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51698378 No.51698378 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.51698389

I think he’ll be the one benefiting but your american jew laws probably just cuck the guy no matter what

>> No.51698418

Imagine marying a woman that has infinite money just because she fucked a nother dude previously and you have nothing to offer her no matter what you do.
How emasculating would that feel?

>> No.51698428

Imagine calling yourself MacKenzie

>> No.51698443


>> No.51698447

now we know who the problem was in her previous relationship kek


>> No.51698458

Everyone should be allowed only ONE marriage in a lifetime. If you divorce, that's it - you can die alone.

>> No.51698480

You should be able to remarry. But live together for 10 years first.

>> No.51698498

>dan jewett

>> No.51698501

no i think you should be allowed two marriages. the first one can be ended as it is today. the second one is permanent, and the man is entitled to physically and mentally abuse the woman without recourse, up to and including murder.

>> No.51698538


>> No.51698584

Let me guess, she will not be paying half of her money to the man, huh?

>> No.51698595
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>Dan Jewett

>> No.51698613

100% agreed. I think this would actually make marriages somewhat "special" again. Now it's like a joke, almost as if it doesn't even have any meaning in this day and age.

>> No.51698628

>men are evil
go back

>> No.51698659

You just reinvented Catholic teaching on marriage.
Become Catholic

>> No.51698678
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>> No.51698688

i never said that. do you have a learning disability?

>> No.51698699

surprising how many people don't know this. this was literally the norm in most civilised societies just 30 years ago

>> No.51698705


>> No.51698710

check check testing 1 2 3 NIGGER test test check

>> No.51698717

They cashed out some of their stock which they could otherwise not do.

Just a theory btw

>> No.51698728

So as the wealthier partner shes gonna be paying Jewett half of her money right?? Afterall, women wanted to be equal....

>> No.51698760
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>the short duration of their marriage did not allow for the establishment of an expected standard of living, thereby denying mr. jewett of any and all claims to alimony, spousal support, or any other customary post-divorce financial claims against ms. scott.
>t. the honorable judge ezra goldblattsteinberg

>> No.51698808

She must be a joy to live with

>> No.51698815


>> No.51698842

you really wonder how much of a complete cunt a woman like this would be, bezos was probably never around much though.
she pretty much married this dude (whose surname is (((Jewett))) btw) to 'get back' at bezos.
now Bezos is fucking a hotter woman and seems to be having a good time, i think he won bros.

>> No.51699066

he has access to the best gear, yachts, and supermodels and he's taking full advantage of it

>> No.51699106

it's called Christianity. Only if your spouse dies, you are allowed to re-marry.

>> No.51699116


stop being a whore

>> No.51699118
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>> No.51699132

"Billionaire philanthropist MacKenzie Scott"
Jesus fucking christ

>> No.51699205
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>> No.51699217

Yeah, she only needed to divorce rape her husband to become something billions of people want to become with no avail. I hate woman so much it's unreal.

>> No.51699227

Checked. Maybe not 30 years ago. But definitly 70years ago.

>> No.51699243

Dude, you think that if you are not married you are inevitably alone? Since I divorced my wife I have NEVER been alone. And the quality of my partners has only increased since I learned not to put up with any shit.

>> No.51699301

>Honey I'm running a bit late, send one of the helicopters to pick me up
>I told you I'm a science teacher I don't have a helicopter
>What the fuck?? Not even one?

>> No.51699310


>> No.51699350

why do amerishits use surnames as first names?

>> No.51699387

>getting half of a dumb whore's rich hubby fund
i think you may be the emasculated one considering you're such a financial cuck you wouldn't do that

>> No.51699392

What? Seems like it could be the opposite in this scenario. There was a lot of publicity at the time about how she was just marrying a regular guy.

>> No.51699440
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Guys the name Jewett has nothing to do with Judaism.

>> No.51699457

Absolutely based.
>Virgin alimony paying husband vs Chad "take no prisoners" mackenzie

>> No.51699463

marriage is only looked at from a tax perspective now, its not special anymore

>> No.51699488
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>> No.51699774

Wouldn't it be the other way around given the astronomic difference in their financial status?

>> No.51700547

>Science teacher
You can't make this shit up

>> No.51700591

Can someone give me a quick rundown on her history relationships and or cheating? I love hearing examples of nasty women

>> No.51700606

>What is a prenup
>b-but courts just throw those away
Get a better lawyer and follow best legal practices when getting it signed you honorary kikes

>> No.51700634

>hotter woman
Kek hide the old pictures of tue Bog twins

>> No.51700640

I would name my dog MacKenzie

>> No.51700648

I hate women. Jeff was cool in a Lex Luther sort of way

>> No.51700663

For the first husband? Very I would imagine.

>> No.51700669

And bezos is still with his same whore

Interesting the way that works

>> No.51700674
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Neck real long

>> No.51700690

>is a bitch's name

>> No.51700697

Did she have a prenup? Prove it.

>> No.51700734

This is the future

>> No.51700737

does he get half of her money now? it would only be just.

>> No.51701030

Why would you marry this horse-faced ghoul?
Especially as a rich man, you need to pragmatically keep any and all wealth in safe places where the government's hand can't reach
You marry some no-name homely chick of above average genetic stock or don't do it at all.

>> No.51701073

What kind of idiot marries a divorced woman?

>> No.51701077

She married him before Amazon was even a thing and stuck by him while he was building it up. She's not exactly the classic gold digger type.

>> No.51701155

When 90% of American women over 30 are divorced, obese, and just plain ugly men lose their standards.

>> No.51701180


>> No.51701811

incel moment

>> No.51702525

>dates a DE Shaw and Princeton alumni
I'm totes not gold digging guys! He is but a humble online book salesman! Fuck you simp

>> No.51702571

average woman in the west

>> No.51702589

>Jew It

>> No.51702642

What if she left me, and I marry someone else? My ex ended it even though I didn’t want to, so is it a strike for me? Is the new wife allowed to leave me too, it’ll only be her first? Too many questions

>> No.51702778

She is a philanthropist so you would think she wouldn't even mind.

>> No.51702832
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OK, I get that Bezos is an asshole, but what did the science teacher do?

>> No.51702833

In this case he'd be entitled to more. I'm guessing a prenup is involved though. Also I think you're only entitled to wealth created during the marriage, not before, so anything she entered with is still hers.

>> No.51702852


Women are hypergamous, they want their man to be superior to them and someone to follow. She's been ruined by already having married one of the world's most rich and powerful men. She probably could never get over the subconscious truth that this guy is comparatively a worm.

>> No.51702856


>> No.51702861

>Everyone should be allowed only ONE marriage in a lifetime. If you divorce, you die.

>> No.51702878

It's like it's all a big joke haha

>> No.51702985

All of you are missing the point. Maybe some of you are virgins.
But one look at her and you know she has a soft buttery pussy.
Even if she was poor, her pussy is gold.

>> No.51703035
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Reminder that there were anons here who actually said she was pretty and Jeff was in the wrong here. Jeff made the right move, only mistake was waiting too long to do it.

>> No.51703059

They even met at de shaw I think. She was a rich stuck up white woman.
Stick rail women like that aren't soft in anyway.

>> No.51703096

I think men should have unlimited rights and women zero rights

>> No.51703140

shes a philanthropist now. you know. with all the money her ex earned. she's a good person with that other guys money she has now.