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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51698158 No.51698158 [Reply] [Original]

wasn't promises of SWIFT the main reason your centralized shitcoin is ranked 7 in all of crypto?

Explain yourselves

>> No.51698186

no, they are going to replace swift, right after they get done being sued by the SEC for being a scam

>> No.51698236

Swift needs chainlink for dataproviding, not crossborder payments tech. Didn't take anything away from xrp

>> No.51698242
File: 286 KB, 1799x793, Qtarts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The qtards of crypto.

>> No.51698272

wait, doesn't literally any single blockchain that CCIP will connect to go crossborder with ease? Also doesn't Kaspa even do that in a decentralized way with even cheaper fees?

Oh no no no no

>> No.51698348

Still not fast and efficient enough for that. Granted link will still be huge don't worry about it

>> No.51698553

Why do you make threads when you don't really know anything?

>> No.51698620

>having no understanding of fud

>> No.51698691

CCIP is just providing data while SWIFT uses XRP for cross-border settlements. LINK token is unironically not needed as XRP will be handling the settlements

>> No.51698776


>> No.51698956

It's brainlets like you that have never done business. Another tool doing what you need is the case when comparing every single successful company there is.
But KASPA can't magically talk to banks all over the world with federal reserve board members backing them up.
It's who you know, not what you know.
Smoothbrains don't get this and think hypotheticals actually play out in the market.
They don't.

>> No.51699026

you're stuck in the past. When central banks control money flow then yes it's who you know. The more it leans towards commie the more that's true. But that sort of power is fading and all that matters in business is providing value, simple as that.

Satoshi knew fucking no one and just chatted to nerds in a forum and his crypto is still worth more than xrp can ever dream of. He knew NO ONE, get the fuck out of here with your outdated tenets

>> No.51699110

I know a chick that’s lives on a “ranch” with q people. The only crypto she ever talked about was xrp…

>> No.51699129

they literally have a little glowie robot message prompt living in their brains, rent free

>> No.51699905

doesnt care still an erc20 and satan's token
enjoy staying inside your cube linktard

>> No.51700358

different usecases you utterly retarded faggot, how could XRP possibly do the oracle data or LINK settlement of currencies? You idiot retarded and demented faggot

>> No.51700453

>how could XRP possibly do the oracle data or LINK settlement of currencies?
Via Flare ;)

>> No.51700466

What kind of dataproviding? Payments?

>> No.51700473

the blackpill for chainlink is that xrpeons and icplebes will literally never be honest with themselves and admit they were way, way off base on this and pivot by fomoing into link. they're in too deep psychologically at this point. in a rational world they would just sell their bags for cheap link but instead we're all going to go through hell.

>> No.51700495

Yeah flare could do the oracle, but LINK is an ERC-20 you simply cannot use that for instant settlement of currencies

>> No.51700578

link can live anywhere, ETH is just a suitable host for now

>> No.51701053

Sui for link?

>> No.51701089

I think XRP will be for fiat settlements and LINK for cross chain crypto settlements if that make sense

>> No.51701138

i'd think of KASPA as the community pathway for payments and eventually smart contract platform. LINK is literally a utility and institutional play that every blockchain will have to use to stay relevant

>> No.51701148

Thats a decent cope

>> No.51701267

i'm right debate me or downvote me and move on

>> No.51701618

Now its a shit cope

>> No.51701640

looks like i win once again

>> No.51701730
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This image is almost 5 years old kek

>> No.51701958

So link still has to build their own Blockchain and you believe swift is gonna use a not yet built or tested tech for something that's already coming for the markets in 2023/24

>> No.51701980

LINK won't settle anything, it's just oracle and that's it

>> No.51702360


>> No.51702746

LINK isn’t an ERC-20 you retard

>> No.51702797

You have no idea what CCIP does. Apparently nobody does, or this SWIFT announcement would have 10x’d the price.

>> No.51702804


>> No.51703760

Ripple is swifts competitor. It doesnt need to change. Its already "layer 1" and "layer 2" at the same time :)

>> No.51703791

Not really. Xrp IS cross chain. Thats what it was built for.

>> No.51703817
File: 161 KB, 488x389, 0279742955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubt that some rumor is the sole reason XRP is doing so well, retard. That's like saying the DEXT>BNB schizo is right and DEXT will somehow replace BNB long term.

>> No.51703820

Xrp was built by bitcoiners that wanted a way to transfer their tokens instantly. Link was an artificial way to do that on eth. Project literally not needed.

>> No.51703868

So, token not needed?

>> No.51704035
File: 155 KB, 1767x1711, received_508402371063519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was the other way around (picrel). BTC (beta test coin)