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5168364 No.5168364 [Reply] [Original]

My mom doesn't respect my gainz. My brothers are wagies and kill themselves to make $32k and $24k a year with kids and I make $40k just because I bought in in July and trade effectively. I showed up for Christmas in designer and talked about my recent purchases. I can feel the hate and loathing of my gainz! Anyone else feeling the jealousy!

>> No.5168409

money cant buy social skills
hint: they resent you rubbing it in their faces

>> No.5168414

Not from crypto, but some distant family never invited me back when I got a great engineering job and showed up in a new truck wearing a polo one thanksgiving.

>> No.5168432

don't talk about money with family unless they start busting your balls without knowing how much you're making.

>> No.5168453

I haven't said a thing yet because I'm sure my parents will find a way to give me shit about it.

>> No.5168462

Humility is a virtue.

>> No.5168475
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>tell dad about my gains
>rest of the day I hear him slamming doors and swearing because he didn't buy enough

>> No.5168483
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>> No.5168493

I'm helping my parents put 100k into ethereum.

>> No.5168501

I told everyone to buy Bitcoin at work back in June and they all laughed at me and called me retarded (mostly boomers and women) so now they all are regretful and resentful towards me, they think I'm fucking rich now and I let them think that. My boss doesn't do anything to piss me off because he thinks I could resign and live in a mansion any day now. Little do they know I went all in on Chain Link at the top and lost almost everything, and cashed out what little I had left back when Bitcoin was 10k.

I have a white board in my office where I update the date and the price of Bitcoin to piss everyone else off even more.

>> No.5168520
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Very underrated trait these days.

>> No.5168530

My parents are just happy that I'm doing something somewhat productive instead of only watching anime all day now.

>> No.5168533
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>> No.5168564

RIP link marine

>> No.5168596

This pepe makes me sad.

>> No.5168605

Buy some chainlink again, its no guarantee but you have a shot at becoming as rich as they think you are

>> No.5168621

>I have a white board in my office where I update the date and the price of Bitcoin to piss everyone else off even more.

We’re reaching autism levels that shouldn’t even be possible.

>> No.5168731
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>Little do they know I went all in on Chain Link

In the arms of the Angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the Angel

Anon I will remember you.

Sarah M.

>> No.5169019

>passive aggressive I-told-you-so’s
Yup, that’s OP

>> No.5169070

my life. KMS

>> No.5169526


>> No.5169604
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>mom dad a virtual cat game clogged ether today and your investment is down 15% but don't worry once money skeleton releases sharding and plasma we will be driving lambos on the moon

>> No.5169606


>make $40
>buy designer clothes

Holy shit, LOL.

>> No.5169690


>> No.5169712

In July I was leaving my job and spreading the btc news I lost 1/3 but have made my money back. I’m at about a %50 gain but everyone I left thinks I’m wealthy. I’m actually unemployed collecting welfare

>> No.5169794

$40k in a six months for a new trader ain't bad fampie. I'm probably gonna make $500k this year at this pace.

>> No.5169885

bro this is me, I was trying to flip scamcoins like litecoin gold and ethereum dark and got rekt. but everyone thinks im rich XD

>> No.5169941

Even when im doing this I still dont feel like im being productive. I literally feel like an autistic gambler

>> No.5169965

Is 40k a good income in some states?

>> No.5170007

>tfw i haven't watched my shows all week

gotta watch blend s before bed i'm sorry mafuyu-chan

>> No.5170014

good boy anon, i'm in the same position with my friends
> final year uni of 5 year degree, no job yet
> they're all on work experience from 3 year degrees
> haha you jobless idiot we're making money
> i've made more money than all of them combined in 5 months
> feels really good man

>> No.5170015


All this shit is just so cringey lol.

>> No.5170028

Are you me? Except me with OMG.

Balls deep in OMG when it was .40. Sold when it bled to $9. Traded shitcoins and went from 22 btc down to about 4. Cashed out a couple when BTC was 9.5k. Wish I waited 2 weeks to double my cash out.

Everyone at work talks to me about bitcoin and makes jokes because I was shilling it when it was 2k.

OMG mooned to 15 yesterday. I want to kill myself.

>> No.5170136

big if true

>> No.5170151

Retarded gambler, I dont even pity you 22 btc to 4 lmaoooo

>> No.5170207
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>> No.5170231

>be me 2 months ago
>didn't tell wife that I put a a huge chunk of our savings into BTC and some other alts
>she only noticed the money missing 5 days ago
>try to calm her down and explain that I'm investing into BTC
>show her my blockfolio account right after she packs an overnight suitcase
>received a blowjob later that night and currently getting head every morning for the past 5 days

>> No.5170261

My moms boss HATES crypto, but shes taking advice from me instead

>> No.5170283


ahahaha nice if true

>> No.5170286

Congrats on your whore. She's leaving you if this tanks.

>> No.5170317

>ahahaha nice if true

His wife sounds like a bitch

>> No.5170325

Nice larp

>> No.5170366
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Good man.

>> No.5170386

Depends on what states but it’s definitely a livable income with some side money for some luxuries. If you live with someone with 40k as well, it’s a comfy life in modesty

>> No.5170388

he doesn't know she has a lawyer bf who is telling her how to get half of his crypto when she divorces.

>> No.5170406
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>> No.5170408
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Beta relationships are fucked up, how do you get in this position?

>> No.5170472

You're doing the right thing. But you should invest back in

>> No.5170494

>His wife sounds like a bitch
Ya i was thinking “thats a win?” Lmao

>> No.5170510
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>he doesn't know she has a lawyer bf who is telling her how to get half of his crypto when she divorces.
Doesnt matter, had bj

>> No.5170511

if that was mine i would leave her for not trusting me

>> No.5170530
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That was the joke anon

>> No.5170532

The fact that she just gave you head kinda tells shes keeping her puss tight for chad

>> No.5170569

All the fucking time. But so far I've made 2 million in 11 months

>> No.5170573

>She divorces you and takes %75

Jump ship now

>> No.5170589

rule one about crypto is never talk aboht crypto

because when the crash comes they will look at you like a piece of shit

>> No.5170621
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>> No.5170642


This is special lol

>> No.5170696
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What a plot twist.

>> No.5170715

Haha this is my dad exactly... You only bought in for how much why didn't you tell me I would have gave you more. Idiot

>> No.5170948

>be me get into crypto about 2 months ago
>right at this time family start becoming cunts and I realise I no longer need their stress, tell them they are nothing but trailer trash

Can't fucking wait till mid next year when my portfolio is six digits and on its way to 7, that will be the only next time and last time i talk to them again, when I fucking send them all a screenshot of my portfolio and my wallet address saying you pick the wrong time to be dogs to me you selfish cunts. It funny because even tho I am a poor wage cuck all my working life I have had to deal with them having their hands out asking for me to lend them money which they never pay back, and I am the youngest of all my siblings. But when I get this crypto money I am sure they will try suck back up so they can get some but they will not be getting a cent of it and if they ask I am going to remind them of all the money they still owe me

>> No.5171704
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>tfw told my dad about crypto the week after I started and he trusted me, has been in ever since

>> No.5171834

Be prepared for a major shitstorm when it tanks, Woman hate risks.

>> No.5171883

All over the place. People are jealousy animals. All over social media, all over any crypto article. They're literally fine with the crooked as system were in so long as they keep being retarded and procrastinating their first investmemt

>> No.5171984

>tell dad about crypto
>dad rapes me
>go to mom
>cry a little
>go to my sister
>"I like don't like have like time like for like this like"
>dad comes in
>dad rapes sister
>go to my room
>at least I have 1500 BTC
>too afraid to move out

>> No.5172043

I'd tell that bitch to go ahead and leave instead of showing her my gains. If she was going to over some shekels. Enjoy wasting all your gains on her.

>> No.5172128

>two bitcoin is worth more than the average Finns yearly salary

>> No.5172159

>I'd tell that bitch to go ahead and leave instead of showing her my gains


>> No.5172160

>you could have had the upper hand in the divorce AND kept a lot of the assets
>instead you revealed your power level

absolute madman!

>> No.5172197

This is the only reason bitcoin is worth so much at the moment. Thousands of retarded losers making a lifestyle out of it and thus creating a bubble. I wonder how many are going to kill themselves when it pops?

>> No.5172305

>I can feel the hate and loathing of my gainz!
I doubt it
She is a mom
She wants grandkids
And Crypto moons are not grandkids
Hell you even said it yourself
>with kids

>> No.5172336

>I made 40k this year on a fluke which led me to believe I was justified in buying a bunch of shit and looking down my nose at my siblings and mother
What a nigger.

>> No.5172376
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Someone slaves away and waste their years for their life source, and you make more than them with a few clicks. Why wouldn't they be regretful and envious. The facts tell them that they took the wrong path in life, and no one likes to think that they've wasted their life.

>> No.5172390
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Quiet on the contrary, I told mine and they follow me around all over the country for gibs

>> No.5172550
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i'm getting the same shit with my dad. he didn't give a shit about me not working until he saw bitcoin on the news and asked me how much i had. now every day GET OUT OF YOUR ROOM AND GET A JOB. WHY ARE YOU INVESTING IN THINGS THAT YOU HAVE TO WATCH CONSTANTLY IN CASE YOU LOSE ALL YOUR MONEY. constantly checking the btc price when we're out LOOK LOOK ANON ITS CRASHING ITS CRASHING. can't wait to leave this hellhole and have them beg me on the phone with an ocean between us

>> No.5172600
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fucking retard. Im guessing you did +300% since you started 2 months ago.
You would have given her back 50% of the principal, divorced the trustless cunt and kept the 250% for yourself. But youre a good goy arent you anon. Stay poor fagot

>> No.5172653

Where's your father? My father's side would accept any relative even if she was a dirty prostitute banged by 12000 men. Anyway, last year I told my dad about cryptos and he accepted it and tried to invest. We both invested in eth, block, dash, xmr, and of course, btc. My father's side are one of the coolest people I've ever known and they don't give a shit on anyone who is trying to bring them down.


My father would tell me this whenever I am down about not putting more earlier: "Cryptos now are just babysteps and humanity is currently testing its limits."

>> No.5172985

Your dad sounds fucking hilarious.

>> No.5173262

he is actually but the sourgrapes is annoying as shit

>> No.5173282


top fucking kek

>can't wait to leave this hellhole and have them beg me on the phone with an ocean between us

godspeed anon, this is my plan too

>> No.5173328

Sounds like a good guy.

>> No.5173377

Me too anon. I legit got obsessed with it since may. Talked about it to everyone, encouraged everybody to get in. Always gave detailed info when they asked, offered to help set them up with accounts. Everybody's an idiot. Now they all say, it's gunnu crash all the way down. They literally cannot wait for it to die because they took too long and still know nothing about it. It's unearving. I'm done telling people. I hate no coiners at this point. I can't wait till the economy shreds and crypto hits 100k.

>> No.5173424


Does your dad post on /biz/?

>> No.5173502

no he's an old man he has conversations on yahoo answers

>> No.5173505
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>> No.5173518
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>> No.5173604
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Buy his fucking house with the gains

>> No.5173658

I like the whiteboard idea. I might do this

>> No.5173705
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>> No.5173725

I mean if you have a lot why don't you just cash out some so you're not fucked if bitcoin tanks?

>> No.5173761
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I showed my grandparents my gains. I even printed it out with 200% zoom so their can see the number better. They didn't understand and asked them how much I invested.

>About $7k over the course of a year
>You spent that much money! How could you! I can't believe you wasted so much money something so stupid!

>> No.5173766
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>making ~200 a day sitting in my room while shitposting
>mom used to make $50 a day slaving away as a cleaner
This world isn't fair