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51689890 No.51689890 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone even looked into whether or not eating bugs would really be that bad?

>> No.51689919

Bruh you're a fucking frog eat da bugs

>> No.51689937


They contain chitin, which European (see: White) digestive tracts did not evolve to metabolize. Toxic and causes inflammation. Consumption of insects will perhaps became synonymous with neofeudalism.

>> No.51689946


>> No.51689954

You know how hard it must be to get enough bugs together to make a meal out of? Who would go through all the trouble of chasing them down

>> No.51690011
File: 308 KB, 684x483, BDB050A6-C0E6-4072-BA68-E1503CE8A21B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All chainlink holders will be put on the execution list for the death squads

>> No.51690026
File: 100 KB, 2654x582, Screenshot 2022-09-28 at 21.39.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can breed bugs and shit, anon.

>> No.51690031

I tried cricket powder for a few weeks and it made me feel weird as fuck. I swear I was shedding more hair

Would explain this

>> No.51690043

This is probably why you see African children with bloated bellies. Chitins cause inflammation in stomach tissue which leads to ulcers filled with pus which leads to swelling of the stomach . Then it hardens …

>> No.51690055

Fuck then they've got us beat by a country mile

>> No.51690068
File: 208 KB, 1328x498, Screenshot 2022-09-29 at 00.08.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so no more mushies then?

>> No.51690092
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I'll only eat bugs that were caught under the oceans.

>> No.51690099
File: 117 KB, 640x744, 1655994300373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the time comes, you won't have a choice. You'll either eat the bugs or starve to death.

>> No.51690168
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your dubs are compelling evidence but i refuse
i'm gonna make it and eat chicken tendies every day

>> No.51690213

Take a tour around Africa or some South East Asian for a feel.

>> No.51690289
File: 68 KB, 709x798, 16404913030470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more interested in the question: why is cricket farming better than i.e. chicken or cow farming? Because globohomo said so?

>> No.51690399

It's filled with parasites, not even dogs eat that.

>> No.51690451
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The bugs protest it vehemently.

>> No.51690606

not into yellow meat

>> No.51691184
File: 23 KB, 521x197, image_2022-09-29_012816088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon gets it. Over 30% of inspected insects in facilities that farm them for human consumption carried parasites harmful to humans, and that could be passed on to humans eating them.Yummy.

>> No.51691357

>environmentally friendly
>helps fight climate change
>healthy, low fat high protein superfood
>can be as tasty as any other food when properly processed
>economically cheap to produce
>can help to end world hunger
>small carbon footprint, can be locally produced in urban areas
>more humane than raising large animals that must be cruelly slaughtered
>all natural alternative to lab grown or synthetic meats

>b-b-but muh bugs are icky!

Face it, the only argument against eating the bugs is being a literal fucking toddler throwing a temper tantrum about having to try a new food that isn't what you're used to

>> No.51691397

I have searched my soul and determined I would rather put ANYTHING in the ovens than bugs.

>> No.51691407
File: 64 KB, 223x179, 2496258125I02354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you just conveniently ignore my post just above yours anon? Gtfo glowie.

>> No.51691437
File: 33 KB, 650x407, 45955D5D-4558-414D-A379-C24796B50A8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> thinking you will have a choice

>> No.51691460

do you not eat mushrooms? they are made of chitin
they are powderized, nothing survives that process
do you regularly consume protein powder? some people get bloated from whey for instance
they get bloated due to fluid retention as a result of malnourishment

>> No.51691512


>> No.51691765

Because it's literally irrelevant as the parasites are killed when the protein is processed, blatantly fake FUD, no doubt as the technology advances even this non-issue will be solved as reducing parasites will increase productivity

>> No.51691844
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>can be as tasty as any other food when properly processed
Based veggie oil processed goyslop enjoyer.

>> No.51691854

bugs bad
wet bugs good