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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51709429 No.51709429 [Reply] [Original]

Sucks to be you

>> No.51709755

I inherited 3 flats and I'm 29

>> No.51710146

You're a gay cityfag.

>> No.51710181

This is the price we pay for wanting our countries full of faggots and brown people. If only leftists cucks could understand that everything they support lower our living standards

>> No.51710196

I know. I'm just going to keep living with my parents until they die and save every penny. After that I'm going to buy a small 80k house in cash in southern Europe. I'm not going to give a single euro to landlords and boomers in this kiked housing market in Northern/Western Europe.

>> No.51710199

kys urbanite scum

>> No.51710236

Bought mine early 2020, making me an official 30 year old boomer. Fuck you got mine

>> No.51710263

so what happens after all the old people die? do their houses also just disappear or what? stupid fucking article

>> No.51710277

Unfortunately my country has been importing more spics and Latin American creatures to my country and I am quickly learning why their countries are in such states. These people are no better than niggers.

>> No.51710287

houses are already doing down and a recession is all but certain. i think i'll get a house

>> No.51710324
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I have a house and I'm a millennial. Did this guy just call my house shitty?

>> No.51710340

it probably is tbqh desu famalam

>> No.51710344

>If only leftists cucks could understand that everything they support lower our living standards
Yeah, every single bill or policy or anything at all that only exists to make life worse for everyone, leftoids support? Are these even real humans, or are they just mindless drones programmed by the government to support the death of real humans?

>> No.51710351

Niggas be jealous

>> No.51710356

If you can't compete with brown people you are a waste of life and I am ashamed to share white skin with you. Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.51710366

Immigrants are necessary because of falling birth rates regardless dumbass.

>> No.51710378

They're easily manipulated into positions because all their motivations are rooted in social acceptance.

>> No.51710388

(((They))) are really asking for the guillotine with articles like this.

>> No.51710395

Necessary for what?

>> No.51710407

For saying the truth? Would a cope article promising millenials nice homes somehow please you?

>> No.51710414

lol kys kikes

>> No.51710432

>hurr durr just wait til youre 60 to buy a house what’s the problem with that?

>> No.51710440

His point is that all the welfare and entitlement programs to support the ”unhoused” and “historically marginalized communities” have a tax burden that falls on the middle class. These programs may lift up the lowest rungs a little, but they ultimately push the middle class down more. The net effect is everyone is poor instead of income mobility.

Just look at all the Covid policies. All the free gibs super charged inflation so much that it wiped out the one time benefit of the gibs for the poor and negatively impacted the middle class as well.

I’m not against social programs, but there is so much waste and excess at this point that no new program should be funded without first making an equivalent cut somewhere else

>> No.51710442

Blackrock buys them and rents them to you

>> No.51710447

80K in southern europe?
there is nothing
you can have something decent in the countryside of france but your neighbors will be cows, travellers and grandmothers

>> No.51710451

The people responsible for it are mocking them you simpleton

>> No.51710457

I wonder if they're trying to rile up normalfags on purpose and manipulate them into an (easily controlled and manipulated) revolt. So that they can make life even worse and pretend that they made it better. Seems to be a pattern with leftoids

>> No.51710464
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1 more year and I would have been free.

>> No.51710475

Again, what kind of article would you like? "Cheap homes for millenials on the horizon"?

>> No.51710478

Only one of my friends bought a house, the rest either bought condos for 350-450k or are renting.

I do not consider a 700sqft 4 1/2 51/2condo a house.

>> No.51710491

What are you, an antisemite?

>> No.51710499

Sorry Moshi, even if every pube on your head somehow straightened up you still be a dirty kike rat

>> No.51710502


>> No.51710533

they get reverse mortgaged and bought by banks to rent out

>> No.51710542

Do people actually click on these retarded-ass articles by retarded-ass "reporters"? jfc what a waste of time.
I'm a millennial and I almost bought a $2mm home at the peak of the bubble for shits and giggles.

>> No.51710574

I think he was saying that increasing population increases competition, lowering quality of life for the native population.

>> No.51710596


>> No.51710764

How about an analysis on why and what can be done to fix the problem instead of "sorry cope, lol"

>> No.51710892

>t. pathetic brainlets who can't even compete with asians and darkies
If there's one thing I hate more than nonwhite leeches, it's lowly whites pretending to be better than they really are or anywhere near my level. Kill yourselves immediately.

>> No.51710936

Amerigoy individualist mindset - the post
>Hurr our race is being exterminated but look how much goy bux I have
Go be a useful idiot back on plebbit

>> No.51710959

I bought just before covid hit, my home is still worth about double what I paid, I think I'm just incredibly lucky.

>> No.51711032

The only thing being exterminated is your family tree. If you can't even find a white woman who is willing to breed with you, I don't know what to tell you, the problem will simply solve itself. Anyone who is fit enough to survive the selection process are the only ones whose lineages deserve to continue.

>> No.51711079

Crash signal

>> No.51711122

fuck off boomer

>> No.51711176

>they get reverse mortgaged and bought by banks to rent out

I'm 37 and this has already to a few HS classmates of mine. Basically sucked the life out of them

>> No.51711431

I have a child with a European woman. I'm also 6'3, lift, and can say with 130% certainty that I could kill you with my bare hands (based on the low test energy of your posts). The only thing keeping you alive is your goy bux. You need to hire men (police/security) who are stronger than you to protect (you) from me. That's why society is inherently dysgenic.

gg to the jews for inventing this system. Otherwise some white chad would have his thumbs into your manlet eyes by now

>> No.51711553

>1 post by this ID OP
And you faggots fall for this low quality, low value shit every time.

>> No.51711560

why does everyone glorify home ownership? I have a 7 figure portfolio that I have been DCAing into since i graduated college. I earned enough from dividends alone to buy a house cash over the past 2 years. I text my landlord whenever something breaks and someone is over to fix it immediately (for free). I do no chores, literally zero, I have a maid come by once a week to clean. I pay no property taxes, home insurance, and no interest. When I'm bored, I move.

What I really don't understand, is people bragging about owning a home, when they have a 30 year mortgage? You don't own that home dumbass. *but muh equity* Retard, the majority of your payment doesn't even go toward the house. The total amount you pay in taxes, insurance, and interest is ALMOST (or just is) the same as the cost of renting depending on where you live

>> No.51711692

oy veyyyyyyy!!!!!

>> No.51711708

Do you fuck the maid?

>> No.51711767

No. It's a nice old mexican lady. She does it for $20 cash. Sometimes she brings me homemade food. Sometimes I give her a fresh $100 bill

>> No.51711818

32, bought my house in 2016. 2.25% interest on a 15 year mortgage.

Property taxes are going to fuck me in the end.

>> No.51711831

>why does everyone glorify home ownership?

They want a stable environment to raise their children

>> No.51711835

Birth rates are falling because mortgages are dual income, necessitating both men and women to work for the same house your grandfather got on one income.

>> No.51711864


The path to cheap land being cut off is what caused this; then walls street kikes made it worse.

>> No.51711879

so if you have a piece of paper that says you own 2% of this house, that makes it a more stable environment than renting the same exact house?

Imo a more stable environment would be one that doesn't include 6 figures worth of debt

>> No.51711886

For the endless Ponzi scheme called society.

>> No.51711901

Hi Shlomo

>> No.51711944

I’m extremely thankful I got into my house when I did. I hope prices continue to fall so you fellow anons can stop renting.

>> No.51711955

The west caused this energy crisis because they unironically think that they are killing the planet.
This phenomenon they've been studying with any hint of accuracy for only maybe 40 years with decent computers, on a planet that is a billion years old.

>> No.51711969

Yep, this is the peak alright. They're desperate and spreading FOMO at the peak. Sad. Such many cases.

>> No.51711976

Boomers are dying in their 70s thanks to aluminum cookware.
I don't know what you're upset about.

>> No.51711992

Nice bait, mongoloids.

>> No.51712001

They are normalizing a younger generation versus older generation (mainly boomers) similar to the usual red team against blue team. Millenials are stuck in that weird state where they are kind of still young but they still hold some boomer like thinking. This makes them suitable targets for both sides while keeping all generations occupied from seeing the true opposition.

>> No.51712031

Buying a house when you only have 2% down is retarded but renting means you are at the whim of a landlord-they can walk in anytime, can kick you out when your lease ends and your kids get no sense of permanence that you get living in your own home.

>> No.51712058

>got a condo for $340k in mid 2021
>already worth $400k
wew just barely made it bros

>> No.51712059

Jews be out in force today

>> No.51712075

>They are normalizing a younger generation versus older generation (mainly boomers) similar to the usual red team against blue team. Millenials are stuck in that weird state where they are kind of still young but they still hold some boomer like thinking


the millenials are being divided by the COMMUNISTS using BOOMER SOCIAL SECURITY to recruit them and "AMERICA FIRST" [NATIONALISM].


>> No.51712078

>so if you have a piece of paper that says you own 2% of this house, that makes it a more stable environment than renting the same exact house?
Yes you retarded faggot, thats how this works

>> No.51712145

What about zoom zooms?

>> No.51712155

I was born in 1993
I "own" five acres of fertile river front property opposite a major highway in the middle of the woods with 25k left on our mortgage
I shit in a commode and run hand pumped well water through a berkey for drinking
I take a bath using a sponge and a bucket every other week, and live in a glorified tent with my wife and one year old daughter
I consider myself blessed to have this much
I would have been priced out if I didn't buy when I did

>> No.51712198

I was born in 93 and also am basically homeless

>> No.51712212

>I have a child with a European woman. I'm also 6'3, lift, and can say with 130% certainty that I could kill you with my bare hands
I smell LARP.

>> No.51712215

They’re trying to incite Minecraft pvp huh

>> No.51712244
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if you can do remote work, there are properties in upstate NY for less than 100k in primarily white areas. just bought a really nice victorian mansion for $80K.

>> No.51712255
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I woke up at 4 am to plow the fields and my wife, you woke up at 4am becuase you're having withdrawals and you see a flashlight through your tent.

>> No.51712262

GOn the bright side the total financial collapse would hardly be noticeable given my current standard of living

>> No.51712263

>humble gloats about fucking over an entire generation
I don't even care about the jews, I want to boomers and xoomers to burn.

>> No.51712305

Anyone who refers to an apartment as a "flat" is already perma gay.

>> No.51712316

So basically British people

>> No.51712342

I live north of the 45th parallel so the sun pis really only my enemy for three months per year
winter with a wood stove is comfy as my wife's pillowy breasts

>> No.51712357



>> No.51712373

See, it worked!

>> No.51712991

Weird demoralization attempt

>> No.51713169


So you didn't buy them

>> No.51713343

based and hipsterpilled, let me guess, you also happen to have a "megre" trustfund

>> No.51713547

Deflation is good, Elonbot. That includes population deflation. America's public resources are strained to the breaking point. At this point quality of life is zero-sum. The more people here, the worse things get for everyone. Reproduction running at replacement, or even slightly below, is great for me and you, especially when you consider automation and AI further devaluing human labor.

>> No.51713581

>your neighbors will be cows, travellers and grandmothers
You say that like it’s a bad thing.

>> No.51713593

Upstate New York is surprisingly cheap, I might even say shockingly. I guess people really hate living in a state dominated by NYC.

>> No.51713600

my dad paid for college, so I started with yzero debt
everything beyond that I paid for myself

>> No.51713620

its bots trying to de-rail threads and /biz/ entirely

>> No.51713649

if the market crashes, the boomers won't be able to retire and they'll vote someone in who will pump housing back up again. This will happen until the boomers are dead and the millennials are too old to have children.

>> No.51713677
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I'd rather be a millennial than a boomer poised to die within a couple decades or a drug addict gen Xer. Better a millennial than a brainless ADHD-addled zoomer or a slobbering gen-alpha.

>> No.51714474

>Immigrants are necessary because of falling birth rates
You're disgusting.

>> No.51714703

If your a millennial and didn't buy btc below 10k or eth below 1k anytime in the past 10 years then it is your own fault. Crypto allows you to make generational wealth in a mere 4 years, no other generation has had it this easy to make money. When the next bullrun happens all you will see is these same articles posting about millennials becoming overnight millionaires buying mansions and Lamborghinis.

>> No.51714731

24, just bought my first house 2 years out of college, making 100k
but its in indiana so take that for what you will

>> No.51714771

Is that why drug addicted retarded niggers have half a dozen children? Kill yourself.

>> No.51714799

I bought btc when it was like $40
but I immediately spent it on a certain website to obtain certain goods

>> No.51714856

>I could kill you with my bare hands
too bad the nerds invented weapons

>Otherwise some white chad would have his thumbs into your manlet eyes by now
in anarchy, a pack of giganiggas would have murdered you and raped your wife

>> No.51715162
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I am a millennial and have a good home thanks to crypto, sorry jews.

>> No.51716367

>tfw millenial in greece
i NEED a general chimpout towards boomers

>> No.51716441

Let me say you're black

>> No.51716480

What about zoomers?
Anyway, why worrying about home ownership, when trans-rights are truly defended now. We got to have higher priority than petty home ownership.

>> No.51716494

maybe we should just start burning down other people's homes.

>> No.51716547
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>> No.51716580

Why should I care about your little jewish society then.

>> No.51716604

Sounds cool on paper but you'll still be playing the game one way or another even if you opt out.

>> No.51716680

They’re social animals, aka npcs

>> No.51716718

Until you trip and lose everything. So much for “ownership” kek

>> No.51716760

If you avoid paying taxes and live in a relatively free country there’s little the jew can do to you

>> No.51716784

Nice bait. Every conservative policy has made life for every single person bad. The only catch is, blacks get hit harder than whites so you support it.

>> No.51716825

Never. Gonna. Happen.

>> No.51716846

>what can be done to fix the problem
Not every problem has a viable solution bud.

>> No.51716854

They're smarter than niggers, but they're just as impulsive.

>> No.51716884

>Finger in the trigger guard

Oh no no no no no

That's attempted murder

>> No.51716885

or just live in them instead of burning them down.
A few years ago in portland the cops tried to evict a family and the city came together and guarded the house with assault rifles till the cops and the city were forced to surrender to the people and let the family keep their house.
Why occupy wallstreet when you can occupy a suburb?

>> No.51716956

Of course since all (((conservatives))) do is conserve neomarxist laws

>> No.51717142

based, how can someone genetically "superior" be outcompeted by Ahmed the inbred goat fucker.

>> No.51717947

since when has that been the solution lmao, why not promote white familiar values?