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51686464 No.51686464 [Reply] [Original]

>work from home
>spend all day getting high and doing no work
>afraid it will catch up with me and i will be fired
what do i do bros?

>> No.51686511

kratom and focus at least one day out of week doing work and spread that work out over the week

>> No.51686669

how is it possible that you have read capitalism realism and still create new threads in 4chan lmao

>> No.51687246

Do nothing

>> No.51687547

This is based
I use kratom once a week and since I bought white strain I found it hard to sit idle so I usually take it on Friday late afternoon and do a shitload of work

>> No.51689085
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>work from home
>get maybe an hour or so of work done in the morning
>spend the rest of the day doing whatever else i want with my laptop next to me in case someone messages me
>always make sure to have some actionable item finished or in progress every week so i can mention it if anybody asks what i'm working on
>been doing this for years now and haven't heard a peep of negativity from any co-worker or manager
it really is that simple

>> No.51689142
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I hated working from home. Is it because I rely on work for all my social interactions? What's wrong with that?

>> No.51689279

what do you mean anon? there's probably other people that read it and post here

>> No.51689501

Capitalist realism is basically commie cucks accepting that they lost miserably to Neoliberalism, commietardism has been reduced to childish tantrum that capitalism entertains, in fact it has been completely consumed by capitalism.

>> No.51689585

I have to go in to the office, but I waste most of my time here doing nothing. Sometimes I start to feel bad about it, especially because the company is on the verge of bankruptcy, but then I remember how much government money they have gotten as a company and paid themselves as ridiculously high salaries. With that perspective I alleviate my guilt.

>> No.51689625

Be your own boss then noone can fire you.

345pm drunkposting frpm my bathtub.

>> No.51689651

i'm in consumer electronic sales doing the very same thing, weed's semi-legal in my state but just relax and don't accidentally type nigger into or go on 4chan on the work computer/vpn

>> No.51689670

redpill me on kratom anons. which variety would you use and why?

>> No.51689681

I WFHed for 2 years now and get literally 5 stars reviews and the best projects

being a NEET autist who doesn't play office politics is perfect for WFH. And i'm at the computer al lthe time so I literally answer all emails or messages in 5 mins

>> No.51689749

i tried kratom, it's alright you feel pretty social but once you've done it for a while it sucks and you just get headaches and mood swings. it was green or white maeng da i forget

just do weed

>> No.51690008

I just started a new job a couple weeks ago and it’s alright. But today we were doing some training over a group call and the supervisor lady couldn’t be there so we went ahead with it. Then later at the end of the day we had to get back on the conference call and the bitch was mad that we did it without her so we have to show up at 7 am to do it all over again. And it’s easy, like copy and paste easy. Anyway, it really rubbed me the wrong way how condescending this woman was, she even remarked that no one had any questions about the process (copy and paste). So my question is, if this lady is being a bitch tomorrow what’s the most infuriating question I can ask if she does it again? I’m thinking of waiting until the end and asking what copy and paste means and how to do it

>> No.51691973

Ask her to pause the training halfway through so you can go to the bathroom, then take an unreasonable amount of time to come back.

>> No.51692033

Just pull your rock out And tell her to talk into the mic cuz it’s hard to hear her.

>> No.51692082

The book in that image is at least 5x thicker than the real one. More of a pamphlet really

>> No.51692091

Drugs are for niggers. Kratom is an opioid. Don't become another victim of the opioid jew.

>> No.51692127

Order pizza, tell her you need to take a bathroom break, go into the bathroom and masturbate until pizza arrives. Come back to the computer with pizza, and make sure she can hesr you talking to the pizza guy.

>> No.51692162 [DELETED] 

Flashloan arbitrage, learn how to do it the right way on the video below

https://cos dot tv/videos/play/37118042580489216

Resources needed to do the same process of the video are on the link on the videos description, click the video title to see the description

>> No.51692199

This is a sad state to be in

You can't have genuine friends at work because every interaction is underpinned by a requirement for everyone to be nice.

Get a hobby with other people where they can be honest with you and vice versa, otherwise you're going to gave nothing but shallow, fake and meaningless interactions

>> No.51692229

Don’t use more often than once a week, maybe twice if you have iron will.
Redditors treat it like candy and take 20g everyday but it’s a drug, although mild, and like any drugs can fuck you up when abused. I’ve only tried red and white Maeng Da. Red is relaxing, ideal for a chill weekend evening relaxing by yourself, but it can get a little dull during comedown. White is more stimulating but you still feel the opioid in it. Best for working or pursuing your hobbies. Can cause a bit of anxiety so mind the dose.

>> No.51692250

This guy is a Redditor who abused it and wonders why it stopped working lmao
Once a week and you won’t get any diminishing effects or physical dependence.

>> No.51692562

I read the book and thought it pretty accurately explains the position we're in right now, yet I still post here

>> No.51693933

>work from home
diabetes, cum, diarrhea, and backache
is the only thing you get for sitting all day.

>> No.51693984

Just work lmao, work from home it's easy anyway
Maybe you could switch from smoking weed to looking at charts of your bags, that's what I do with my vinu bags to kill time until my day is done, that or eat like an idiot

>> No.51694131

this, it’s basically doomer posting: the book. Fairly accurate critique and so pessimist it’s almost enraging. Would read again

This is how I would imagine someone with a literal 80 IQ would digest the book. Did widdle diddums just find out about 4chan from a JBP video?

>> No.51694208

I just listened to a summary of it from a guy who used a bunch of big gay words like modernism, post modernism, pre corporatization, and a bunch of other faggot words.

So basically capitialism is ingrained in us as a species, right? That all things human are in competition in the free market? aka Natural Selection?

Didn't need to use so many big gay words to say that

>> No.51694249

This is confusing because you’re basically agreeing with the book.

>> No.51694263

> focus at least one day out of week doing work and spread that work out over the week

This is smart..

>> No.51694292

replace getting high with putting slack/email on your phone and going to the gym/walks. Also replace it with either a second remote job or building a business/skill/university courses. What the heck is wrong with you. Even playing video games or reading fiction would be better than fucking your brain up retard

>> No.51695358

This is a half truth made for demoralization.

You can make genuine friends at work. The trouble is that you can't make genuine friends when you are forced to compete or have incentives to affect the other person. (Your boss can never be your friend, neither can your replacements or team members)

If someone is entirely separate from your work then they can be your friend.

>> No.51695405

>asked the guy who presumably read mark fisher

>> No.51695473

Work friends are like shit-tier. Find other things in to do in your community, I participate in the community garden every week, go to a Go club, I have a D&D group, etc. I also keep in touch with uni and school friends (actual friends, not some asshole on fb I hardly remember).

This might be harder for you if your job monitors you incessantly or you live in a nothing-happens shithole.

>> No.51695514

>So basically capitialism is ingrained in us as a species, right?
>aka Natural Selection?
No lmao, you are acting literally like an example from the book. Truly a society moment.

>> No.51695731

You can agree with the book while still making money and partaking in capitalism, you know. Dumb fuck shit for brains.

>> No.51696050

truly. so what does it mean without all the gay faggot words?

All capitalist and anticapitalist actions are commoditized and made capital? Like natural selection in finance would dictate?

>> No.51698509

Don't they give you things to do and to report on?

>> No.51698533

This nigger gets it. Remote since 2019. I will NEVER step foot in another office again. Always have something ready to produce, just in case.

>> No.51698637

>So basically capitialism is ingrained in us as a species, right? That all things human are in competition in the free market? aka Natural Selection?
Yes anon. Capitalism just means markets and exchange. It's completely neutral and natural. It's not a historically-specific system that only emerged in the last few hundred years. Oops i might have used big words.

>> No.51698671

>what do i do bros?
plan out 2 or 3 projects that sound difficult but are easy and make you look good. stretch these out to last the entire year. congratulations, now you have something to talk about with your boss and his boss, and something impressive to write about on your performance review.

t. do this all the time

>> No.51698692
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>> No.51698869

whenever you feel guilt about this, always remember that you are boosting company interest in automation

we'll never get robot girlfriends unless we get robots and we'll never get robots until companies get fed up with their lazy ass wank from home wagies

we are essentially on strike to procure greater investment into higher productivity technology that will benefit mankind

>> No.51699040

Yes just let the supercomputers and the robots farm to create food. Oh wait it doesn’t work like this.

>> No.51699099

machines do most of the work, and what isn't done by a machine is done by brown retard migrant workers on H-2A visas (or illegally) for low wages. about 2.6 million US jobs are engaged in direct, on-farm employment. if we put our mind to it and made compromises, it could likely decline even more.

and no, i don't care to hear your stories about your 1850s pre-automation farmwork experience.

>> No.51699200

>big words make me seeth
Argument is simple anon
>capitalism isnt ingrained in our dna, otherwise it would have existed for all of human history
>capitalist shills hide that capitalism is a historically-specific profit-driven system by claiming all markets and exchange are capitalism.
>the shills have won because now everyone believes the meme.
Simple as

>> No.51699257

qrd book?

>> No.51699299

I initially thought the book was Mein Kampf

>> No.51699860

private property in some form or another has existed for virtually all of human civilization. Including private property of means of production like wells, mines, etc.

>> No.51700041

The argument is that private property != capitalism. Capitalism is being defined as more than just markets and property. And tbf, this is the more accurate definition. The problem is that commies often use this as a motte and bailey argument. They run out into the bailey and attempt to get rid of property and markets and then when you call them on it, they retreat to the motte and claim they only want to dispose of capitalism. Instead, we should recognize that the status quo is not merely property and markets, it is something more, and markedly different from how things were in the past. The capitalist system is an imposition by the state and not merely an organic result of markets.

Here's a redpill: Any social system that has existed since time immemorial will probably continue to reappear and is probably a useful part of society. This includes, governments, markets/property, the family, religion, etc. You can dismiss ideologies which seek to abolish one or more of these institutions.

>> No.51700097

>random fucking 1pbtid retards join the conversation with the polar opposite of the original replies
do you have a social disability