjoy cumming when inserting horse dildos up their asses

>> No.51725634

i'd never slutshame that slut. sleeping with 987 people while looking at that is no small feat, even as a supposedly biological female

>> No.51725637

>skinny chicks
>He's not thinking about strong sons, just fornication
>Fat chicks
>He's not thinking about strong sons, just fornication
>Muscular chicks with good physiques
>He's thinking about strong sons
>Most oriented towards the consequences of reproduction as opposed to mere fornication
>Least gay option.
>Chad wife, Chad children simple as.

>> No.51725680
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>> No.51725684

You have no idea how easy it is for a 5/10 female aged 16-25 to just spread her legs every night and fuck someone new. Especially if she went to a school with lots of fraternities. What's more impressive is she managed to keep such a precise count: kinda indicates autism. Most girls stop counting in the double digits and then just lie about it.

>> No.51725688

no one is going to read that. how does that make you feel?

>> No.51725998


>> No.51726131

This is a pasta. Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.51726285

>crudely imitates a high value female

>> No.51726299


>> No.51726310

bro i'm not into this

>> No.51726392

>Oh fuck, I thought this was /fit/ lmao

you know what, come to think of it - what the fuck does this have to do with Fitness either? like you thought you were on /fit/ but this isnt Fitness either lmao. fucking tard

>> No.51726393

I'd love to bang her after about 1 month of her not exercising.

>> No.51726408

no hips, no tits, no thanks.

>> No.51726411

>When incel becomes schizo