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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51682259 No.51682259 [Reply] [Original]

In Ancient Democratic Athens there was a practice called Ostrakismos, which is the origin of the English word ostracism.
Ostracism was a procedure where the Athenians would assemble and each person would write the name of a person they wanted to ostracize on a pottery shard called an ostrakon. And whoever got the most votes would simply be banished from the city for 10 years, no questions asked. God I love the ancient world.

If /biz/ were to ostracize a crypto project, which would it be? Cast your votes.

I would vote to banish BSV because craig wright is a cunt

>> No.51682589


>> No.51682610

1 word: jews

>> No.51682652

Mob rule. Not very clever.

>> No.51682668

I'm sorry, jews is not a crypto project

I'm sorry, Mob rule. Not very Clever. is not a crypto project

>> No.51682712

Kek. On point anon.

>> No.51682774

Luna. New, old, twice reformed, whatever they call it now. Kwon cultists are a cancer everywhere they go.

>> No.51682813

bitcoin aka boomercoin holding back newer and better tech and eating all the gains for itself (just like irl boomers)

>> No.51682972

Ethereum just for the fallout it would cause. Also it deserves it for switching to PoS and stabbing everyone in the back.

>> No.51682981

>God I love the ancient world.
Ancient Greeks were gay pedophiles with too much time on their hands.
By the way, you realise that if this was peaciced today, you'd probably be the one getting ostracised, right? Are you vaxxed? Do you love giving money to ethnic minorities? Did you clap for the NHS? No? Well you're being forced out of your home for 10 years then. So Based1!11!

>> No.51682998

Calm down nerd, obviously I'm joking here look how upset you got from reading this thread kek touch grass bro

>> No.51683021

uneducated pleb
the gay shit was frowned upon and a factor in Socrates's death sentence
the Ostrakos was used on one person a year, usually a famous guy that people envied enough to be spiteful about something

You are on point tho that democracy is a mistake and yes this vaxx shit and company rule and misinformation is a consequence of it. Plato's Republic wen

>> No.51683083
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This discord trannies have raided /biz/ for over 4 years.
Back to >>>/pol/.

>> No.51683088

You're the one with the gay little factoid about ancient Greece. Imagine writing that OP history lesson and calling someone else a nerd. Did you forget you need to be 18 to post here?

>> No.51683210

>the gay shit was frowned upon and a factor in Socrates's death sentence
Child rape being "frowned upon" doesn't quite cut the mustard for me. And i don't think the ostracism practice lead sensible outcomes.

>> No.51683264

You're playing Odyssey right now too?
Free on Gamepass my dude, quite the /biz/ness man I can see.
I vote for Shib. Doge at least makes me laugh.

>> No.51683286
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>You're playing Odyssey right now too?
No? I got it from https://youtu.be/aPhrTOg1RUk?t=1295

>> No.51683365

Oh God, that's actually worse.

>> No.51683387

I wish I didnt have to answer it but u asked anon ....... bro..

>> No.51683597

>Kwon cultists
Anon, you're a textbook exemple of the Dunning Kruger syndrome.

I'd vote for ETH. Too slow, fees too high.

>> No.51683621
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>doesn't quite cut the mustard for me

>> No.51683660
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>actually watching this tranny
In all fields

>> No.51683710

Everything except BTC, XMR and QNT