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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 374x720, received_10154465817792172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5171727 No.5171727 [Reply] [Original]

Whats up losers? ;) You ok ? hehe..
Look what i just bought, it's a 2009 Luis Roedrer Cristal ;)

You see i don't drink piss like workingclass dumb idiots drink.. piss like beer and fucking cava. ;)) I only drink expensive champagne ;)

Ask me anything ;) if you are nice maybe i'll give you some tips in life to be as rich as me ;) richfag here ;)

Fucking hate dumb workingclass poorfags

>> No.5171742
File: 23 KB, 272x185, 26b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek this thread gets me everytime

>> No.5171767

lol, you look so dumb. Thanks for the chuckle.

>> No.5171810

Is this the new "shit was so cash"?

>> No.5171818

There's a barrel of wine with a turd in it.

>> No.5171842

Serious question, why is his bathroom so small? Average McMansion in America has a master bath 5x that size.

>> No.5171857
File: 209 KB, 1000x750, 1513525023301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey faggots, My name is Peter and I hate every single one of you. You where warned for weeks to buy Schiff Gold, that crypto is a scam a bubble and a Ponzi scheme. How does it feel knowing today that you lost all your money today? I suppose its funny pretending to be apart of the 1%ers like me all day, but this is even worst than jacking off to stocks on Scott Trade

Don't be a stranger just hit me with your best shot, i'm pretty much perfect. I am CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital Inc, founder, CEO, and chairman of Euro Pacific Asset Management, LLC , I also am founder and chairman of SchiffGold. What companies do you run ? other than Jack Off to the Crypto Currency on all day LLC ? I also have a banging hot girlfriend she just blew me (Shit Was So Cash)
You are all Faggots who should just kill yourself, Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: Its me and my bitchh

>> No.5171882

I'd rather be poor than look like you

>> No.5171937

A really borderline femine trap.

>> No.5171965

Wearing the wigger starter kit to his first official date. Aww. Mommy took the picture?

>> No.5171983

i love schiffposts

>> No.5172014
File: 148 KB, 600x402, 1513376026994.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another classic /biz/ pasta. I cant find the Canadian plumber one though
The audacity of you fucking retards. You come here sharing tips and analysis of crypto, when it's just a roll of the fucking dice. You're like a sad old booze hound that thinks he's got a great method for winning the coin slots. You all think you're Jordan Belfort. If you weren't £1000 deep in crypto by 2014 you're a fucking victim. If you haven't already lost most of your money, you're going to at one point. Even the photos you post of your "14k portfolio", you're not kidding anyone. Spend 10k, up 4k one day, down 4k the next. This should not be a business and finance thread it should be a help thread for problem gamblers. You're fucking pathetic. You're lazy. You have nothing going in in life. That's why you choose crypto currency. You're all too lazy to invest in real business ventures. Take me for example, a real entrepreneur. I've been buying and selling cars since I was 17. It's paid my bills for 6 years. Just this morning I bought a "spares or repairs" listing for £150. Got it running after a quick reference of the hanes manual and an hour on YouTube. Same car, similar age and millage are selling for £4500 on autotrader. Night just sell it for £4000, for a quick sale. Even if I buy a car that is truly fucked, it still has scrap value, real physical value. What do you have? Nothing. Ive also put the deposit on a car that cost 3300 but will sell for 5000 easily. And all that took was 15 mins looking for a good deal. Last year I used only £8000 to buy my uncle a van and tolls for his landscaping business, for which I'm getting £1200 per month cash for zero effort. No sleepless nights. No spending hours each day following trends (100% pointless task) and now I'm looking to buy a small piece of low grade land for forestry operations. You idiots really have no idea about business or finance. I hope bitcoin crashes to 1k most of you fucking hang yourself. Worthless posers.

>> No.5172121
File: 80 KB, 425x265, plumber425-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work as a Canadian Plumber. Today i made more money than any of you cucks will ever make day trading cryptocurrency. Want to know something amazing though? I can hold it in my fucking hand, thats right i can count my dollars right in front of my face. I'm not playing around with pretend coins that don't have any impact on this world.

I started work at 5:00 AM today. I was able to install 3 boilers each giving me ~3000$ per. I unclogged 3 toilets each giving me ~600$ each for 30 minutes of work. I find problems that dont exist in every single customers house that i enter into. Even if its an old fucking boomer in their 70s who ruined our economy i dont care i take advantage of their stupidity.

You really need this heat exchanger upgrade to your heating system!! It's looking really old and your pipes could burst any moment.

Even though its completely fine i'll just bill them for a $900 part that was in perfect working condition.

The only way to get ahead in life is to fucking push your way around. So that's right today i made $12,585 canadian dollars. Meanwhile you fucking cucks are investing in digital garbage like "Bitbeans, Cuckbeans, Iconomis, and Digibytes" Spamming your fucking cuck memes and losing money with your pink wojaks..

Why don't you use your brain for a minute and realise that the latest SEC news is going to crash all of your crypto world around you in the next few months. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme that only profits for the original founders. You will never make as much money as me in the trades because you're too busy failing realizing the only way to get ahead in life is through hard work and ripping people off.

>> No.5172134
File: 93 KB, 600x899, d54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek you found it