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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51718948 No.51718948 [Reply] [Original]

>prints more money to combat the effects of printing too much money
What is wrong with these people?

>> No.51718999

They think they can quell populism with a few dollars

>> No.51719019

they are printing money to help people pay for things because the price went up due to the money printing how do you not understand?

>> No.51719064

surely we can agree its kino. this world is run by mega retards, for mega retards.

>> No.51719161
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This is your brain on Jews

>> No.51719268

Stop with the conspiracy theories. Currencies are not losing value because the supply of currency has exploded, it's because every business in the world is conspiring to raise their prices simultaneously due to greed.

>> No.51719280

I guess that if you print faster than the inflation take effect you're OK.

>> No.51719364

They're using the Ukraine war as the primary scapegoat. I wonder if history books will tell the truth or go with the obfuscated narrative

>> No.51719379

And you thought run away Weimer tier inflation was a meme.

>> No.51719389


Damn, no wonder BTC is pumping now.

>> No.51719449
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It is really simple. In the fiat era economists far underestimate the effect of printing money because it is supposedly much easier to deal with the effects now, and it has worked in the past. They far overestimate the effect of macro conditions such as interest rates and and real price increases in comparison.
Therefore, they feel confident that they can just print money in the short term, aid the economy, raise interest rates to tame inflation and remedy it by opening the low interest rate cash casino in the medium term. However, this assumption assumes that the economy does recover from the increase in spending and cash flow. If/when it doesn't then interest rates can't comedown to stimulate the economy, and inflation either grinds on or interest rates go up further, hurting the economy even more. This is what happened in Japan...
The print, raise interest rates, lower interest rates formula is like playing Russian roulette because eventually you will reach a point where the money printing does not remedy the economy, leading to the inability to use interest rates, as lowering them will cause inflation, and raising them will further damage the economy.
After that happens its like picrel. No amount of perpetual low interest rates will reopen the easy cash casino

>> No.51719511
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printing money has what deflation craves

>> No.51719601
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Another thing to keep in mind is that the whole job market is propped up on bullshit. For example companies that pay people a full days worth for a job that could have been done in 2-3 hours. And this is sustainable as long as line always goes up. Once companies are forced to cut the fat that fat does not return. Pic related
Japanese wagies are made to work extremely long and hard hours and are always busy. The companies only hire people willing to work these long hours. If this happens today gone are the days of bullshit jobs. We will be in the same position

>> No.51719956
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I hope you're trolling because this is so subtle and so fucking perfectly representative of the average financially and economically illiterate normaltard you wouldn't even begin to understand. Or... you could very well be an unironic financially and economically illiterate normaltard yourself with zero self-awareness and too much righteous indignation. Either way, 10/10 had a laugh and in the end, because I AM both financially and economically literate, I win whether line goes up or line goes down

>> No.51720011

relax nerd

>> No.51720361
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> made to work extremely long and hard hours and are always busy
yes, i believe we are headed there

>> No.51720457

>What is wrong with these people?
As a European, it's pretty easy to understand. They don't want to lose the next elections. Only short term matters in politics.

>> No.51720500

Yeah that’s not happening tard

>> No.51720554

Maybe they're trying to create a price ceiling on energy by bearing the cost by government. Later on in future years such costs may be passed on to the public.

>> No.51720718

>Germany is buying half BTC marketcap to fight inflation
Seems like a better plan to me

>> No.51721043

Unironically if they print money in secret without disclosure won't that help inflation?

>> No.51721086

Everyone and their mothers are printing money these days.

>> No.51721110

You wouldn’t get it chud this is going to brown people for slavery

>> No.51721166

It's so the economy doesn't completely crash and burn, instead you can stimulate the market for a short time until it is somewhat stable and then save money in the next periods where you'll have to pay back the extra debt.

>> No.51721332

Nope. It's run by smart people who think 98% of the word's population are retards (they are right).

>> No.51721442

Will inflation make Bitcoin much more valuable? If so should I sell it for fiat to use it on my daily life or keep it?
This may be a dumb question but I'm confused.

>> No.51721477

We have the same retards in france. Rather than address the real causes of inflation they just give money randomly for people to buy Chinese shit or vacation in Spain.

>> No.51721666

It would still increase the money supply whether it’s secret or not

>> No.51721740

How do you know it did if it's not disclosed.

>> No.51721750

Des vacances en Espagne, ça me ferait du bien.. J'y suis jamais allez, ça a l'air beau. J'ai entendu parlé du Portugal aussi, comme quoi c'est très abordable.

>> No.51721760

This chick had nice fat tits

>> No.51721829

>Doing the thing that caused inflation in the first place to stop inflation wont cause more inflation

Lol ok rabbi

Lmfgdfao even

>> No.51721922


>> No.51721931
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topkek i love when politicans try to into economics. truss had a go too and now we are in a currency war with the US. this actually beneifits the UK and will drag the dollar down a bit. watch equities pop a little higher. the fed will ofc react with a >100bps increase to curb it. current yruo bureaucrats are literally the dumbest motherfuckers. except Giorgi ofc

>> No.51721938

honk honk

>> No.51721951

10/10 response. People should repeat this to anyone who calls them a conspiracy nut.

>> No.51722028

Not at all, inflation doesn’t immediately come with printing even if everybody knows about it, at first everything stays the same price then responds to being purchased more

>> No.51722040

History books never teach the truth anon. You're watching how history gets recorded in real-time. How many BS articles have you read that are obviously rubbish over the last year? How full of propaganda, selective-fiction and bias they are, all in order to paint a specific narrative?
The only difference between now and the past is that we have the internet now which helps people to fact check for themselves and be exposed to alternative narrative. In the past, this didn't exist; they had 100% control of the narrative. Ergo sum, everything we think we know if history is really derived from the same processes as we're seeing now. Pure narrative, pure propaganda, pure BS. Modern historians literally reference newspapers to understand history.

>> No.51722059

printing more money is the best option in a set of terrible choices

the only way to "combat inflation" is to tax everyone at like 90%. get the money out of circulation. do you think that is politically feasible? lol

>> No.51722061

Are they printing money though or using budget?

>> No.51722111

>production costs have increased by like 5%
>companies have a great excuse to raise prices
>raise prices by 30%
it doesn't require "every business in the world conspiring" sweetie

>> No.51722130

I remember in high school I asked my Econ teacher why you can’t just print more money. And scoffed and laughed at me and then the class laughed at me. I’ve held a grudge ever since.

AND NOW LOOK WHERE WE ARE. FUCKKKKK YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT. They are literally doing what I said to do and all the cattle are just like “yup lol good plan thank you.” FUCK YOU FOR LAUGHING AT ME I HOPE YOU GET FUCKING CANCER YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT

>> No.51722177

exactly, nice to see someone else saying this. that historians literally reference newspapers. future historians will see trump as some kind of orange hitler white supremacist leading an army of alt right ku klux klanners because the newspapers said so. and they'll say our time in history was "incredibly racist" and the movies from our time will show black people pulled over and shot at random by white cops as if that was just a normal thing that happened all the time. makes me wonder if the 1950s were as racist as media and historians make out to be today. i'm no trump fan or hater, they're all puppets, i'm just saying.

>> No.51722196

even ancient history you have to wonder. maybe some of the best roman emperors were the once called crazy today. maybe some of the worst are now considered the best. maybe roman emperors were just puppets to some deep state like todays presidents. who knows. who will ever know.

>> No.51722249

Actually look his number or campus email up and tell him that's what they're going to do regardless (whether or not its a good idea).

Get closure, but also thank him lol

>> No.51722323

no such thing as 'budget'. All public expenditure is done with fresh newly printed money

>> No.51723151

200 billions targeted right can actually improve the situation.
We're talking about an inflation coming from 25'000 billions, 9'000 billions just for covid.

>> No.51723495

Back then nobody thought western politicians and central banks could be dumb enough to pull a Zimbabwe but here we are

>> No.51723991

oh to experience Caligula's irl shitposting. Imagine appointing a horse as the speaker of the house.

>> No.51724228

Isn't this the same thing that the US did?

>> No.51724453

yeah, it sounds kind of based, exactly

>> No.51724885

so what drove prices up?
we had a lot of printed money + supply shortage

>> No.51725183

The top dogs in finance aren't afraid to call the government out on it though. Buffett did it. Dalio did it. Charlie Munger did it. The CEO of JPMorgan did it to Congress' face: https://youtu.be/ggeULNqap1U?t=4647

The truth might not prevail, but it's out there for anyone who pays attention

>> No.51725212

Plenty of Roman emperors were puppets of the Praetorian Guard, which were probably the closest thing Rome had to Glowniggers, and several other Roman Emperors were killed by the Praetorians when they tried to reign them in.

>> No.51725470

big finance cucks aren't top dogs, they're just dogs, slaves to the esg and big blackrock cock. buffet is a boomer and he is towing the line for the nwo agenda. none of these people have our backs. government isn't real anyways it's just a tv show.

>> No.51725668

Maybe they won't hand it directly to their kike friends this time ;>}

>> No.51725710

you dont have to like them or take their side to acknowledge that they are right some times. the world is trying to sell a lie and those guys refuse to buy that lie because it would be bad for business

>> No.51725927

thats literally what they were doing back then, same as now. There's just more people now so numbers are bigger. Your teacher was dumb or ignorant

>> No.51726041

>What is wrong with these people?
what they are doing indirectly is taking money from savers and giving it to everyone in the economy, basically stealing from the people who have it to give to those who don't literally communism, the signal they are giving out is, don't save, get into debt, don't care about your debts someone will be there to help, they are making it so that saving is actually stupid... they are turning Europeans into literal slaves who can't even save some of the worth they generate to get to a better situation in the future... fuck this, if this keeps up i will just stop working and live of the state, who cares, who gives a shit, have been working for 10 years and i still can't afford to buy an house, how does that work? i'm sure i could build an house myself in under a year, just buying the materials and doing the labor myself, what's the point of getting a job?? with the money i have saved i could build my own house this year, but no, i have to get an architect, and licence and an engineer and constructor and an inspector, FUCK SOCIETY

>> No.51726079

and so far so good! checked

>> No.51726105
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>>51719956 (Also, nice image)
>>51721760 (thread)
>>51722040 (facts)
>>51722059 (retard)
>>51722177 (facts)


>> No.51727105

they buy lies that are bad for business all the time, thats what the esg shit they cuck to is all about. they're losing money for "muh diversity" not because they want to, but because they are cucked dogs to blackrocks esg and they have to bend the knee and its sad and pathetic to watch these men who are supposed to be mighty men of commerce submit themselves to this nonsense. the suit and tie looks like a noose around the neck, a uniform for cucks who have no real power anymore.

>> No.51727125
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>> No.51727203

you vill own nothing and you vill be happy

>> No.51727206

you realize basically every good relies on oil for distribution and the price of oil alone has exploded since 2020

>> No.51727241

the factory where my mom worked at closed yesterday because of the high energy costs and now she's looking for a new job, I don't think it's a 5% increase in production costs

>> No.51728648

Your classmates laughed at you because your teacher laughed at you. Sorry for your lots.

>> No.51728769
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Jews try to print unlimited money to prop up their Jew ponzi scheme


>> No.51730037

Your gold will remain worthless