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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51693190 No.51693190 [Reply] [Original]

grandmas chemo therapy can wait for next month
stage 3 isnt that bad

>> No.51693219


>> No.51693224

rope retarded indian nigger

>> No.51693308

she can wait

>> No.51693327

usually id agree except theyre not indian and their liquidity is actually legit
but other than that i dont really know much about them

>> No.51693338


>> No.51693353

Shill me on BitDAO, I've been considering throwing $500-1k at it.

>> No.51693361

go eat your curry ranjeesh

>> No.51693544

have you considered selling her kidneys and investing the proceeds as well?
theyre just a dao with a shit ton of money in their treasury
i'd advise you to wait a bit for prices to fall and then invest that 1k.
cash out right after they launch their L1 soon

>> No.51693582
File: 534 KB, 1814x1292, bitdao treasury.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is all you need to know anon

>> No.51693610

Im confused, isn't this bybit's shit

>> No.51693629
File: 32 KB, 576x1024, kys fudder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51693841

its a DAO. it not "owned" by anyone but by everyone
bybit is a big investor though. they contribute around $100 million every month

>> No.51693865

no but they are heavily invested in it
i think they have future plans to make BIT the BNB equivalent of ByBit but completely decentralized

>> No.51693874

what the fuck
wast it like $1.5 billion 2 weeks ago?

>> No.51694103

locked BIT tokens were released around a week ago

>> No.51694120

one of the main reasons BIT held its price nicely compared to other alts
thats A LOT of backup

>> No.51694134
File: 87 KB, 1125x1180, shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cash out right after they launch their L1 soon
not very bitDAO-ish of you

>> No.51694169


People always post about how thick their treasury is, but how are the projects they're investing in actually performing? Whether those are doing well and providing returns for the DAO is what's going to actually determine its long term success, no?

>> No.51694294

correct but they're actually doing very well (for now)
they funded EduDAO with something like $33 million and ended up partnering with some of the most prestigious universities of the world like MIT, Harvard and Oxford to give Web3 classes (some of which were also free)

>> No.51694306

ZkDAO is also looking promising. They'll soon become the only DAO with an actual scaling solution
Plus its developed by Zksync so you know it'll be of high quality

>> No.51694321

dont forget the L1

>> No.51694331

not mentioned because its still a soft proposal
but yeah, still promising

>> No.51694367
File: 81 KB, 735x919, booba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm staking

>> No.51695055

Unironically if I was 90 years old and you were my grandkid I wouldn't blame you, its not like I'm going to be useful for very long at age 90.

Fuck the doctor kikes. My life is less valuable than their ransoms!

>> No.51696785
