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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 126 KB, 363x254, you_will_eat_meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51723559 No.51723559 [Reply] [Original]

Uhh.. bros? Is Bill joining our side? All of a sudden, he is saying you can still enjoy meat and not eat bugs and STILL solve the climate crisis.


>> No.51723659

he bought up all of the farm land and is now changing his mind. oy vey

>> No.51723683

he's decided that it's easier to just kill 90% of the population than try to micromanage them while they live as useless eater serfs

>> No.51723936

He's probably saying that you also need to get vaxxed, microchipped, neutered, eat the bugs and donate your money to africa

>> No.51723984

Doesn't matter if goys consume if he plans to commit a mass culling.
See >>51723683
Notice how the narrative is shifting from "GET VACCINATED EAT BUGS MUH CLIMATE" to not giving a shit about all of it outside of virtue signaling Ukraine (which 99% of normies couldn't point on a map if you gave them a globe and put a gun to their head)

>> No.51724097
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Chud bros what now? Le satan told us that eating meat and owning houses is le good. Should we eat bugs from now on and life in ze pods to stay contrarian?

>> No.51724206

Hopefully they realized that reducing peoples consumption world wide, especially when more nations are achieving development like India and China is a futile effort.
The only solution is to engineer more efficient, novel, and sustainable systems for producing and harvesting our needs.
Things like actually planting more trees, cleaning the oceans to bring plankton back, and if it isn't possible, engineering plankton that eats microplastic. vertical farms where applicable, including small livestock like chickens. Solar panels galore, since the sun gives all of that energy freely 24/7 globally. Humanity needs to get real about engineering solutions and telling consumers to save on hot water use and to eat bugs just isn't going to cut it.
Good news is that once we get faster than light space travel, resources essentially become infinite and we never have to worry about not having enough ever again.

>> No.51724353
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He 100% realizes that every schizo on Earth is gunning for him and his MOSSAD agents can't protect him forever.

It's like GTA when you try to bring down your wanted level so you can do more crime.

>> No.51724404

You misunderstand. He's advocating for a more forceful approach than asking nicely.

>> No.51724429

What the fuck, I will eat bugs now just to spite him

>> No.51724434

Kek, this wouldn't surprise me

>> No.51724440

50 link will he a suicide stack. Trips willing.

>> No.51724445

bill gates was never the problem
(((they))) use him as a distraction

>> No.51724604

>vertical farms and solar power fantasies in the same post
>what is the first law of thermodynamics

>> No.51724686

Thermo these nuts.

>> No.51724716
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any links to that? are those ones the ones getting burned?
also i dont give a fuck about climate change, we're not having hotter temperatures and colder on average, people are just getting sicker (myself included)

>> No.51724768

>implying all entropy can't be countered with AI so long as you can power the AIs calculations.
>Implying the sun doesn't give you all the energy you will ever need to power AI
>Implying the laws of entropy mean anything in an energy abundant post AI world

>> No.51724799


>> No.51724829

It's getting hot. It's going to get VERY hot.

>> No.51724851

fucking CERN is at it again

>> No.51724964

Two more weekly cycles, right?

>> No.51725101

Scientist predict that by 2100 the earth will be too hot to sustain human life.
This year China had a heatwave that dried up the yangtze river and caused rolling black outs and other disastrous for some of their cities.
Every year has been hotter than the last.
And it's just starting

>> No.51725139

It's simple. He'll switch to cattle farming with all his farmland after he realized no one wants to eat his söyfilth.

>> No.51725159

damn, that really effects me what some massive toxic polluters do in a place where the average person is brainless and will walk into an open elevator shaft in the lower IQ parts

>> No.51725208
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I got banned from twitter for calling Bill Gates a tranny and a niggerlover
How do I profit from this?

>> No.51725242

If you are over the age of 30 you will remember identical articles talking about 2010 bringing an inevitable armageddon of water. Polar bears were supposed to be extinct 15 years ago. We would all be underwater. Multiple articles with "scientists" telling us why. Come on bud, don't be such a rube, all they did was change the date of the ridiculous claim so none of us will be alive to see how full of shit they are.

>> No.51725253

by buying genblok and migrating to genesis where you can spam nigger and there are no tranny jannies to stop you

>> No.51725275

With endless options for renewal

>> No.51725318

Yup. Look into a guy called peter ballerstedt. He’s a forage agronomist that’s trying to make it known that the whole narrative of animal agriculture being a massive greenhouse gas emitter and a waste of land is based off of faulty and biased science.


>> No.51725362

Yet another twatter clone? How is this one different from Truth or Gab?

>> No.51725380

I hope you're linux user

>> No.51725413

it has even LESS users!

>> No.51725422

to be honest I havent heard of the other two. I found it here this week cause some faggots keep spamming threads about it. figured it was a scam but I've found a few gems here so what the fuck. I've actually already profited kek

>> No.51725598

Wait it has a token or how did you make profit?
Making a profit is all that matters. Nu-/biz/ will never understand this

>> No.51725673

ofc why else would i be even thinking of it let alone talking about it. Its an eth coin ticker: GenBlok

>> No.51725728

Look at what he actually says in the article. "The problem is not solvable on a consumer level. The only solution is North Korea style autocracy"

>> No.51725884

No, read the article. He said not to do that either. He's advocating for a capitalist solution essentially, where "green" options are better.

>> No.51725933
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>wtf I heccin love my based crypto jew boomer now

>> No.51726058
File: 61 KB, 750x923, bill gates sucking chinese balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to force them

>> No.51726544

>Solar panels galore, since the sun gives all of that energy freely 24/7 globally.
Muh solar panels is all well and good however these panels still require resources to build, resources that are becoming more scarce each year, like silver for example. Nuclear power plants would probably be a better idea.

>> No.51726707

In the 1970s they thought the world would be frozen and we'd be out of oil by 2000.

>> No.51726725

Silver is plentiful. You can buy literal kilos of it right now.

>> No.51726898
File: 33 KB, 351x387, the sheer mechanics just don't add up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No someone pointed out to the Elites how stupid of an idea Ze Bugs actually was. Have you actually seen how many bugs would be needed to compare to a single 2.2lbs or 1kg of beef?

>> No.51726926

Ty anon, I'll take a look

>> No.51727264

Two solutions:
and specially bio-engineered plankton designed to absorb the suns energy and be turned into bio-fuel. Just farm the plankton, basically a natural solar panel.

>> No.51728263
File: 2.90 MB, 1548x2064, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, i'll bookmark and be sure to read!!!

>> No.51728285

He's not changing his mind.
He's been one of the good guys all along.

>> No.51728290
File: 321 KB, 1402x2854, climate change top 41 fake events.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"""Global warming""" is jewish bullshit pushed by our enemies to fuck us over
the earth is getting hotter, but it is not anthropogenic,

>> No.51728392

why cant this stupid old fuck just shut the fuck up?
nobody gives a flying fuck what you say fucktard

>> No.51728421
File: 1.20 MB, 2000x1330, officer-k-blade-runner-2049-v9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would bill gates NOT rebel? Can you even contemplate being born into a position where you sit so close to the inner circles of power and not want to overthrow them? Why would you not want to overthrow the kings when you won such a lucky gamble to get there, knowing you only have another 10-20 years to live anyways? If I were gates I would be scheming to get rid of them and be the top dog. Simple as.

>> No.51728472


>> No.51728484

Capitalist as in he keeps the money now that he's one of the biggest farmland owners in America

>> No.51728493

you are still getting the guillotine, billy

>> No.51728503

until a few years ago "climate" "scientists" didn't even take variable energy output of the sun into account. you know, the thing that keeps us warmer than absolute zero

>> No.51728526

I watched a interview with him that's almost a decade old where he's trying to tell the audience that they aren't really using the internet, they're just building the body and mind that the global AI will inhabit.

>> No.51728538

I don't know enough about the suns output to have an opinion, but I do know it is getting hotter everywhere.

>> No.51728572

>implying solar panels don't bleach and wear out
>conflating the entire solar output spectrum to the small portion that is actually harnessed
Even michiu kaku isn't this fuckin stupid
The only logical step forward from where we are is nuclear, and furiously tipping aoc on her onlyfans PAC is not going to get those nudes, bro

>> No.51728654

>implying solar panels don't bleach and wear out
again, when I say AI can counter any level of entropy, I mean AI can analyze and design near prefect recycling and conservation systems and pathways where things like bleaching will be chemically reversed with their own specialty facilities that make use of chemicals harvested from other sectors in the economy in one fully integrated system. A perfect industrial web of manufacturing, recycling, and materials engineering, the kind only AI could design once fed the relevant data.
>conflating the entire solar output spectrum to the small portion that is actually harnessed
make better batteries lmao.

>> No.51728864

it means they're going to grow meat in a lab
they could probably make it healthy too, but they won't, it'll come with surprise "unintended" side effects that people will be in denial about for decades.

>> No.51728885

He's right, only global megadeath will stop climate change. Lucky for us he has a plan.

>> No.51728898

>Our side
I thought this was a financial board?

>> No.51728903

>I don't know enough about the suns output
neither do I, but the fact that this variable wasn't taken into account means all analysis based on this data is useless and the conclusions most definetly false.

>> No.51728928

maybe a different guy but i heard some plan to make africa green (as in plants) by using grazing animals to terraform the landscape while also eating those animals. and how all the worlds carbon problems, if you believe in that, could be solved with grazing animals while also feeding people

>> No.51728967

>waste of land
I've seen the endless barren cattle ranches that replaced large swaths of the amazon rainforest.

>> No.51728968

he's probably invested in a company that makes lab grown meat, look into it, i'm probably right. it's a good idea on paper but watch them fuck it up on purpose to make us sick

>> No.51729293

>reading comprehension
Its not about the batteries, dingus
What's the band gap of a silicon based solar panel?
How much of the suns output does that cover?
Photovoltaics have their place (in the sun lol) but it will always be very niche
Plus, if you're going all in on this ai king or whatever, you really think it gives a fuck about our existing technology and supply chain? If it somehow breaks thermo and creates infinity^2 energy like you claim, why would it use such a shitty antenna?

>> No.51729988

No, he wants to force us to stop eating meat and buying houses.

>> No.51730045
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Thread should have ended here

>> No.51730080

i want to be homeless and eat bugs

>> No.51730168

and since the natural cycle requires insects to sustain bigger forms of life it would still cause problems (if any of this even does)
not to mention production

>> No.51730175

Bill has a major image problem. He’s doing damage control

>> No.51730265

reverse psychology
>if we start shilling meat again maybe they'll eat the bugs

>> No.51730277

i think you're tlaking about this


>> No.51730432


>> No.51730484

This is an astronomically stupid post like good fucking God, are we really comparing the energy consumption per kg of a cow (lifespan to market of what, 3 years minimum?) to a grasshopper who matures in a matter of weeks? Just fucking kill yourself. I'm not a ze bug basedgoy kinda guy but at least be moderately scientifically literate for one second

>> No.51730502

they stopped trying to kill us with vaccines. they're gonna do it with heart disease

>> No.51730542

see, I don't see how you could look at this and be like
cause its advertising reversing sexuality for a child, so it already has pedophilic undertones. But then you go and give the boy pink leggings and a pink skin tight t-shirt, along with pink dyed hair in that skunk style slutty girls used to wear back in my day, and I'm assuming makeup.

They turned the boy into a dolled up sex toy. I just don't get how anyone defends this. The mental gymnastics man. Imagine if that were your son.

>> No.51730591

You are factually correct but you'll still get called a Jew for pointing that out.
Cultivating bugs yields significantly more biomass per acre than cultivating any vertebrate ever could. Doesn't mean I'm going to eat the bugs.

>> No.51731091

The entire world is getting fed up with billionaires and is catching on to their nonsense. I know moderate Democrats from 10 years ago that turned into “right wing conspiracy theorists”

>> No.51731139 [DELETED] 

If you breath, you are an impediment to carbon zero.

>> No.51731158

If you breathe, you are an impediment to carbon net zero.

>> No.51731176

Well there is a triple digit in there, trips willing.

>> No.51731220
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Organic freerange for the elites
Industrial lab grown meat cubes for everyone else

>> No.51731304

TELLING people not do do those thing won't help "climate change", removing the ability for people to do those things in the first place is what will help "climate change".

>> No.51731390
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>the atomic model isn't 100% correct and doesn't account for all variables therefore it's useless and all knowledge gained from it most definitely false
>hey google uuuh wat is uhh pro-g-r-e-s-s-i-o-n of science

>> No.51732329

Everyone should watch James Corbett's documentary on Gates