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51692255 No.51692255 [Reply] [Original]

Will the AI revolution be as big as the computer revolution?

>> No.51692338

AI relies on computers, so AI's impact is inherently a subset of computers'.

>> No.51694150
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IF A=B then C else D

>> No.51694574
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>> No.51695271

We'll see the singularity in our lifetime so yes, it will be the last man's great invention

>> No.51695364

No, AI is computation. Still a big deal though, lots to look forward to.

>> No.51695398
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>> No.51695970

Mr. Miyage in the back there looks based.

>> No.51696046

considering that projects like holoclear have advanced algorithms, I would say yes.
although AI will most likely be used to make life even more complicated for all of us.

>> No.51696593

Nah, just look at how poorly programmed AIs are in videogames

>> No.51696637

not until a robot forces me to swallow leftover food soaked from dishes because I don't want to rinse them.

>> No.51696639


>> No.51696652

AI needs to work without relying too much on math, we are getting closer anyways

>> No.51696663

hopefully, an ai will extinguish humanity once and for all

>> No.51696691

I just want them to develop quickly so I can have a sex toy with emotions.

>> No.51696694

rape fan lmao

>> No.51696707

>Will the AI revolution be as big as the computer revolution?

There is no AI revolution.

>> No.51696730

There will quiet literarily be an AI revolution. Aka the great reset. And it's going to be super creepy and miserable to get there.

>> No.51699478
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no such thing as bad robot,only bad coder.

>> thinks Algebra is exclusively numerical.

Sexbot AI=
IF <meatbag> = INCEL then FUCK else KILL

I welcome our new Sexbot Waifu Overlords.

>> No.51699640
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He is wrong like 99% of the time. Also Bob was my professor at UT years ago and is EXTREMELY based:

Professor of Innovation, Murchison Fellow of Free Enterprise

Prof. Metcalfe is the retired Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Murchison Fellow of Free Enterprise in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He is an Internet pioneer and entrepreneur, founding and growing the multibillion-dollar networking company 3Com, now part of Hewlett-Packard. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and, in 2003, received the National Medal of Technology and Innovation.

>> No.51699662
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He's right, AI has no place in the real art industry, aside from making fanart paintings, furry porn and patron-tier stuff.
Hell, you can't even use it to make randomized NFTs, which is pretty hilarious since that is usually considered a low quality type of art.
I wonder which will be the fields where AI will take on a relevant role. I'm guessing manual labor would be easy to handle by AIs, but that requires mechanical bodies to use tools, which is not easy. Unless the whole machinery is automatically controlled by an AI.
I am guessing that programming will be the first field where AI will take by force a good chunk of jobs. Programming neither requires physical actions, nor creativity, nor complex thought patterns. It's basically the same as manual labor, but digital. Strict goals and rules, and specific steps to reach those goals.
I am guessing that in a few years all the code monkeys will lose their job, and the only programmers making money will be the high tier ones, those who create innovative products, or create the AIs themselves.

>> No.51699765
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It'll probably fail again, like it did in the 80's. Back then they pinned all their AI hopes and dreams on Lisp, and when it couldn't deliver that pretty much killed all interest in the language.

>> No.51700039

AI will be so vastly more powerful than your average human using a computer by the end of the decade that it will upend all economic models and forecasts. people haven't got a fucking clue, this is because most people lack all imagination and can't think of how the future might be if we just extrapolate a few reasonable ideas. so many people dismissed bitcoin when it first arrived and almost everybody suffers from regret about it because again, they totally failed to predict a very obvious future.

how fucking hard is it to consider the impact of something that already shows us its power with AI generated art? click a button and get a decent illustration within a few seconds. imagine that applied to pretty much all of your work duties. it's like doing an immediate 10000x on productivity within a year.

nothing for years then everything all at once

>> No.51700084

It has way more potential but the golden hour of artificial general intelligence is at the very least far off. One of the problems with discussing the topic is that there is always company with a hotshot invention that they swear up and down will revolutionize a field that makes the news but their failures get very little press like IBM's Watson. The other is that there's a whole subset of people who have this deep religious feel for AI and you can't trust them to talk in realistic terms about it, like Kurzweil and his 100 pills a day.

>> No.51700236

This, AI already removed many jobs and artists got JUSTed so hard by the AIs of this year (dalle, sd, midjourney) that they are begging to have it banned from use. I use an AI autocompletion for programming and it writes 80% of my code, which is vetted by other engineers and staff, and they only see it as an improvement in my productivity and quality.
Unless we go into a nuclear holocaust (a real one) AI is only going to get stronger each year, meaning more advanced for the same cost, or cheaper for the same complexity. It is unironically over and I recommend anyone to accumulate as much as possible in the remaining years (maybe 10, maybe 50) before this unemployment crisis hits. The last 10 years have been insane for AI and if it keeps advancing at this pace you won’t be needed regardless of your skills in the very near future.

>> No.51700584

Most of my time "programming" has always been studying a system or a problem and coming up with a solution, along with analyzing existing software to understand the INTENT (because oftentimes it's poorly not not documented at all), and figuring out what went wrong and fixing it, or how to best modify the system for whatever new requirements they have, or how to adapt it to a new environment.
The part where you write code, that's almost an afterthought. At that point you're just transcribing your solution into the system, but it's coming up with the solution that's the real work.

>> No.51700679

Not even going to explain how retarded your take is. Even the most junior kid on my team would 10x your whole org and have it more maintainable than anything you've ever worked with (according to your comment).

>> No.51700916

You're not actually a programmer, you're a code monkey. Those can be replaced easily with "AI".

>> No.51701062

I propose taking away human rights from 95% of the human cattle on this shithole and giving those rights to AI.

>> No.51701161
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if ID=J00Z then GAS
else if ID=N1GGA then DELETE
else if ID=BEANER then MOW_LAWN
else if ID=CHANG then EAT+DOG

>> No.51701393

Not really but many will lose simple jobs, like pilots, drivers, truckers, delivery, salesman, etc. not now, but slowly till 2030-2040

>> No.51701695

Nice cope but I'm paid 120eur/h for my "code monkey" job. If that makes me a monkey I can't wait to hear what kind of worm you are. You can speak up online but you can't tell your manager the tools you work with are shit? Get it together dude