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51711400 No.51711400 [Reply] [Original]

I'm stuck in a shitty ass small town in east Texas working a shit fucking job for shit fucking money surrounded by violent feral niggers
Yesterday someone stole a fucking part out of my car while it was parked in my apartment complex parking lot, and I can't even go work at my fast food shithole anymore. Probably going to be living in my car or a homeless shelter by the end of the year

>inb4 offtopic not your blog faggot
fuck off, i have to post this somewhere

Why does God keep striking me down, punching me, smacking me, beating me, stabbing me, shooting me, hurting me, knocking me down at every turn? While others get to breeze through life happily thanks to being born to rich parents or something? Why does God keep smashing every dream that I dare allow flutter into my mind? Why must he strike me down so?


>> No.51711449

What job do you have and also what skills do you have?

>> No.51711478

That's what you get for investing in crypto

>> No.51711526

>I'm stuck in a shitty ass small town in east Texas
Join the military. Join the chair force or Navy if you're worried about WW3.

>> No.51711536

you should follow your dreams instead of just trying to get by

>> No.51711567

Did you file an insurance claim and police report?
>inb4 no car insurance
if that is the case you're a nigger for not having insurance around a bunch of niggers

>> No.51711585

>surrounded by violent feral niggers
It's like you know the answer is to move but you stay enslaved to a location surrounded by niggers. NGMI

>> No.51711622

>what skills do you have?
That is the most retarded question I hear all the time and literally advances nothing
if this retard had profitable skills he wouldn't be here
>inb4 learn le skills
More pointless nonsense
I have learned many skills, still no work
application is not the same as theory.

>> No.51711866

fast food, im 19.
i want to but all the vaccine shit they make you do worries me extremely
the cops in this town are absolutely fucking worthless and useless
i want to move but itll take forever to save up enough money
and the question is, where? i heard they're shipping somalis even into maine now
what advice do you have then?

>> No.51711922

Only a total fucking moron would look at this and blame god. Grow up son, take ownership of your problems.

Don’t like having your car broken into and parts stolen? Well don’t live around niggers. Cause that’s what living around niggers gets you.

Don’t like working in fast food for shit pay? Grow up and do a real man’s job. Not a job for 14 year olds. You can either do this by getting a backbreaking labor job in an oilfield or you can use your brain like I do and haul in money hand over fist doing stuff that requires you to THINK instead of just having a strong back.

But bottom line- this victim mentality is getting you no where. God helps those who help themselves and I’ve helped myself to plenty. Stop being a fag and make something happen for yourself.

>> No.51711967

Jesus christ you are 19. You will be fine. You got a life time ahead of you to fuck up and be reborn.

>> No.51712026

>i want to
don't die for Israel
doing military service seems like a good idea on paper until you ((realize))
The white north.
Maine has always been a weird cucked state
>what advice do you have then?
get a trade in appliances and hvac, it's a decent side hustle, then do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.51712060

It’s a large pasta serving you newfaggots.

>> No.51712112

>Don't like living in Texas? Well, buy an apartment in New York City, fag. What's that, you are a poorfag and can't afford it? Stop being a loser and become a CEO of the next Google! Better yet, create your own currency and be a billionaire. God i hate people with victim mentality! Your girlfriend is ugly? Well, that's your fault too anon. Date a supermodel! In fact, don't be a biofag at all and design your own fembot! You're responsible for your suffering!

>> No.51712139
File: 38 KB, 600x600, poster,504x498,f8f8f8-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sucks anon, maybe god is testing you and pushing you in a new direction. sounds retarded but universe has some kind of plan for you to do greater things. if I had a magic wand i'd fix it for ya.

just a thought but have you asked god directly why this is happening, for a sign etc?

don't give up hope anon, shit is gonna turn around for you. in meantime think how to change things, can you go back to school in some capacity, start a side business online, there must be some way to for you to succeed

>> No.51712163

Faggot I live in Alabama, literally the poorest state in the Union. There’s money to be made everywhere if you are willing to hustle for it. But most people would rather bitch and moan that god felt them a shit hand rather than work their ass off for a better life. I grew up with nothing. In poverty with me and my 3 siblings living in one room that was smaller than my walk in closet now. I didn’t fucking bitch about it. I figured shit out.

>> No.51712272

Learn to code

>> No.51712287

Literally retarded. Learning skills is definitely useful advice. I taught myself SQL and Tableau (retarded easy anyone can do it) and now I have a good paying job.

>> No.51712295

You'll be fine eventually as long as you're not financially retarded and aren't lazy. I would also advise you to quit using this website, being surrounded by defeatist autists will do you no favors mentally or spiritually.

>> No.51712326

Nice blog but I'm from a third world country born in true poverty, molded by it. I've never seen a dollar until i was a grown man and by that time it was nothing but an inflationary asset

>> No.51712380

I feel for you man. People are shitty. I think growing up is beginning to understand how awful and inhumane most people are.

You HAVE to keep fighting. Just keep fucking fighting. Every day. Don't give in no matter how much Satan kicks you, berates you, humiliates you, etc. Just keep praying, keep doing your best, love your family and the people that are good to you.

A lot of people that are breezing through life are horrible, awful people. They're quite literally NPCs, they have no unique thoughts or opinions of their own. They don't matter at all. Just keep going and good things will happen, I promise you.

>> No.51712412

I know java, c/c++, sql, hmtl, css, excel, tableau, python, and have knowledge of mutilple useful libraries. I know English, Spanish, and Latin.
I'm 20 never been employed (have tried to get a job since 16 even in shitty dishwashing job and never got called back). I don't have a car, and my mom is pressuring me to finish my bachelors (I have an AS).
I'm currently learning about washer machine repair on youtube because I want to fix my mom's machine but she won't let me and it's in an extremely inconvenient space, I'm also studying Japanese just to play a untranslated game, and I'm working on a game with Godot.
Skills don't do jack shit, or I'm just learning the wrong ones.

>> No.51712422

>Yesterday someone stole a fucking part out of my car while it was parked in my apartment complex parking lot
I too was disappointed by smartcon.

>> No.51712494
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I understand how you feel, but you also need to find ways to avoid becoming a lifelong snob. When I first chose to research crypto, I was just a typical person in my neighborhood. Although people are beginning to recognize my progress but they are unwilling to change their route. I do hold FWT, REEF, DOT, ETH, UNI, and KAVA atm for my future. Don't get stucked up OP.

>> No.51712548

>my mom is pressuring me to finish my bachelors
and why are you not getting your bachelors retard? It essentially a requirement for any good paying job. It doesn't matter if you think that's retarded or not it's the truth so go get your bachelors.

>have tried to get a job since 16 even in shitty dishwashing job and never got called back
I have had so many menial jobs throughout college anyone can get one. You must be extremely retarded if you can't get one. The only requirement is that you show up to the interview and don't smell like shit.

>> No.51712772

Going to college doesn't make sense at all considering i have no money and I'll be 100k+ in debt.
>The only requirement is that you show up to the interview and don't smell like shit.
they don't even contact me back

>> No.51712861

You should search for jobs in the nearest big city. Maybe that is Dallas for you. I can guarantee you can find a job paying $20 an hour within two months if you apply to three jobs every day.
And if you actually want God to guide you you need to focus your energy on asking for his guidance then open your thoughts up to noticing when he guides you. Maybe it’s that dream you had, or that coincidence

>> No.51713098

>I know java, c/c++, sql, hmtl, css, excel, tableau, python, and have knowledge of mutilple useful libraries. I know English, Spanish, and Latin.
>I'm 20 never been employed (have tried to get a job since 16 even in shitty dishwashing job and never got called back)
Tell the full story about how you also have some kind of crippling emotional or mental problem because something doesn't add up. I got my first job in high school by literally just showing up and asking if they had looked at my application and they gave me the job just to shut me up.

>> No.51713173

>have some kind of crippling emotional or mental problem because something doesn't add up
Ok fine, I'm a neurotic autistic schizoid with non-dangerous schizophrenic bouts of psychosis but I haven't had an episode of psychosis for over two years, and I'm extremely antisocial. But all that shit is just psych buzzword, to trick me into taking meds.
I just submitted some new round of applications to ten places a week ago. Still waiting.

>> No.51713203

Depending on the circumstances, crypto is also a better investment if held for the long term. Because of its beneficial product, which everybody can utilize, Fwt is a wonderful token to own as well.

>> No.51713211
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Seek ye first the kingdom of god and all these things will be added unto you.

t. Multimillionaire who used to live without hope in a slum in SE Texas but left and went to god's country and prospered.

>> No.51713257

I'm getting a raise to $200k next year, my boss is worried about me leaving so already locked it in with management. I have 3 years experience.

Don't worry though, when I die I'll be reborn as you, and you as me. Life is temporary. All joy, all pleasure, all sadness and agony, is fleeting. Be at peace.

>> No.51713262

>I'm a neurotic autistic schizoid with non-dangerous schizophrenic bouts of psychosis but I haven't had an episode of psychosis for over two years, and I'm extremely antisocial.