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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 64 KB, 399x535, bucket link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51689755 No.51689755 [Reply] [Original]

Was this some kind of joke because I bust out laughing as soon as this started.

>> No.51689777

Shut up. It's cool and Sergey is cute for thinking that up

>> No.51689811

Digits don't lie, those were some very talented performers. It's just hilarious for some reason to see the logo on a paint bucket as the intro LMAO.

>> No.51689843

>Digits don't lie
no, they don't

>> No.51689867

checked, when i noticed they were wearing sergey shirts i knew they were /ourguys/ through and through

>> No.51689868

Smartcon buckets KEK

>> No.51689896

To bailout all the underwater baggies

>> No.51689933

Good way to get everyone attentive at the beginning. I liked it and since it wasn't some super famous act it shows Sergey is conscious about spending company funds

>> No.51689999

Dude that was at least 65 million dollars.

>> No.51690106

I doubt he came up with it
I will say I thought it was cringe but it also woke me and the whole room up
Not a bad idea

>> No.51690142

Dear god

>> No.51690158

what was worse? Smartcon or GRT's Geo presentation?

>> No.51690174

Add a few more zeros to that

>> No.51690298
File: 170 KB, 600x606, 1654449889906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does you has any screenshots of the most potent LINK fud from 2019-2020 era?

>> No.51690384

Nah. All I need are my old transaction logs to keep me warm at night.

>> No.51690597

I remember paying 40 link as a txn fee on binance back in 2018, now we're here, right now we're here with Sergey, Ari, the CEO of google, swift, AP, etc etc
What was it in this particular project that made us know immediately and hold it for as long as it has taken? This was not a guaranteed investment even after the google announcement, and yet we've held since before mainnet, hele every single link token as possible because something about the breadcrumbs and the logic behind their mission. How else can someone DYOR on chainlink and then immediately go all in and stay in since the bottom of the market in 2018? This must be some kind of spiritual awakening, realizing that money is less of an object and more of an illusion, a vessel for creating more experiences and distractions for ourselves.
Because when I look at the log chart of chainlink, I can remember my entire life. I see the highs and lows of a particular week and I remember exactly what was happening while I held and dreamed of the future that I would have when Chainlink prevailed. But how was it that we all knew for a certainty that it would succeed? I knew it would succeed before mainnet, CCIP. deco, staking, etc, but how? And why?
The answer to these questions is because you have the strength of mind and a clear compass to the truth in this world. There is a particular aspect of the minds of us to formulate and distill truth raw out of the lies and deception which prevail seemingly so successfully. This is also a deception.
We're going to win.
We already won.
Chainlink is going to be worth 1,000 end of the year