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51722424 No.51722424 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get better with talking to people if I don’t follow sports and live with my parents? Some people can go on and on being interesting but my mind is just blank.

>> No.51722501

Ask good questions

>> No.51722518


>> No.51722889

Just talk about your honest opinions about things its just that easy
And start with something random to get the ball rolling

>> No.51722919
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don't listen to >>51722889 its a trap.

>> No.51722948

Just bee yourself

>> No.51722977

wrong, if the system (normies) detect a living entity it will execute the swarm protocol.

>> No.51722980

It's pretty much that. If you don't know what to say, get them to talk.
And then all you have to do when it's your turn to talk is repeat back whatever emotions they have/had related to whatever the fuck they're talking about.
>Person: One time x happened and I was very frustrated
>You: It's very hard to keep your cool when something frustrating happens. How did you deal with it?
Either learn to be interested in other people or at least work on faking it.

>> No.51723028

Just talk about the new Dahmer show on Netflix.

>> No.51723048
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I wish I wasn't self-aware.
And I don't mean that good side of being self-aware, but genuinely crippling levels of self-awareness of every little miniscule detail. When I interact with someone I over analyze that interaction to the smallest possible detail afterwards, small talk is almost impossible to me because of it. I am aware of the speed I am talking, the posture I am holding, the tone I am expressing, the eye contact I am holding, the body language I am expressing, my brain is literally working on overdrive 110% every single time and as soon as I do something "wrong" in any of these things I feel like I did something terribly wrong. Every single second feels like an hour and I am constantly in fight or flight mode. And later I deconstruct that same interaction for weeks and months to no end.
Every social interaction is like Q&A conversation in a RPG game, but instead of 3 possible questions/answers and endless time to pick the correct response there's like 3 million possible questions/answers to choose from and a deadly awkwardness timer going on, where if you don't quickly pick a response in milliseconds and not picking the right response results in me dying right there on the spot.

I want to erase that, to just be able not to think about any of that and not act manually. To be able to just talk about the weather or something dumb like that without thinking much about it.

>> No.51723076

I don't know, if normalfags or family I've tried and I can actually be funny if I want to, but I think they're all npcs of no use to me so I don't say anything until they stop calling me.

If they're women I just say some shit that's funny to me even from 4chan but normified, like some movie lines (I've watched many rom coms and that kind of shit) or edgy jokes like wanting to say the n word but can't because I'm white, or stupid sex jokes, or say that I'm a virgin or talk about pepe or whatever I think it's funny at the time.

Women are npcs anyway but you're tryna fuck so it can be worth it

>> No.51723101

Most people don't care. About you, about what you like, about any of the things you're interested in. After you realize that and your ego comes to grips with it then trying to do everything perfect all the time is less of an issue. Just relax and remember you're probably excessively worrying about things they won't even care to note.

>> No.51723115

Just say whatever comes to your mouth first without taka

>> No.51723138


I could teach you but I would make you pay me to be your life coach lol and you would probably regress as soon as I stopped helping you

>> No.51723173

>Most people don't care. About you, about what you like, about any of the things you're interested in
Rationally I am absolutely aware of that, everyone just thinks about themselves for the most part.
But that rational thought doesn't change shit when I'm actually in the moment of interaction, I can tell myself the other person doesn't care as much as I want my heart will still beat like crazy and my brain will work in 110% overdrive no matter what.

I have to go consume an incredible amount of DMT or go lose a limb in a war or something, anything to reset my 24/7 fight or flight brain

>> No.51723193

My God. You sound like a chatbot. I could never tolerate it.

>> No.51723210

Why couldn't you tolerate it?

>> No.51723223


Have you tried beer? People drink to socialize for this very reason. It makes your frontal lobes retarded so you can just chill out and get pussy

>> No.51723250

fuck people, every single conversation outside of work/business is cope so as to not be alone the content doesnt even matter, people just wanna talk all fucking day. After they are done with whatever retarded bullshit they're spouting they completely forget about your existence and move on with their days / lives until they need an ear again to do what they love best.
By people i mean normies i know this is autist land

>> No.51723252

Holy sovl

>> No.51723256

I have been drunk/tipsy plenty of times. The "drink and suddenly you'll know how to interact with people and magically become a pussy slayer" meme makes zero sense to me. I am still 100% me, just also slower and mumble even more.

>> No.51723290

Ask people about themselves

>> No.51723291

Pro tip: learn everything you can about energy and electricity production. literally everyone wants to talk about gas prices and their bills anyway, even women. you'll never be lost for something to talk about again

>> No.51723307
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How's your sex life?

>> No.51723321

have you seen that ludicrous display last night?

>> No.51723347

This isn't of much help to any autist.
The conversation just ends up being an awkward cold one side interview and you're already out of all questions in like 45 seconds.

>> No.51723355


Damn that sucks. For me it’s the exact magical scenario you described.

I think we can rule out your problem being pure anxiety then. Might be the tism

>> No.51723356
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It's over for you.
If you need to ask this question, it's over.

>> No.51723360

If you have a deep knowledge of anything you can probably ramble about it for a long time and people may find something in common.
Or ask them about themselves, people generally like to talk about themselves. Unless they are like you, a boring loser with nothing to talk about. Kek

>> No.51723409

You are not interesting, you are probably a boring retard too. People fake interest or pretend to like you
>talk music/movies/books
kys normalfag

>> No.51723439

nah, just let people talk about their shit.
When I have IRL convos I usually just listen because most people these days lack the ability to have two way conversations.

>> No.51723472

Most girls are retards and respond to caveman style tactics, which is why beer helps.
I have such a high tolerance with alcohol I physically cant get drunk anymore. It used to help a lot but now I am hyper aware of how weird everything is same as when I barely used to drink at all
The girls I find interesting are few and far between. Americanized girls in particular are not worth even talking to 99% of the time unless you're prepared to club them over the head and drag them home

>> No.51723485

Most people are boring losers, yet they also talk a fuckload non stop. Even the most interestless bland wagecuck who just does his work, watches Netflix and scrolls through Instagram talks non stop every single day, be it on his phone or with people around him.
Meanwhile a standard kissless virgin has library tier knowledge and interests he's extremely passionate, but he's an autistic introvert pussy who can barely exchange two sentences about himself so he is the boring loser in the way he carries himself

>> No.51723512

stop trying to have conversation. if you nothing comes up nothing comes up.

>> No.51723523

Kek I usually ramble about finance and Jews, unironically. I had an hour long conversation with this cute bartender last time I went out about politics, we cracked plenty of jokes despite having less than similar views. I think the key here is to have a sense of humour. I think you should take yourself less seriously.
I surround myself with people who have deep interests and have a sense of humor. There's no need to get angry anon, I'm self aware of who I am and it works socially.

>> No.51723553

You say that, but people really do just want to feel like they're being listened to.
Why would you have such a hard time with it?

>> No.51723561
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I've managed to get by faking interest and being funny. Made many friends and had some gfs even, but the problem is you can't keep doing that shit when you have more than a surface level relationship with people. Eventually they'll start to wonder how come they don't know anything about you even though they've spent so much time with you, and they'll question you about it, ask you if you distrust them. That's the worst part about this shit. It never ends and it isn't even social anxiety, something is just not there. I haven't been to /r9k/ for years but that social hierarchy of normalfag>cyborg>robot has always stuck to me. Too normal for robots, too weird for normalfaggots.

>> No.51723578

Yeah you're right. A lot of conversations people have are going to be completely meaningless shoot the shit style remarks. Sometimes you'll meet someone interesting who has stories to tell. Maybe you have stories too?
I do agree with you though, it's funny how it works.
Ironically the autistic guy who went on for an hour about WW2 isn't someone I'd talk to again. But the drug dealer who got his eye knocked out by a baseball bat is.
I think accessibility is a big thing is conversation. You have to read the room

>> No.51723613

The world has never been more interesting but due to how vulnerable social media makes people, people have never been more dedicated IRL to being un-interesting and conforming to the point of denying or ignoring the existence of certain realities.

>> No.51723622

you do all this to avoid conflict, people want to get along and have a good time. All meetings HAVE to be about fun or people fuck off. Thats why jews win, because we dont gather anymore to simply talk issues, its all about party drugs girls or your latest show

>> No.51723636

Based as fuck. I think that's what autists here should do. Make nigga jokes, talk about how they are wojak but want to be pepe and shit like that. Of course if they are online people it's cringe but if they don't know anything about it and you explain in a funny way it's hilarious.
They just need to stop being introverted autists who think they're losers and be more extroverted autists that think they're people, and unless they are bottom 15% ugliness, they'll get pussy or a friend or two, although these conversations probably would be cringe and not fun with a bigger group

>> No.51723647

then when you do want to argue and talk issues or conflict you come to the internet and discuss with anon strangers. Funny isnt it? this is how we have been trained

>> No.51723663

some people think they are actually anonymous on this site.

>> No.51723675

The attitude matters a lot as well, perhaps the most important, you ramble about WW2 for an hour they won't like you, but if you make oven jokes it can work just fine and you automatically filter the blue hairs

>> No.51723681

doesnt matter, the point is we are not forming groups with a purpose, all gatherings are about getting laid or wasting time

>> No.51723706

>doesnt matter
it actually does matter.
People are more open online than in person because they think they are anonymous. Everyone IRL is dedicated to pretending to be stupid.

>> No.51723708

>Avoid conflict
Yeah no shit because no one wants to get in a shouting match in a public place with a stranger. It's ok to disagree but if you can't hold a calm discussion (most people can't) you're gonna have a hard time. Hence, read the room. Most of the time I keep my mouth shut because the majority of people I meet are npc teir midwits that are vomiting up the latest CNN narrative
Agreed people are scared shitless to step out of the box but if you show you're confident people will respect you for it, as long as you don't come across as too pushy or assertive
Lmao dude I used to date a black chick and would crack subtlety racist jokes all the time. She was quite boring though and started taking me too seriously eventually. People really can't accept reality most of the time

>> No.51723739

and things will keep that way precisely because of the avoiding conflict mindset. Nobody wants to argue. Nobody wants to fight. Everyone is cucked.
Its not about going to a bar to ramble about politics. People shouldnt even be in the bar drinking like fucking retards. Thats not what social should be about

>> No.51723796

because they are afraid to do it in person, as i said everyone is cucked. So we dont get real peoplle anymore and as soon as someone has the balls to do or say something serious or be original he/she becomes instant internet meme/celebrity even if its lame as fuck

>> No.51723889

Right so there’s no point, I don’t see how that’s funny though.

>> No.51723906

One of my favorite parts of the cyber world is how youtubers and twitch streamers and other "influencers" are nothing more than surrogate friends for people. All you have to do is be sane on camera for 10 minutes talking about whatever and you're guaranteed an audience, because so many people basically need sane friends.

>> No.51724190

these youtubers and twitch streamers are a pain to watch i cannot fathom how people sit and listen for hours, even a faggot just playing a videogame and saying dumb shit people will sit and watch. Because all social has been reduced to quenching boredom. Entertainment. If you're not being entertained, they're not your friends.

>> No.51724281

People love talking about themselves, or being given a chance to stand in the spot light. I literally have not watched any live sporting events in years and couldnt even follow a live game if I tried. I will literally make a joke out of it and talk bout how football is like a foreign language to me, and then spin it on them:
>hey anon, what did you think of that play last night when john doe passed the didly doo to the womble tomble?!
>haha you're speaking latin to me dude, i bet that must have been a play to see how excited you were, is this getting them closer to the super bowl?
>yeah anon, it's great, they havent been to the super bowl since 1984 and sldfjsdlfjweoinsdovfidsfsdf
>yeah man, that's awesome to see them getting there, i'll be cheering for em and you bro!
literally it's so easy.

>> No.51724346

why do you do it though? do you really enjoy it