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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 141 KB, 1280x720, battie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51681840 No.51681840 [Reply] [Original]

> 57 Million Monthly Active Users on Brave
> 10 million users opted into ads (Only ~17% turn on Ads)
> 1 million in revenue in September = 10 cents a month per opted-in user
> Number of successful business that make 1.7 pennies per month per user = ZERO
> User growth stalled / in decline.
> Inability to monetize Brave through BAT after a half decade, earning 1.7 cents per Brave User, only 17% of users have opted in to ads
> Large Brands bought ad campaigns and never came back. Ford, Coke, Chipotle, Paypal, every major advertiser has abandoned Brave. No bluechip advertiser in months.
> Taking Digital Ads and stripping away what makes them valuable (data that helps advertisers sell products) essentially means BRAVE ADS = WORTHLESS

>> No.51681862
File: 60 KB, 430x456, eich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BATTies invested in a:
> FAT LAZY BOOMER FOUNDER who never made money despite being early on the Web
> Have not developed anything in 5 years
> (1) BRAVE is a fork of Chrome with adblock built in instead of a plugin
> (2) BAT is an ERC-20 token that every scammer creates with a few lines of copy pasta code
> (3) SEARCH was a company that was acquired after collecting free money from low IQ crypto investors
> Now instead of developing utility the lazy and idept team is fiddling with NFTs, Newsfeeds, Video Chat, Integrating Shitcoins into the Wallet, etc

>> No.51681907

get fucked racist chuddies lol

>> No.51682069

Adblock use will continue to grow,
Advertises will have no choice but to conform

>> No.51683070


>> No.51683106

I just use Brave and I disabled the BAT token and cryptocurrency wallet in the settings.

BAT is literally a pajeet scam.

>> No.51683695
File: 67 KB, 1119x737, bat-pope-smoking-with-bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want more money from me, Mr. Advertiser? Then try this bold strategy: Make better shit. Until then, thanks for the monthly rewards. You're helping me turn data into metal and I'm really fucking happy rn.

>> No.51683818

Brave insider here. 80% of the FUD is true. There’s a lot of disorganization in the company that they’re working on, but the “something big is coming” rumors are true. Actually 2 big things but I can’t divulge and further.

>> No.51684307

sadly, this is not FUD but 100% FACTS outlined by a longtime BAT investor/bagholder

>> No.51684619

Thanks to this shit, I bought another 1,000 BAT.

>> No.51684715

Pretty funny watching our resident reddit tranny have a slap fight with our resident discord tranny.

>> No.51684856

Holy shit dude, just cut your losses and leave at this point. What's the use in coping this hard for years? You made a bad call, it's crypto, there's infinity other coins you bet on instead.

>> No.51685393

if i use brave will it block these shill threads

>> No.51687672

September numbers haven't been released. What kind of post is this?