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File: 184 KB, 1058x1057, Screenshot 2022-09-28 111016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51676289 No.51676289 [Reply] [Original]

This is another 50 mio cubic meters of gas deliveries gone.
Now its getting really serious. How fucked are we realistically speaking?

>> No.51676297

Does this just mean ull be cold and cant use gas stove?

>> No.51676315

>Transit Obligations
>>>You are obligated to supply a natural resource to people you are at war with

Hahaha, are we fucking retarded in the west or what?

>> No.51676323

beg for a better pod

>> No.51676333

>Hahaha, are we fucking retarded in the west or what?
do you think we shouldnt wage war with our main energy supplier? that delievers the most in gas, oil and coal.

>> No.51676339

Ask Habeck, im sure he has a plan lmaoo

Maybe he will write a children book about it

>> No.51676363

>do you think we shouldnt wage war with our main energy supplier? that delievers the most in gas, oil and coal.
Yes, that's fucking retarded
Should have become energy independent by opening nuclear plants. Not that the people responsible cares anyway, since only the low IQ-poor bottom end of society will die off

>> No.51676372

We cant possibly replace 100 Mio cubic meters of gas, now that NS1 AND Ukraine pipeline are shut off. This is very worrisome. Are we supposed to go back to the 1920s lifestyle.

>> No.51676378

We deserve it for allowing the current political landscape to emerge.

>> No.51676381

You'll be fine, retard. You're going to be buying LNG from us. Yes, it's going to be 5x more expensive for your government. Yes, you can expect a further mark-up for your citizens and yes this may force German manufacturers to move to countries with cheaper overheads **AHEM USA** However, you will be able to have a couple of hot showers each week thanks to us.

Remember, Europoors did this too themselves. kek

>> No.51676382

This war is clearly instigated and continuously escalated by the americans but europe has willingly submitted to their will, so we will get what we fucking deserve.

I already made it personally so it doesn't affect me personally. Just feel legitimately sorry for the russians.

>> No.51676390

Its just nature running its course, we allowed the lies to fester in exchange for comfort and not having to be the one exposing our necks for the truth, now life will let the pieces fall where they may so the cycle can commence a new

Lots of suffering ahead

>> No.51676397
File: 229 KB, 600x684, oDIaVTlr2kgP7S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asia is comfy right now

>> No.51676406

Im buying more EQNR

>> No.51676408

I hope you're fucked bad, I aggressively dislike GERMans.

>> No.51676415

>Should have become energy independent by opening nuclear plants

impossible and that wouldn't be energy independence. uranium is imported.

>> No.51676440

What 4chan board did you pick up that spicy opinion?

>> No.51676462

>How fucked are we realistically speaking?
think 1946 without the ruins

>> No.51676467

How are we fine with Industry moving abroad, prices going through the roof and becoming poor. this is the opposite of being fine. the price for electric is 1:1 depend on natural gas prices. this means extremely high electrical power prices as well. this is not fine you fat burger

>> No.51676548

Like, I said. At least you'll have some form of heat this winter. You literally did this to yourselves, that's why I have no sympathy.

>> No.51676560
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I'm a retard on the internet and I predicted this scenario on day one of the war.

>> No.51676597
File: 281 KB, 900x856, 1599608604721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are we fine with Industry moving abroad, prices going through the roof and beco-

not my problem
>t. burger

>> No.51676610

>unelected american plants vote for stuff according to american interests
>"europoors did this to themselves lmao"
do ameriburgers unironically think "the european union" is a single country like "the united states" is?

>> No.51676615

Uranium is one of the most common elements in the earth’s crust. Don’t bother posting uranium bull cope, I won’t read it.

>> No.51676637

USS Maine again.

>> No.51676667

Maybe don't wage war with your supplier of gas you stupid retards idiots benchods

>> No.51676699
File: 54 KB, 414x436, 1662385644514368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all use the same shitty currency, you all shill for the same causes, you all shill the same politics, you all imported millions of niggers and pakis, you all started a hate campaign against britain because they were fed up, you all agreed to have un-elected officials run your European parliament, you all do what you're told by the USA.

The list goes on and on. You are One nation split into separate states, each with a slightly different penal code for crimes and varying tastes in food. Much like the USA. Cope and seethe.

>> No.51676707

>ybe don't wage war with your supplier of gas you stupid retards idiots benchod
I agree, our own goverment is to blame. that they are so retarded to wage war with the main cheap energy supplier. instead of letting ukraine, a shithole country, go bust. russia is our chad neighbour and more alinged with our interest and the burgerstan.

>> No.51676727

Germany doesn't even need america for anything. Germany produces all kinds of new tech on its own, can get protection from Russia too

>> No.51676744

Seething bong detected. The imf is about to cancel your budget kek. Nice sovereign nation you’ve got there.

>> No.51676749

>Gerhard Schröder was an American plant

>> No.51676750

>Remember, Europoors did this too themselves

>> No.51676773

>can get protection from Russia too
Unless Ukraine decides to invade kek.

>> No.51676780

Good luck manufacturing shit when the whole German manufacturing industry is powered by cheap Russian gas. My fucking sides.

>> No.51676799

what about CHENIERE ENERGY INC., might as well buy from our future overlords

>> No.51676812

You get what you fucking diserve.

>> No.51676819

Light a candle you querdenker

>> No.51676823

They don't even have LNG terminals

>> No.51676845

those companies are more likely to go to vietnam,cambodia or some south american/african shithole.

>> No.51676865

Good. That means even more mark-up because it has to be offloaded, stored and transported through other countries.

>> No.51676867

we will at the end of the year

>> No.51676891

2 more weeks amirite

>> No.51676929

There is no war yet

>> No.51676936

1 is being build in wilhelmshaven, 2 more are being prepared to build at the end of the year. As long as no one is making out a lawsuit out of this in behalf of the nature.

>> No.51676965

>Be a nation
>buy vital resources from other nations (competitors and ultimately enemies when all things are said and done)
What causes this kind of retardation?

>> No.51677342

I recommend reading the fourth turning.

The main idea of the book is that history works in cycles and that every 80-100 years a generation of retards is in power which causes things to collapse.

>> No.51677354

This fact alone should show anyone who the real culprit is

>> No.51677423

people freezing to death is an actual casus belli though. If I remember well WW2 was catalysted because the french took the coal from the Germans as compensation from WW1 and let them freeze too

>> No.51677442

The western world is not oil self sufficient and has always been buying oil from its enemies.
The only issue is that this time it's a country you can't just invade or push around.

>> No.51677538
File: 528 KB, 709x1000, 1660493519074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh n-
>gas reserves >90% full

Source: https://agsi.gie.eu/

>> No.51677588

>You'll be fine, retard. You're going to be buying LNG from us.

the usa cant supply more than a small fraction of europes needs

>> No.51677627
File: 53 KB, 360x640, 1662582964827820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an unfriendly step
You dumb krautniggers, it's WAR.

>> No.51677632

meh, europe will get by. there is no going back for russians tho, they prove themselves to be bad businessmen.

>> No.51677651

>Like, I said. At least you'll have some form of heat this winter. You literally did this to yourselves, that's why I have no sympathy.

The US did it to us

>> No.51677653

why does USA wants us dead?
>t. europoor

>> No.51677657

Good. That will increase prices even further. It's going to be epic.

>> No.51677665

>meh, europe will get by. there is no going back for russians tho, they prove themselves to be bad businessmen.

get by? get by how? how do we stop our industries from collapsing?

already 70% of fertiliser plants have closed

>> No.51677670

US mutts have the EU because they're envious of us

>> No.51677675

>Good. That will increase prices even further. It's going to be epic.

oh yes it will be epic. this is the destruction of europe, front row seats here.

>> No.51677678

Because it's so sad to see traditional German and French values being trashed like that. I'm a half german and half french american and we preserve european values better than europeans. So Europe must be destroyed and replaced by us.

>> No.51677704
File: 377 KB, 512x512, 1663533875441424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I welcome our German teenage virgin refugees that will pay to sleep in my heated dog house and be only allowed in the house to cook, clean, and service me.

>> No.51677707

>This war is clearly instigated and continuously escalated by the americans but europe has willingly submitted to their will, so we will get what we fucking deserve.

i agree, it was actually european countries like the Netherlands that were main instigators of the 2014 revolution and most of them have been very keen to send weapons to ukraine.

>> No.51677728

>russia is our chad neighbour
They never were chads and now they will never be ones either

>> No.51677754

>How fucked are we realistically speaking?
Shillbro, mind or explaining this?

>> No.51677765

>1920s lifestyle
That isn't that bad if you're a degenerate though.

>> No.51677834

>inb4 global warming dunking on all those NOOO GERMANY WILL FREEZE TO DEATH - retards

>> No.51677860

With no war I meant that they still were delivering months after all sanctions and other shit were created. Turning the delivieries off just because you want is pretty hard with all the contracts they had. Thats why all this shittery. If it would be more easier they just would stop deliver the gas without having to bitch about each other in twitter statements lol.

At the same time demand is falling a bit. For example all the fertilizer plants. They use a lot and are now shut partially and other examples too. Their lost demand has to go somewhere. It sucks that they have to close but in regards to "freezing deaths" it will help. A horror cold winter like Texas had last year with their blackout would suck though obviously. But with the current stored value and the flows from other countries it should somewhat work. Especially if EDF can fix their reactors kek

>> No.51677874

>. Turning the delivieries off just because you want is pretty hard with all the contracts they had

no it isnt. they had already done that.

>> No.51677882
File: 97 KB, 640x457, o9edfxuwe6381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. This needs to be beaten out if you people.

>> No.51677943

All part of the plan. Now krauts can burn all their history, biology and bible books while not making it look too suspicious.

>> No.51677994

as if there were alternatives to cheap Russian energy...
oh wait, they shut down the nuclear plants

>> No.51678027

oh shut the fuck up. you assholes invaded us 80 years ago and supplied sovjet russia throughout the war. every kind of european culture is just emulated and adapted (((american))) culture. you fucked europe and now you whine about it.

>> No.51678095

Nice job JEWsa.

>> No.51678173

Yeah shouldn't France with their big reactor fleet have no problem then? They are importing electricity at the moment from UK and Germany.

>> No.51678786


>> No.51679063

>Berater der Rothschild Bank (2006 bis September 2016)

>> No.51679144
File: 161 KB, 1024x1024, 1651869637327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You all use the same shitty currency
I don't
>you all shill for the same causes
I don't
>you all shill the same politics
I don't
>you all imported millions of niggers and pakis
I didn't
>you all started a hate campaign against britain because they were fed up
I didn't
>you all agreed to have un-elected officials run your European parliament
I didn't
>you all do what you're told by the USA
I don't

Kill yourself, nigger

>> No.51679771
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1878, Screenshot_20220928-093812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds a lot like it's not my problem

>> No.51679879

You’ll buy gas from Romania
Check em

>> No.51679892

You know how companies often fuck eachother over so that they can acquire the other company at a better price, or force them into becoming a subsidiary to ensure their survival? It's that, but at nation level

>> No.51679927

Dump us treasuries, dump the dollar and drop Russian sanctions. Fuck the US. Bunch of fucking backstabbing anglo niggers.

>> No.51679943


>> No.51680083


>> No.51680091

>I recommend reading the fourth turning.
>The main idea of the book is that history works in cycles and that every 80-100 years a generation of retards is in power which causes things to collapse.
We've had the same retards in charge for at least 20 years now and they were getting groomed into office by the retards who were in charge all the way back in the 1960s. Nobody allowed into power today is somebody would have been unacceptable to the agenda from back then. I don't think this 80-100 year cycle can function in this situation.

>> No.51680133

>1920s german lifestyle.
Better start up the child brothels once again

>> No.51680152

It's more likely that the ponzinomics have an average lifespan of 80-100 years. What is happening now has been several decades in the making

>> No.51680165

>Remember, Europoors did this too themselves. kek
The american golem must be destroyed in order for peace to be seen

>> No.51680216

god europoors are such pathetic wretched cunts

>> No.51680297

weak men create hard times

feels good not being a euro cuck right now

>> No.51680372

100% sure even Trump as president (so 2+ years. ago) was talking about how insane it was to rely on Russia, but you did nothing. It's all on you and your elected officials

>> No.51680406

Make that 4 years ago

>> No.51680514

Trump was unironically a President with a great grasp of how things should be overseas. Not meddle in internal conflicts, negociate so everyone wins in the end and make sure everyone is self-realiable so when times comes you can protect yourself. I'm sure this whole situation between Russia and Ukraine would have been adverted had he been in office. Even if inflation did come to bite us back, we (Europeans) would have been better positioned to get through it than right now, getting fucked left and right by our enemies and our allies. And the sad thing is, we obly have ourselves to blame for - Trump did his best to warn us and everyone either laughed or hated it.

>> No.51680541

Muh greatest ally

>> No.51680798
File: 8 KB, 450x225, 1639872006416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no war yet
We are and I'm sick of pretending we're not.

>> No.51680807

Can the pipeline be repaired?
What are the best possible outcomes for Germany to get gas again?

Should I leave this shithole with no energy? t-t

>> No.51680860
File: 195 KB, 363x363, 1653499353076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already 70% of fertiliser plants have closed
70% so far

>> No.51680870

You deserve it for turning your back on Hitler

>> No.51680921

Yes, retarded europoors should have learnt this lesson 50 years ago with African descolonization. Seems they need to go through famine and eat shit before they actually learn.

>> No.51681543

We don't, whites need to band together everywhere, it is our ZOG doing this to you and to us at home.

>> No.51681603

Britain and Germany met during the early years of WWI to trade a certain essential chemical (rubber?) for Carl Zeiss optics. The concept of total balls-out war being the only form of war between great powers was only around after about 1917

>> No.51681740
File: 190 KB, 1799x1204, gas import from Russia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we reduce the amount of gas from zero to none
It's alright, we still got a year to figure this out

>> No.51681771

This graph is wrong, Jamals are quite obviously still flowing into Germany

>> No.51681778
File: 73 KB, 1830x945, gas reserve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we can finally get the Green to accept nuclear power
Or the left to stop sucking russian cock

>> No.51682081

>trusting any .eusource
kek okay it's not only about the stupid gas. the whole chemical/pharma industrial complex needs cheap fucking oil and not some overprized burgeroil ffs

>> No.51682153
File: 86 KB, 451x546, 1658558653493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting any .eusource
Baseless discrediting of reputable source.
Sorry, not every country is as corrupt as r*ssia.
>the whole chemical/pharma industrial complex needs cheap fucking oil and not some overprized burgeroil ffs
Moving the goal post.


>> No.51682220

That's a man.

>> No.51682269

Not as fucked as the UK. Maybe?

>> No.51682338

the result of the war is just not simply the gas issue, that they consider solved, because gastanks are full at that moment. nobody mentions the industry complex fallout without cheap oil, because thats an actual big issue, that they can't just brush aside. so yes mentioning oil doesnt fit the answer to that op picture, but its still an issue, that goes hand in hand.

>> No.51682368

Its not about its current usage you literal retard

>> No.51682392

on point.

>> No.51682422

>Light text on a light background
Gas yourselves.

>> No.51682634

>so yes mentioning oil doesnt fit the answer to that op picture, but its still an issue, that goes hand in hand.
I agree. I'm just annoyed about the panic regarding the gas situation and all those bad faith actors who spread it. It's probably still going to suck in general, but not any more than earlier economic disasters, which all western states survived without a total collapse of society. Ironically, Russia is the perfect example of how long an economy that is at war and sanctioned by the whole world can keep going. We don't even have a fraction of their problems. In general, I also believe the forced reorientation towards renewable energy sources (and maybe nuclear energy) will pay dividends in the future. And, as cheesy as it may sound, I do actually trust our government to make the right decisions. Germany is one of the top economic powers in Europe, and even if you believe that it's an inherently "German" trait, it does still mean that at least the guys at the top are not TOTAL fuckups. To be honest, that's enough for me.

>> No.51682902

It can be repaired, the "problem" is the pipeline is russian, it's underwater, 3 sections were destroyed and the winter is coming (very very cold water)
The americans did a good job bombing it

>> No.51682961

Let's hope Russia has competent repairmen.

It makes me wonder why after something like this Germany and other EU countries does not leave NATO and ban US army from coming close to their territory again.
Will they just ignore the US did this and pretend it was Russia?

>> No.51683603

I’ve seen what my salary would be on your continent. Hard pass.

>> No.51683747
File: 33 KB, 720x618, 1650925626695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will they just ignore the US did this and pretend it was Russia?
Yes of course what else will they do?

>> No.51683837

Bwahahahaha. Its like the russian livestreamong his stove top on 24/7 being gas fueled only for twitch to take it down

>> No.51683865

>70% of fertiliser
Oh yeah baby those preppers may be onto something. Modern farming cannot sustain current levels without this stuff they became reliant on

>> No.51683896
File: 492 KB, 640x640, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldnt be surprised if thats who did it just to place the blame on Russia in hopes of starting a war.
>no thats impossible!

>> No.51684016

Someone blew up NS2 as well so…

>> No.51685042

Kek I thought the same thing. Captcha: hhtynr

>> No.51685528

You can still use the gas stove, just not for any heat or gas related purpose.

>> No.51686093

>wearing socks
Image fucking ruined

>> No.51686342

Why bother reparing it, it would just get sabotaged again. I wouldn't be suprised if more sections get destroyed.

>> No.51686948

At least we can blame russians lol

>> No.51687445


They probably would have been getting uranium from Europe as well, but nice thing about it is that there's an abundance available from friendly countries like Australia. It's also orders of magnitude more energy dense than LNG, so there's not much more added cost boating the relatively small amount of uranium needed to run a continent's nuclear plants in compared to the large quantities of LNG.

>> No.51687469


>from Russia as well

Derp, typo

>> No.51688908
File: 18 KB, 547x95, Gas Infrastructure Europe - AGSI- 9-28-2022 11-06-03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enough supply for 3 months
euros are so fucked

>> No.51688931

>German teenage virgin
no such thing

>> No.51691670

You are correct, this is an underrated part of the versailles treaty, part of the problem was Europe in general was experiencing a coal shortage.

>> No.51691727
File: 38 KB, 550x550, 72a75deb3d4406e2ee1d39f83b921a16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a spanish contractor working for german companies as a software developer on remote. They are mostly Steuerberater.
I just bought a house and cannot afford to lose my job. I have a daughter to feed.

How fucked in Germany really?

>> No.51691804
File: 824 KB, 1283x1107, 1664238501480907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, looks like it's getting pretty serious over there huh. Well don't worry Eurobros, as an American, I feel obligated to share our Natural gas resources with you. At a 10x markup of course.

Maybe you send some of those fine euro bitches our way and I'll give you a discount.

>> No.51692012

>You can't buy out our highly centralized governments poorer than US states b-because you just can't, it's wrong!

>> No.51692022

I'm going to stop trolling for a minute. Just one minute.

I feel for you europoors, I genuinely do. I thought my government hated us here in the US, but your government hates you on another fucking level. I'm legitimately impressed. Maybe it's the guns keeping them from going that far, who knows. You really don't deserve this, and I'm sorry that this is happening to you. But I am a simple tax slave, with no pull and no authority. It's not in my hands. Perhaps if trickle down economics is real, then there's blood on my hands too. But I have no idea how to clean them.

Things are going to get alot worse for you and your people. Your governments are not only negligent, but malicious. I don't know what the end game is, but the US government wants you broken, and so you shall be. At this point Russia only looks to me like a patsy. And Ukraine is as guilty as they are.

You should do yourself a favor and just leave Europe. America may be the great satan, but it's people are volatile enough that the state fears them. You can probably find a measure of safety here.

>> No.51693037

Lmao amerifats acting like they're personally pulling moves on yurofags but the US government fucks nobody harder than their own citizenry

>> No.51693117


>> No.51693881

Troll answer: Because jews
Serious answer: Because the jews at charge of my government want more sheckels and less competition.
Buy our gas or else

>> No.51694480
File: 146 KB, 880x586, 1636088261292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America may be the great satan, but it's people are volatile enough that the state fears them. You can probably find a measure of safety here.

>> No.51694510

I've been hearing about how russia just really shut off all the fuel to europe really completely like every day for the last six months.

Give it a fucking rest.

>> No.51694525


>> No.51694561
File: 200 KB, 1023x768, Oy gevalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or gas related purpose
You don't say...

>> No.51694748

Habeck will solve it.

>> No.51695215

These are the types that boil over and rip your throat out in a blind rage after their children died in a famine.

>> No.51695963
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1607029398772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love being American and I still have my AC on 67f is too hot to sleep in hahah

>> No.51696058

Steuerberater gonna be fine, are you working from spain? I imagine remote worker will be the first to get the boot, depends on how important your work is i guess

>> No.51696064

Our storages are full
With that amount we could do the Holocaust a few times again

>> No.51696382

based and bullish for my shitcoins

>> No.51697156

of you're a contractor and that is you only job your commiting fraud
I know it's fucking insane but welcome to Germany

>> No.51697213
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>> No.51697277
File: 550 KB, 1244x1170, D0575098-A550-4D95-BA00-5FAAEFA4480A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure buddy