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51677685 No.51677685 [Reply] [Original]

So What’s Next ? Same people who predicted the bull to return before EOY are all now saying next year. Seems like we all just draw lines to lose more money. Isn’t it obvious that predicting prices won’t help? I won’t believe no predictions anymore, maybe try to focus on better advancement in the space and see what DeFi might have to offer in the future. Anything close to a TA, and I’ll fucking bury y’all… Period.

>> No.51677969

Seems like you are a faggot. But Litecoin.

>> No.51678070

So what is even better or good in DeFi aside just hacks?

>> No.51678107

who told you crypto was an easy out of your fucking dumb life.

>> No.51678139

The hacks are getting ridiculous. Frauds. Money laundering. Without proper regulation, DeFi is a shit show

>> No.51678179

those saying no to regulations are fucking idiots, we can't get the adoption without regulations.

>> No.51678247

This is why regulation is very much needed in the space.

>> No.51678274

I totally agree with you
For DeFi to truly achieve it best form, regulations has got a role to play.

>> No.51678303

What do you think DeFi would be if TradFi comes on board?

>> No.51678318

We don't have the option at all, regulation is coming whether we like it or not... the worst is we protest on twitter, and that will make almost no effect. This is why Defi needs to find a way to functonal with mama and Papa.

>> No.51678321

But we also need to see it happening actively and massively. Not here and there, lol
DeFi and TradFi would both benefit from that. Mass adoption will set both markets free

>> No.51678343

DeFi actually has got a lot to offer. If the Hacks can be taken care of which I strongly believe regulatory and compliance layer would solve, DeFi would be unstoppable!

>> No.51678383

Yes! With time everyone would have no choice than to accept regulations. Because we can only move forward with it.>>51678321
I totally agree with all you have said.

>> No.51678425

How do you think this would be possible
Kek, good to know anon

>> No.51678752

I believe DeFi will find a way here, and it'll bring big advancement into the space.

>> No.51679049

I think they already are in a way, especially with the OpenWealth association

>> No.51679083

>But Litecoin.
The fuck are you on about?

Stop shitting the thread pajeet, how do you come up with this lame narrrative.

>> No.51679091

Heard of the top Swiss banks being here with some crypto projects

>> No.51679117

Lmao no idea what the litecoin shit was about

Yeah TradFi knows to meet their clients demands they need to integrate DeFi. That's why some banks even have a crypto wing for clients

>> No.51679127

please fill me in on this

>> No.51679206

Someone mentioned it below. Top Swiss Banks and Crypto projects like TRM labs and Allianceblock, if I'm not mistaken. It's creating opportunities for DeFi to enter TradFi

>> No.51679351

Man's a fooking clown

>> No.51679463
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trust your assets, stake them to earn passive income, DCA where you can and give it some time

>> No.51679539

Truly lol
Liquidity mining is a good one for passive income too. XPRESS, ORE, Vaulthill etc have pools on LMaaS

>> No.51679644

This sounds good, I mean seeing that Defi products are rolling with some big moves here.

>> No.51679713

This is just AllianceBlock trying to be at the center of it all, where Defi as a whole will turn to them.

>> No.51679793

These are few projects leveraging on the DeFi Terminal. It is expanding to cover more networks.

>> No.51679851

That true.
If DeFi and TradFi would work together, it would be a win for both parties.

>> No.51679854
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Those are just what I know of, which other one is there

>> No.51679919

That's true.
I learnt about Nuant of late. They would facilitate bridging of TradFi to DeFi.

>> No.51679952

>Lmao no idea what the litecoin shit was about

It's only existence was to make blockchain transactions faster but then this isn't 2016 anymore we have faster options now.

>DCA where you can
Just make sure you don't catch a falling Knife.

>> No.51679971

IMO, DeFi got the tech, why TradFi will bring the experience that will drive the financial system as a whole forward.

>> No.51680024

That's right.
I saw an article that says the DeFi Terminal for GameFi project so they focus on game development and offer value to the community.

>> No.51680080

That's totally correct. Now imagine if both work together. It would be synergistic

>> No.51680183
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Loool yeah true this isn't 2016 anymore. And multi-chain projects are making transactions easier and quicker everywhere

Yes and TradFi has the regulations. We need more KYC, AML in crypto

>> No.51680233

There are others such as Terra, Enjinstater, Glitch etc. Close to 17 project are now leveraging on the DeFi terminal.

>> No.51680292
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This picture should help you with the clients leveraging on the DeFi Terminal.

>> No.51680332

This is what a perfect relationship looks like

>And multi-chain projects are making transactions easier and quicker everywhere

Blockchains like Solana and Avalanche have this fixed already.

>> No.51680422

I can see the synergy from afar already, just a Lil more time and we'll be talking about how solid a financial system DeFi has made TradFi.

this will be solved when DeFi chooses to be compliant with regulations. I can across an article where this TIDV was explained, I mean, it might be closer than we imagined.

>> No.51680429

When the TIDV launches and the Fundrs becomes fully operational you would understand DeFi has got good product.

>> No.51680460



Yup, AVAX is a good one for sure

TIDV is a good one too

>> No.51680594

>We need more KYC, AML in crypto
I don't agree with this more of KYC and AML in TradFi literally turned DeFi into TradFi.

We have to wait till then but i am quite optimistic about Fundrs.

>> No.51680722

What do you mean,
KYC and AML will change the essence of DeFi

>> No.51680758

There will be a great change with KYC and AML in DeFi. At least hacks would be reduced.

>> No.51680804

True. This is where Nuant the new partnership comes in place to finish all what has been started.

>> No.51680849

This is most certain to happen, except that TIDV will first be employed with Fundrs phase one which we don't know when it'll be launching for now.
Except that it's a trustless KYC, where the user has control over the process and will only give out as much information as they are comfortable with.
This will birth a better system for DeFi.

>> No.51680981
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That. And less frauds, less money laundering

>> No.51681052

Glow harder faggot. Honeypot thread sage.

>> No.51681368

>And less frauds, less money laundering

I do see the light in this but how does it reduce hack?

>> No.51681588

I saw this announcement but didn't read through to know what it's about.