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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51719834 No.51719834 [Reply] [Original]

>russia annexes ukraine
>west preparing military response
>market pumps

>> No.51719846

war is bullish

>> No.51719858

We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams.

>> No.51719911
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>> No.51720024

>putin nukes washington dc
>no more money printing

>> No.51720217

(((they))) have inside info both sides are going to dance together in harmony soon and this conflict is about to dissolve
You are their buy liquidity. Sry and get rekt

>> No.51720909
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uhh... the war is literally over

>> No.51720991

The war is over when the US decides to stop financing it.

>> No.51721979

war is inflationary

>> No.51722013


>> No.51723002

military response? fuck off
nobody is invading russia

>> No.51723576

fake 'rally around the president' kind of deal. They're trying to turn this into the CIA flying planes into the WTC. Convenient too how that Nordstream attack is out of the news cycle now replaced by this. This rally is part of that narrative. They always think in scripts, like hollywood jews.

>> No.51724505

I am vibrating with absolute joy. I hope their defeat is so complete, Genghis Khan would blush. I hope they make the Russian language illegal to speak, and they re-write history books to say it's been a deserted wasteland since November 1917. Literally carpet nuke any town bigger than a Walmart. Turn Red Square into a pig farm and put the disembowling cesspool right over the altar of Saint Basil's Cathedral, melt down the bells of Ivan the Great into toilets for prisons and mental asylums. Bury The Motherland Calls upside-down with it's head cut off, turn the head into the new Kiev government building's septic tank.

>> No.51724560
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lookup stock market gain before&after WW2

>> No.51724596

Holy... I want more! (this is a /lit/ meme)

>> No.51724679

gonna need to make a new bobo photoshoop and update the numbers on the top right buddy
20k rejected

>> No.51724752

Dear CIA
please attack a difference city this time
I don’t wanna die
East Coast

>> No.51724781

No, its institutional investors and other big players getting ready to dump on fools to save themselves from the coming crash.

>> No.51724815


>> No.51724884

>west preparing military response
There is no military response, Russia now has nuclear deterrent in its newly acquired provinces.

>> No.51726591

what war? I am still waiting to know who sabotaged the Nord Stream Pipeline.
500 dollar on US, and side bet 250 Poland as executing agent

>> No.51726669

>the newfag bobo was right

>> No.51726681

*for the US
**not for anyone else

>> No.51726833

Lmao. U have no idea what's coming. They are turning ukraine into the next afghanistan dummy. That's why they gtfo of afghan so suddenly after decades there and left it to the taliban. They had already decided that ukraine was going to be the next military playground for them

>> No.51727468

Good luck eating nukes then

>> No.51727514
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stay seething glownigger