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51708978 No.51708978 [Reply] [Original]

Just fuck my shit up….

>> No.51709039

They have loans on the books that haven't been serviced in 30 years. Who hell is still paying at this point?

>> No.51709095

STEM degrees not included
only race and gender theory majors get their debts forgiven

>> No.51709151
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>> No.51709162

Just affects borrowers that don’t have loans held by the government…for now. Would not surprise me the least if the dems walk this back further. For now this kinda makes sense since they’d risk getting sued by private banks

>> No.51709232
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>tucker simps for putin.
>hates Americans.
Is this what's call based nowadays?

>> No.51709245

I support Putin only because it makes normalfags seethe

>> No.51709576
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Tucker is objectively correct. In what world are hohols winning having lost 4 regions so far, the one inside your VR headset?

>> No.51709596

> Russians are doing so well they have to conscript old men
two more weeks to take Donbas

>> No.51709609

let me guess... they wont forgive the loans of evil right wing white people extremists, which is all of them?

>> No.51709658

>Ukrainians doing so well they have to conscript women and children
two more weeks to take Moscow

>> No.51710071

kys Ivan

>> No.51710121

It was not scaled back. From the start, they said the relief would be for government loans. They also mentioned they would explore whether privately held loans would be included, this is the result of that "exploration." Nothing is being walked back.

>> No.51710130

Are we just gonna pretend Tucker is wrong?

>> No.51710209

Do you hate factual statements that much? Americans are so deranged they can't accept they are losing ANOTHER war.

>> No.51710279
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I swear they did this on purpose: I have student loans that were held by the government until recently, I was notified that they were transferred to some company called MOHELA. The loan was transferred to them RIGHT before the current administration announced the student loan forgiveness plan. Now we are seeing that MOHELA is one of the primary companies exempt from the forgiveness plan. Coincidence?

>> No.51710304

Pretty much this probably.
guillotines when?

>> No.51710307

I hate Americans too, 20 million jobs but nobody is willing to take them, this is why we need immigration. Not immigrants who want welfare but immigrants who will work because the fat lazy retards here think they're too good for picking strawberries or doing manual labor.

>> No.51710321

Wh-what if I'm studying for an M.D.?

>> No.51710326

convenient. im sure all the LGBTQBLMS2+ student loans are still held tightly by the govt. so the tax-payers who actually work for a living and pay for them

>> No.51710355


I made this thread first u f*ggot >>51707637
don't take my spotlight

>> No.51710359

America has no excess jobs. That’s not how it works you absolute goblin. The jobs not taken will be removed, reinvented or the starting pay will be increased till it is filled. Stop globalization so companies are forced to pay the living standard of the people they do business in and it’ll all work out with a bunch of fucking spics coming into the country. It’s full fuck right off

>> No.51710380

Also no one wants some shitty economic migrants that jumped ship on their country and countrymen for cheap iPods. Economic migrants are the most pathetic scum on the earth.

>> No.51710450

Makes sense. They sold off all their good debt to private companies before the big crash (TM) turns it all in to bad debt and then they use a bailout to pay off the bad debt. That's the key to remember, this a bailout for bad debt, not to be confused with actual relief to for those who have made their payments on time.

>> No.51711108

Seethe tranny.

>> No.51711787

Students that a white

>> No.51712664

Just because your servicer is mohela doesnt mean you are ineligible now. It depends on the type of loan you have

>> No.51712748

nigga, in my area the boomer : human ratio is like 3:1 we could use some latina booty running the kitchens

>> No.51713077

You would really just blatantly lie on the internet when we can just look it up and see that, yes, they are in fact walking it back.
I refuse to believe posts like these are real people.

>> No.51713146

Shitty but expected because FFELP is both federal and private loans least from what I've read last I checked, the last part of my sentence is extremely important as private loans are not federal.

>> No.51713258

Hmmm, what if I went to a trade school?
Ho-Ho-Ho awfully devilish of you anon.

>> No.51713643

Stfu you jew simp cuck lord. THERE ARE NO JOBS THAT AMERICANS WON’T DO. There are jobs that do pay enough to be worth working without exploitation you fucken niggerbrained goyslop eating goyboi.

I don’t disagree that America is filled with lazy retards. End welfare, end immigration, end off-shoring and things will fix themselves.

I honestly want to genocide you and whatever low IQ evil sub human ethnic monstrosities you are made from. I want to kill your whole family, all the kids, all the husbands and wives, all the parents and your parents' friends. I want to burn down the houses they live in and the stores they work in. I want to kill the people that owe them money.

You are an entitled low test, low IQ, low spirit, jew trusting retard who deserves ISIS style punishment and death. Fuck you.

>> No.51713670

>There are jobs that DON’T pay enough

>> No.51713749

>The most sane 4chan user.

>> No.51713860

why are we getting raided by faggots who care about slavic jew vs slavic jew combat

>> No.51714430

he is 'winning', objectively
but if a chess grandmaster played a game against an illiterate child with a handicap and struggled to the extent russia is, you'd call it losing too

>> No.51714486
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>> No.51715312
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>> No.51715686

Dude you are either non-white or a deluded boomer if you love America. This country is actively genociding whites, and is the enemy of the actual American people. Putin is of no consequence to me because I don’t give a fuck about maintaining the neoliberal world order or making sure faggots are safe to spread grids in the Middle East.

>> No.51715749


>> No.51715772

>picking strawberries or doing manual labor.
Pays like shit, boomer.

>> No.51715776

>Rich trust fund kiddie.

>> No.51715799

>I honestly want to genocide you and whatever low IQ evil sub human ethnic monstrosities you are made from. I want to kill your whole family, all the kids, all the husbands and wives, all the parents and your parents' friends. I want to burn down the houses they live in and the stores they work in. I want to kill the people that owe them money.
You're a chubby manlet with no muscle, you'll never kill anyone you fucking nerd faggot.

>> No.51715811

Because men like war, little boy.
Maybe you should boot up fort night and complain about boomer some more.

>> No.51715816

>This country is actively genociding whites
No this country isn't.

>> No.51715827


>> No.51716412
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>importing spics and niggers to take our jobs during bad times will make the country a better place
kill yourself

>> No.51716442

Kaiser Soze?

>> No.51716452

It’s from a movie, retard

>> No.51716471

Why don't Americans pay their debts? I took a loan just in case I needed the money and as soon as the grace period was over I returned it because I'm not paying interest to any Jew.

How hard can it be to pay this shit

>> No.51716526
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back to your containment board, tard

>> No.51716557

>Why don't Americans pay their debts?
The consequences of them not will lead to irreversible consequences that will first affect everyone who is not an American. Reserve currency status and all that. So assuming the interest rates on the dollar are high enough to make it remain as the reserve currency, they're going to use their ability to print money to their own benefit through use of the citizens.

>> No.51716667

The 4 fields for betas
Minecraft Youtuber

>> No.51716705

Just make sure you don't buy a gun and kill anyone that would make things actually change. Thanks.

>> No.51716709

Tard? Holy shit I can smell reddit through my screen.

>> No.51716754

>good debt

>> No.51716928

let me guess
niggas only get the gibs

>> No.51717460
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Kek. A couple people asked where the money for this is coming from when Biden did it and they didnt have an answer. I half suspect the gov doesnt actually have that money set aside its just biden pretending he can do it. No one is actually going to see the money arrive or if so very few.

>> No.51717513

can Biden do anything right?

>> No.51717717

My loans are by MOHELA but they’re still government loans. If you go on the student aid website and it says DEPT OF EDU before the name of the servicer, it’s a federal loan.

>> No.51717751

>guillotines when?
Never. Gonna. Happen.

>> No.51717785

>Change the way the entire world and society works
Yeah, get right on that.

>> No.51717945

Yes this country is. Jew.

>> No.51717974

Kys anti-white jew

>> No.51717987

>ukrainians are fighting together to expel invaders
>russians are literally fleeing to avoid being conscripted

>> No.51718001

you're an idiot. loan servicers are part of the program. the government doesn't collect your payments and they never did. the FAFSA gets bailout money to the university to allow you to go even though you're a moron, and the loan servicer takes on the risk of waiting for your payments. the value of the loan is simply kicked around until a servicer grabs it.
mohela also serviced some of my loans over 20 years ago.

>> No.51718030

nah, they just put whatever there. https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/repayment/servicers
DOEdu is the fairy godmother. they take the place of the underwriter by doing no risk assessment whatsoever and guaranteeing that the servicer doesn't need to do any real underwriting either, by securing your behavior with cash. if you drop out, the servicer loses nothing.

>> No.51718040

Only jews will have access to free upper education.

>> No.51718085

Are you fucking stupid? The link you just put proves my point. The loan servicer handles your FEDERAL LOANS. The loans are from the government, and the servicer is the one in charge of getting the payment and then paying back the government. If your loan says DIRECT, whether it is subsidized or unsubsidized, it is a federal loan, and thus qualifies.

>> No.51718151

The government has had no money since the '70s.
Everything is printed on demand. And since we are really close to elections, the majority of republicans will not allow Biden to buy young vote with gibs.
The only reason why republicans allow money printing to Ukraine, is because they too are shareholders from the few US companies that still manage to export things (weapons).

>> No.51718164

>they actually thought they were getting the loan forgiven
Also after midterms wrap up Dems will find a way to say their "hands are tied" so they don't have to deliver btw.

>> No.51718192

the last thing you would want to do is to do something

>> No.51718200


>> No.51718210

this can never work unless they make university free for everyone forever.

>> No.51718253

They would never do that because universities and loan companies would lose money. Same with the healthcare system, can't have hard-working insurance companies lose money. What a tragedy that would be.

>> No.51718281

the only reason why private companies still make student loans is because they’re with the borrower for life. why do you think obama made them backed by the government? so everyone would go to college and be indoctrinated