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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 856x201, 17 Gwei - dashboard - ultrasound-money 9-28-2022 4-10-36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51680608 No.51680608 [Reply] [Original]

Another 300 ETH created out of thin air

>> No.51680631

k keep us posted

>> No.51680630

PoWshit would've created way more retard.
Can't wait for the day ETH flips boomercoin

>> No.51680702
File: 208 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20220928-101417_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the supply has peaked

We did it EthChads!

>> No.51680717

that's a bull flag, retard

>> No.51680747

Retard take. PoW means electricity usage and other overheads giving ETH some real world value. But now these niggers are now printing ETH for free and dumping them on baggies. Holy fuck it's over. NGMI

>> No.51680810

>electricity usage and other overheads giving ETH some real world value
> costs == value
> But now these niggers are now printing ETH for free and dumping them on baggies.
it is not free if they have to lock 1000x more than the rewards they get

>> No.51680815

consuming electricity directly embeds value into the token

0 electricity consumed = 0 value

>> No.51680900

>0 production cost = 0 value
literal commie logic. let's ignore the service (and associated value) provided by 1 ETH on the Ethereum platform, amiright?

>> No.51680920

electricity usage doesn't give internet coins value, scarcity and utility does

>> No.51680934

if you mine it, you're forced to sell to pay for electricity and other operating costs

if you stake it theres no overhead and you can decide to hold it preserve your percent of the chain, or you risk dilution

im convinced these threads are made by eth maxi, there no way people are this braindead

>> No.51680996

900 bitcoin got minted in the last 24 hours

>> No.51681030

So if the power is free there is no value. What if someone power costs more, Are there coins worth more?

>> No.51681188
File: 24 KB, 569x428, consider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staking still takes electricity, just way less

>> No.51681456

no such thing as free power, energy = money

>> No.51681481

so ETH is worth 99.5% less than before merge, gotcha

I'll consider buying at $10

>> No.51681495
File: 17 KB, 427x400, redjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh yes, trust the plan. These Effereumz that are minted for free are going to be worth 10 hecking thousand dolerinoooooos. Trust the plan, stop the fud, shills everywhere

>> No.51681545
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>> No.51681712
File: 187 KB, 610x654, rthq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards its highly deflationary until they make the upgrade maybe in a year
Because these new coins are locked until then

>> No.51681749

Answer him

>> No.51681761
File: 35 KB, 940x529, TheLook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get in on the free printed coin gainz?

>> No.51681797

>BTC max supply: 21 million
>ETH max supply: infinite

>> No.51681834

what are the equivalent minimum supply numbers?

>> No.51682007

>BTC max supply: 21 million

Good luck with that, BTC mining is barely worth it as it is now, price will have to continue reaching new ATH for it to be profitable after future halvenings. The protocol will likely have to implement tail emissions eventually to ensure miners are incentivized to continue securing the network. This is assuming Bitcoin/PoW isn't banned before then.

>> No.51682363

cope, governments will just mine bitcoin at a loss

>> No.51682569

You are right for the wrong reasons. Bitcoin is not valuable because of electricity consumption. Bitcoin is valuable because PoW makes block's creation decentralized. PoW is essential then to keep the network decentralized thus valuable. The more participants (nodes and miners and hashrate) the more valuable is the network. And PoW needs electricity to work. Ethereum is useless not because it doesn't use electricity but because PoS aka piece of shit makes the network centralized

>> No.51682811

Wrong. You have to sell ETH to pay income taxes in US dollars. There is always some downward pressure because FIAT have built in demand

>> No.51682834

Just be an insider or buy a large ETH stake with your daddy's trust fund.

>> No.51682874

Also wrong. Difficulty adjustment make it easier (and thus more profitable) for the miners who don't capitulate when the network bleeds a lot of hashrate. Mining is here to stay.

>> No.51683123
File: 4 KB, 275x183, 1656404978824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, chilling at 10pm
>brother who knows nothing about crypto calls me
>immediately dives into a spiel about BTC and ETH and how it is the future and (ETH) will become the replacement for USD and go up big time, beyond what I can imagine, "it is just getting started"
>anything I say in protest is met with an incoherent rant about folding a paper towel and "you get it, but you just don't GET it"

whichever one of you maxi faggots is brainwashing my retarded little bro and possibly feeding him stimulants has it coming.

>> No.51683209

How does PoS make it centralized? If you're going to say centralized pools it's not the protocol's fault but users'. Once Shanghai comes I expect a lot of stakers to leave from exchanges and set up their own nodes or switch to decentralized pools. Bitcoin mining will continue to become more centralized because huge miners have better profit margins than small ones and halvings will keep making mining more competitive.
The halvings have bigger effect on profitability than difficulty adjustments. Downward difficulty adjustments only happen if miners quit so it dampens the profitability cut, but it's still net negative. Lower hashrate means lower chain security. Also makes hashrate more centralized.

>> No.51683217

people still play the lottery, others steal electricity or generate it for free

>> No.51683287
File: 70 KB, 800x675, AF2B221A-7111-4DF0-8797-1415EF35270C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was meme

>> No.51683502
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1580419259541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mongoloids are posting most bullish screenshot ever as fud LMAO
Every time I click simulate pow i CUM HARD
Cant believe we overplayed security so much up till this point, now its so efficient, 99% less energy+90%+ less issuance Im gonna, gonna CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

>> No.51683558

The vacuum thats left because theres no more carrot is gonna make ETH go back under $50 where it belongs.

>> No.51683649
File: 70 KB, 750x920, 1588845175549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to poorfags like you since 2017, btc will do this, other l1s will do that, meanwhile ETH doing tis thing and accomplishing planned things since day 1.

No poWAH No VaLuE!!!!
Blockchains are not farms and validators are super incentivized it POS done right way.


>> No.51683909
File: 164 KB, 1077x552, ETHBTC- 0-068142 - Binance Spot Trading 9-28-2022 6-58-23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's it going for your shitcoin?

>> No.51684105
File: 213 KB, 1116x715, 1512938210770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superfine, already made it since 2017 and still running double digit of validators and printing.

Also 0.068 seems kind hi since last time I sold btc for eth was back in 0.0018 days lol.

It always baffles me how /biz is full of flat earthers and eth deniers since 2016 long time before you poorfags discovered this indian board
Low IQ is right of passage kek

>> No.51684131

I fucking don't understand why motherfuckers trade shit coins when valuable project like MilestoneBased has got numerous Startups waiting for investors!

>> No.51685228

>300 eth split between 6 gorillion people


>> No.51686440

Also gas spiked for few h and already 200 less, what now OP


>> No.51686544

Reminder that there will never be any more AVAX minted and infact the supply will continually reduces as fees are burned

>> No.51687113

Avax has perpetual emission so it can constantly regain the 720 million max and isn’t hyper deflationary. Honestly probably the best of both worlds. Infinite validator incentives with a fixed supply cap.

>> No.51687210

Sunk cost fallacy.