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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51692671 No.51692671 [Reply] [Original]

Most fundemental crypto in all the industry, biggest day of the year for said crypto.
Fudders schizoposting nonstop in the most activity /biz/ has seen in 24 months.

CCIP Confirmed
Staking confirmed
Literally celebrities and billionaires talking and openly showing interest.
Lowest price its been in comparison to BTC for 20 months
BTC +2%

This makes no fucking sense and it makes me fucking hate everything about crypto.

>> No.51692684

welcome to /biz/ schizo you'll fit in just fine.

>> No.51692699

Uhh December v0.1 maybe?
It was a nothing burger, hollow promises once again

>> No.51692707

its crazy how every single announcement didnt link into how it would generate returns for the link token, or why the token is even needed in the first place.

this is the issue: the token was tacked on for the sake of muh crypto, but fundamentally there is no reason the token must exist to provide the service. this was confirmed again and again at the presentations. nobody is going to be buying up an unstable token to pay for services. swift absolutely will never do this. large firms will never do this. the link token is a gimmick

>> No.51692747

Chainlink has a lot of enemies.

>> No.51692750

Actually it makes perfect sense. The team is dumping hundreds of thousands ever week and have the capacity to keep suppressing the price for another decade. So no, none of this news (some of which is hyperbole) should have any realistic effect on volume.
Carry on stinkies.

>> No.51692766

The market can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent.

It will all be done automatically through a GUI based interface without them knowing how it works.
A Swift bank will click on the menu item of their existing infrastructure to execute an operation on Aave ETH and it will magically do everything without them knowing about it.
They have been working with Swift since the start exactly for this so that Swift can update their existing infrastructure to use blockchains through CCIP which they have already been using for testing and integrated into their systems.

>> No.51692775
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Ccip is purely theoretical, doesnt exist.

Staking is a meme. A) they cant figure it out and b) actual staking wont be out until 2024.

There are no important celebrities endorsing. Maybe D list. But its a bear market now so that wont help.

Eric Schmidt just opened up all of you guys eyes to just how pathetic and out depth sergey is. This was already obvious but cult members dont like reality.

Think to yourself how the market would react to any company promising something on Jan only to follow up saying it might be on pace for December. As for normies, pic related is what plebbit thinks of this shitcoin. Youre going to miss another bullrun waiting for a day that never comes.

>> No.51692788

are you serious? how is staking being released in September FUD? listen to how desperate this shit is getting

>> No.51692791

and without them even owning link tokens, or buying link tokens, or chainlink needed link tokens at any point in the exchange. again, token isnt required to provide this service like i said, retard

>> No.51692792

We need Eric to do some overtime to take care of them.
Now is the time for a counter attack.

>> No.51692800

Literally who?
STFU OP. Nobody cares

>> No.51692803

based have a dump

>> No.51692805

why do you think that tokenomics + logic justify price increase in crypto? this is the most illogical speculative investing class in the world if you have been here after 5 years and still not figured this out then i am sorry, but crypto is just not for you

>> No.51692821


>> No.51692844

You are a victim of a morbidly obese russian scammer and sunk cost fallacy

Wishing you swift hospitalization and recovery

>> No.51692845

The amount of fud is very bullish.
It seems the CeFi shorters are working overtime and were responsible for the last dump in an attempt to keep their short alive for a bit longer.

>> No.51692852

Its not released. Theyve made 4 announcements now this year that its coming “later”. And todays comment was snuck in at the end of an incredibly boring speech and extremely noncommittal. Mind you this is just a test version. Actual wont be ready for at least a year, best case scenario

>> No.51692853

You didn't actually watch the stream did you?

>> No.51692882

>gamestop 2 more weeks

Youve been saying that for years now. You dont really even believe it anymore.

>> No.51692885

The need to make seven announcements after the pre announcement and reconfirmation of the original announcement nigger

>> No.51692890

All of you hold LINK, I know it, you know it, everyone here knows it. I will make a smart contract that tells me which one of you fuckers always fudded once we make it, and I will get retribution.

>> No.51692901

>ill attack the people who pointed out I was being scammed instead of the scammer

Classic stockholm cult member

>> No.51692908

Not before I get you for being too much of a normie nigger

>> No.51692918

Is ken griffin in the room with us right now anon?

>> No.51692924

Seethe more stinky links
Token not needed

>> No.51692925

if they ever openly discussed the token and returns then everyone should sell
with regulatory uncertainty there's a very good reason to be as cautious as possible in this area
on the token itself listen to eric's talk where he discusses tokens. it will all be abstracted away on the front end but tokens unlock so much underneath

>> No.51692926

okay man. you will make deploy and interact with your smart contract and it will all require 0 link tokens to do.

>> No.51692928

Holy fuck you fudding niggers I just made this thread.....

How much are you literal niggers being paid .05 per post like a typical jew?

>> No.51692931

That was a fast reply for people who don't hold LINK in a LINK thread you're fudding. Tell me why you guys know all the in's and out's of a project you don't hold again? (I know you hold it btw)

>> No.51692945
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OpenZeppelin just launched a bot that auto buys LINK so that your crypto product doesn’t run out of the LINK it needs to run.

>> No.51692947

0.0000001 LINK to deploy it, too bad that will be worth $1,000 at that point.

>> No.51692948

some mad cope right here. pure speculation and nothing publicly stated. no reason provided as to why i should buy link hence the price even when its largest even for the year is on

>> No.51692951

I hope tokens become the elite's sekret currency and normies get CBDCs and pods

>> No.51692955
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>most fundamental crypto in all the industry

>> No.51692970
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I hold Chainlink and I'm coming to tel aviv to kill you Moloch

>> No.51692972

Litecoin gets one fake Walmart partnership article out and it pumps hard just on that alone, meanwhile Chainlink officially announce a cure for cancer which uses the LINK token and it would still just dump -2%

>> No.51692973

thats awesome. too bad the large institutions wont be required to buy any link at all. too much risk and too much hassle. link will bend the knee to these institutions and let them get off with not giving anything to the token bagholders

>> No.51692982

Not before I tell Mom!

>> No.51693020

ltc is pumping now funny that
it must be the macro
it must be the fake walmart tweet
>did a subtle magic tranny make that for the keks?
it must be the random issue that only applies to chainlink

Middle of the bear market Eric has his frens turn off their suppression bots cap this

>> No.51693024
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>Have held Link but dumped it cuz shit price action and made more money elsewhere
>Came here after this conference to check it out
>There really is a bunch of fud from people that seem really concerned for me and my money
Give it to me straight, how much more time do I have
I want to ride out one last market ATH and then dump my btc, wait for the giant recession and then buy the bottom and get some Link when that happens
Am I going to be able to do this
If the price suppression is legit and jews don't want normalfags interested in Link then surely the price won't just moon unexpectedly within the next 2-4 years, right?

>> No.51693035

>Most fundemental crypto in all the industry
Hold on, kek….. hold on. Imagine thinking this. There is your problem Op, you’re confused because you’ve misinterpreted the importance of link (it’s not even the best oracle solution at this point). No wonder you’re so upset, sweet summers child.
Case closed

>> No.51693040

If we hit $10 tonight I will stick a sharpie into my ass.

>> No.51693041
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>> No.51693058
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You are a man

>> No.51693059

Nothingburger, scam

>> No.51693071
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We are gunna make it bros!

>> No.51693082

It's just another eth shitcoin
the oracle tech and the token have nothing to do with eachother

>> No.51693083

You can stop now, your job is finished now Indian. Eric should release your children and pay you soon.

>> No.51693090
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>> No.51693385

Sergey and Schmidt had a great fireside chat. The main point from Schmidt is that he recognizes that the token is needed. The biggest innovation is that the token is needed.
Sure, Sergey could his improve his interviewing skills, but nobody cares. He's a nerd. Interviewing is for women and homos

>> No.51693465

this is really cool. I do think that eventually devs and corporations who utilize link will realize that it's in their interest to buy as much as possible as soon as possible... but this would be great for devs who don't have the resources to do so, and just have to convert fees to link as needed.

>> No.51693510
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Wow, you mean crypto is run by VC pump n' dumpers and schizo gamblers? You mean nobody cares about the actual utility of the tokens? Imagine my shock...

>> No.51693633

you should not buy link
did you listen to the talk retard?
>But if he were just starting out as a software engineer today, he says, he’d want to work on AI algorithms or Web3.
>Schmidt says his interest in Web3 involves a concept called “tokenomics,” which refers to the specific supply and demand characteristics of cryptocurrencies. Schmidt also notes that Web3 could come with new models for content ownership and new ways of compensating people.

>> No.51693652
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>> No.51694339

Implying all of crypto doesn't exist in a PoC sandbox. The aim is building something better than the traditional financial services systems that exist, but no one is there yet.

>> No.51694771
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Not your usual hype-driven token. That's the beauty of Chainlink, it pumps slow and steady when nobody is watching; that's an hold for 130+ IQ autismos

>> No.51694862

Of course she has a dick and balls. Don't ever change /biz/.

>> No.51694879

>Most fundemental crypto in all the industry
That's where you're wrong, kiddo

>> No.51694882

its weird because so many chain rely on it
Polygon’s DeFi ecosystem (the 5th largest on the market) uses it along with many other big name chains as well
i have no idea who’s paying this much to FUD them