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51720685 No.51720685 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, may I present you my multi million dollar buisness idea. DO NOT LAUGH.


They are:
>live forever
>eat very little
>can do tricks
>and make no noise

Tell me a pet that can do similar? You literally cant. We can make so much money selling “rare” breeds by using food coloring and used crayons and sell preowned cockroaches from captures.

How do we do this? Using emotional messaging over Tiktok to zoomers stating that cockroaches are misunderstood and create cute pictures of them with pretty women.

Pricing? We can sell cockroaches for an estimated 75 percent profit and upto a 200 percent profit margin on special breeds

Anyone interested? I know you guys would want to invest.

>> No.51720759

Dumb nigger
people already do these, breeding dubias as feeder stock and species like madagascar hissing cockroaches are highly sought after by insect collectors

>> No.51720812

insect collectors are a small market, we need wide outreach to make it work

>> No.51720932

Wait a minute. I hate that I'm responding to this post, but what tricks can roaches do?

>> No.51720959
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>> No.51720965


>> No.51721023

>start cockroach farm
>sell to amerimutts
>they vill eat ze bugs and be happy

>> No.51721101

My friend can make his roach roll over, walk upside down, and climb

>> No.51722788

One time in my garage there were two roaches eating a horse fly. One of them bolted and got the stomp, but the other little bastard actually started trying to drag its meal away before giving up on that and eating right in front of me. was so impressed I started playing on my phone for a bit so it could finish its last meal

>> No.51723591
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no sir, start cockroach farm for upcoming milk

>> No.51723657

You may be onto something op. Roaches created avax which has made a lot of shitskins money

>> No.51723673
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> Paint Roaches red/white
> Create coin dedicated to roaches
Avax 2.0