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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 330 KB, 1016x864, SmartSelect_20220930-100602_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51721895 No.51721895 [Reply] [Original]

Who approves these financial ads?

That's clearly a child.

With money ON her body.

>> No.51721986

could be 18, hard to tell the way airbrush is used these days to blur womens faces up so their skin looks unnaturally smooth

>> No.51721993

looks 18 to me

>> No.51722008

Thats not only a MILF but also a man. Youre way off dude calm down

>> No.51722037
File: 35 KB, 474x316, 5F134ED0-E200-46CD-A7C3-71F2DEFAEC5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m shocked, shocked! I tell you!!

>> No.51722057

advertising to young women makes sense since they're risk averse and prone to submitting to authority. who else would be dumb enough to open a savings account for 1% apr in an age of 30% inflation on food and housing. also young women are more likely to be better educated and have higher paying jobs one day then young men.

>> No.51722099

she'll let the bank hold her money in some bullshit because the bank is authority and the boomers told her to. while her purchasing power falls like grains of sand between her fingers every year. eventually taking out a 50 year mortgage because she's told its what she's supposed to do. women make the best goys. banks want women

>> No.51722119


>> No.51722146


>> No.51722160

based advertiser, i would give him a raise

>> No.51722181

I don't know what they're selling but I wanna buy it.

>> No.51722202
File: 254 KB, 820x844, them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems fine to me

>> No.51722224
File: 22 KB, 854x211, 1662153515050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American detected. Not only is it clearly not the face of what nowadays is defined as a child, but if it was then it still wouldn't be a child biologically speaking.

>> No.51722254
File: 107 KB, 1488x388, 1649289072399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51722369

such a bullshit pic. No 7-10 year old were rushing into battle, a kid would be laughably easy to kill in melee combat and no one would risk their future soldiers like that

>> No.51722385

I agree with the sentiment completely but OP's pic look 12 yo

>> No.51722398

if you look at that pic and see a sex object instead of a daughter that you must care and provide for then you have got a serious problem
fix your fucking life

>> No.51722405
File: 22 KB, 474x316, DF459B5B-D9D6-4128-A01A-F11CBD7D68D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.51722729
File: 94 KB, 1200x813, 1655019672839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ID: Jew

>> No.51722775

Someone who knows their target audience

>> No.51722789

a 30 year old with a dagger can slaughter 50 ten year old soldiers with spears that the retard would send into battle

>> No.51722811
File: 1.37 MB, 1048x1050, 1664557639711864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



What did he mean by that?

>> No.51722823

i can believe they'd start training them at 7-10 but actually putting them into battle is pretty retarded yeah. i doubt that was ever common.

>> No.51722887

I wouldn't be surprised if that pic came from AI art. I heard nerds are already farming CPs using their localhost git through AI art.

>> No.51723050

>Red phone
>Disheveled glasses

>> No.51725167

That's a man

>> No.51727524

It's just like with masonic symbolism - pedophilic imagery is everywhere but you're socially expected to not notice or acknowledge it.

>> No.51728199

looks 16

>> No.51728243
File: 80 KB, 652x764, 1630300265760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why they would use a child in an advertisement covered in money!

>> No.51729634

It's the normalization tactic they did the same with negroes on film soon it will be all in your face
New normal

>> No.51729654

well not that shocked

>> No.51729668

Só what?

>> No.51729683

Your handlers must think you’re a fucking pedophile.