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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51700854 No.51700854 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone of rich finance people please find a cure for hsv 2 and 1? I got genital herpes after my promiscious past. Tests show that i have hsv1 and hsv2. Bodycount 76..

Please find a cure i want to settle down now with a good man but sadly herpes have stigma and i deserve a new chance


>> No.51700878

what a man

>> No.51700882

Kys slut

>> No.51700893

hey zoomer why are u larping as a woman? all that anime get in ur head?

>> No.51700895

if you think you that body isn't sexy, you're not a man :)

>> No.51700919

>inb4 over 100 replies from /polr9k/cels who don't know that op is a man and a troll who has used the same pics over and over again.

>> No.51700957

>disgusting chest acne
Pls go

>> No.51701022

>you're not gay a man
that's unirocally a man

>> No.51701025
File: 49 KB, 608x960, 1464251903233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking assholes you cant even get a girl like me Im out of your league. Also im not fat im bulking

>> No.51701490

>only hsv 1&2
You are like a little kid, I am 5x your level. Anyway, you are lucky only to have those two.

EDIT: Ask me nicely and I give you the cure.

>> No.51701716

where and how do i get a Norwegian boyfriend.

>> No.51701893

By adulthood nearly the entire population has HSV-1, the common cause of cold sores. This was not previously stigmatized in culture until the development of Abreva by a pharmaceutical company, a spot treatment that reduces a cold sore duration by a few days if used just as one appears. Sales weren't stellar, so a marketing campaign was launched to remind people how "embarrassing" it was to have a cold sore.

HSV-2 is less common, something like 1/5 people. As with HSV-1, many people are asymptomatic, some people have a sore pop up every now and then, and most people stop having outbreaks after a while.

Human Herpesvirus 3 is what most of us get as babies: chickenpox.

>> No.51701986

Your acne is from the roids yeah?
Imagine roiding for this

>> No.51702059

>>Sales weren't stellar, so a marketing campaign was launched to remind people how "embarrassing" it was to have a cold sore.
Anon, is this true?As a child I was bullied so much for this shit and it was all for a marketing campaign??