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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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51701528 No.51701528 [Reply] [Original]

I owe somebody 1k by tomorrow and have basically none of it. What do I do guys? It's a contract, I can't jew it or back out of it, and I've already gotten extensions. The market has fucked me out of money and I don't know what to do. Should I try pawning shit?

>> No.51701579

sell your ass for money

>> No.51701585

Fake your own death and move to south America.

>> No.51701596

c0inmetro is the easiest exchange to use anon. Buy XCM and pay low fee and open positions. You can stake it too!

>> No.51701609



>> No.51701641

It's not a lot but a lot of shit has came up in the past two weeks that has basically tapped me out.
I'd unironically consider it if I thought I could make the money in a day. I'm desperate as fuck

>> No.51701691

I dunno, get another loan to pay off this one? In the civilized, law-abiding world you actually usually can default on debt.

>> No.51701767

Even if I tried to open up another credit card I wouldnt get it by tomorrow, that's the issue.

>> No.51701789

Whack the guy and steal his money

>> No.51701825

It's online, but it's a contract and I can't get out of it.

>> No.51701861

do you have collateral deposited or a reason why you can't just not pay? I mean, if the money isnt in your account I dont see what they are going to be able to do

>> No.51702248

I don't, but it's with someone who works in the same industry and if I don't pay them it's going to cause a huge amount of issues down the line.

>> No.51702276

go to the casino tonight and win it all back

>> No.51702280

Call them and work out something

>> No.51702350

Pawn my shit and bet 500 dollars on one hand of blackjack?
I've already pushed it back multiple times, I can't push it back any further. This all came at the worst fucking time. I just moved, had to pay the deposit on my place, have rent, credit cards, everything, and now he has given me an ultimatum, end of the month or we cut ties, which I REALLY cant afford. I'm just fucking stressing out. I talked to my parents and they said they'll see what they can do, but I fucking hate what's going on. I can't work because the fucking shop I took my car to are lazy assholes, so I can't work as much as I want to because I can't fucking get anywhere. I'm so god damn angry.

>> No.51702353


try selling televisions for cash?

>> No.51702400
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>end of the month or we cut ties, which I REALLY cant afford
That's it? You can definitely afford that lmao, whatever the fuck you've been up to that got you into this situation is clearly not very fucking profitable anyway. Just don't pay it. Cut ties and move on into something that isn't shit. Lmao.

>> No.51702475

And have him come after me in court? No thanks.

>> No.51702494


Work a few days and pay what you owe?

>> No.51702502

>I owe somebody 1k
>I'd unironically consider it

kek, is this real?

>> No.51702516

No one is going to go through the hassle of dragging you into court for 1k.

>> No.51702550

It's a long fucking story, but I can't work right now. That's why I'm in this situation.
Maybe, but I still don't want to do it.
It depends on what they would want me to do, I guess.

>> No.51702576

Then tell him he can either accept a payment plan from you now, or spend a bunch of time and money pursuing a small claims court case only to have the judge set up a payment plan anyway because that's what they do when you literally don't have the money.

Stop your fucking gay-ass whining. People go bust on 5-6 figures of debt and beyond and come back fine. Your piddling little thousand dollar debt to literally who for literally what on the fucking internet is nothing.

>> No.51702622

I owe him 10k. This IS the payment plan.

>> No.51702677
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>> No.51702712

I heard the Russians need brave soldiers to fight in a special operation, maybe ask papa pootin of he can give you some rubels

>> No.51703064

Just don't pay. What do you think is going to happen? You're not in a Tarantino movie, nobody is going to show up with guns at your home.

>> No.51703285

I knew you fucked up, but damn.
Better go down to the pawn shop real quick.
Why haven’t you gotten some shitty job at subway or panara yet? They pay $15 an hour. You could have had over a grand by making sandwiches for 24 hours a week. Are you stupid?

>> No.51703418

This situation is so retarded lol. Why can't you work? Why did you take out a loan when you couldn't work? What did you even take it out for? You're literally considering selling your ass for money over just getting a real job.

My man, I need to know more specifics of this situation because this is ridiculous.

>> No.51703444

talking to them is still probably the best thing you can do. if you can at least pay some of it that's even better

>> No.51703548

I'd send you 10 grand but i don't want you doxxing me

>> No.51703585

Open a 100x short on XRP

>> No.51703813

Doubt it
I work based on commission that requires travel. My car has been in the shop for 3 weeks because the dumb niggers have been dragging ass. I moved across state in the middle of the month, and would have been able to start making money if the shop didn't take so god damn long. Now I have to pay all my bills and didn't expect to not have the money.

>> No.51703889

Don't listen to this it's worse than the casino idea

>> No.51703915

You sound like an absolute sodabrain dipshit

>> No.51703964

Shit nigger send me 10 grand this faggot Op is just begging anyway
I could use it to fix my rotting life and I wouldn't dox you, want to protonmail?

>> No.51704016

I can't wrap my head around how retarded you are, I don't understand how you got into this situation but then again most Americans even high-earning ones are up to their eyes in credit card debt.

I am a diagnosed, visibly noticeable retard who has an intellectual disability and even I could have figured this shit out.

What job do you have, construction or something? Traveling salesperson? I need to know.

>> No.51704076

Equipment inspector. I go around construction sites and the such and diagnose issues with heavy machinery.

>> No.51704121

Why didnt you just rent a car or buy some shitbox to get from A to B?

>> No.51704128

I thought you'd work construction, usually that's where you find retards of this caliber.

What are you spending all your money on OPie? You don't even have 1k in an emergency fund.

What did you take out that 10k loan for?

>> No.51704226

Alright fine you guys got me, I'm a liar.

I had someone do an online commission for a car part I need because it's no longer in production, and the due date for the first piece of it is 1k and due tomorrow. Recently I moved and I haven't been able to find work because my car has been in the shop, I'm applying to places but no luck. I bartend so if I had a job two weeks ago I would have been able to make the money because I get paid daily, but I haven't found anything yet. I want to keep working with the guy because I really want the part but I have been having issues financially and he's getting impatient. My parents said they would help me out and I'm going to sell some stuff but won't have the money til next week.


>> No.51704300

This story continues to get more and more convoluted.

You type this out like it's some kind of explanation, when it's not.

People actually live their lives like this.

>> No.51704338

>The market has fucked me out of money
damn so the market came to your house, took money out of your bank account and made it go bye bye? wow someones a fucking schizo

>> No.51704346

Give me 10k niggers I could honestly use it

>> No.51704357

LOL what a retard, get a bicycle little kid

>> No.51704381


>> No.51704405

Kek good luck retard. Are you broke with a project car that you're dumping money into? Save up first dude. Buy a beater that doesn't need 10k in custom work holy shit lmao

t. former retard student who wasted money tricking out a supercharged mustang with virtually no savings.

>> No.51704445


>> No.51704472

It's not really a project car, it needs interior and exterior restoration but mechanically it's sound

>> No.51704576

I got a ford freestyle that some nigger slammed into killing one of them and getting me a 17k settlement, car still drives great I haven't even fixed the bumper or exhaust which is being held by a ratchet strap.
I could use another 10k though since I only got 10k left from the settlement after paying my bills.

>> No.51704599

Read the fucking post, Tardo.

>> No.51704717

haha lol I love this th read

>> No.51704821
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Damn dude help yourself first. I used to bus my way to places back in my early 20s jees

>> No.51705127

also in small claims court under 1000 u can essentially just not pay and nothing will fucking happen to you, the judge will grant him the right to pursue the money, then from there he will have to go through the process of having to collect and ultimately the worst that will happen is that 20 dollars or so will be taken out of your check every month to slowly repay him, or not..
i was taken to small claims for 2000 dollars and nothing happened, been over 5 years.

>> No.51705181

what the fuck, my whole toyota rav4 cost 5k and it's only 10 years old and will probably work for another 10 years

>> No.51705274

This. You can suck 1000 cocks down at the glory hole for $1 each.

>> No.51705464

Its an 86 supra.