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51669292 No.51669292 [Reply] [Original]

Learn to code! It makes your financial life bet-

>> No.51669335
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>I'm a retard who signed a contract with clearly laid out terms WTF how is this legal
>btw I know exactly how the world should be run

>> No.51669398

being that retarded should be illegal

>> No.51669420

On one side: Retard.
On the other: Jews and their scummy contracts should be gassed.

>> No.51669442

Fuck you op you cock sucking aids ridden fornicating faggot he was in some film course

>> No.51669462

whats the fucking rate on that loan? sounds like bullshit

>> No.51669490

It's way easier to learn how to code than you think. Going to school to learn it is a joke.
The caveat is you'll have to sit and put your nose to the grindstone for a couple of years, and you probably won't do that. People go to school to be given discipline by others to make up for the self discipline they lack. If you can just develop self discipline, you remove the need to go to school.

>> No.51669501

If he paid 60k why did only 2k go to his loan? European here, don't understand.

>> No.51669515

This. It's unfortunately a match made in heaven.

>> No.51669526

Learning how to code is almost free
You just need a cheap laptop and a few mb of data

>> No.51669527

He lied and after being found out locked his account

>> No.51669538

Okay I have both were do I start I'm tired of being poor

>> No.51669561

We need simple minded well meaning plebs to make society function. Permitting jews to juice them for money destroys the flesh of society.

>> No.51669596

read what this guy said
this is why you'll fail

>> No.51669599

This is literally lies, I had a 50,000 usd student loan I paid 350 a month on it and had it paid off in a few years. Either this faggot got his loan from a fucking loan shark with ridiculous interest rates or he is lying and he never bothered to ever fucking pay off his loan and just deferred it and let the interest pile up.

>> No.51669621

I've already shipped video games that I solo developed. How is that a fail.

>> No.51669632

checked and \thread

>> No.51669643

wait nvm I think I misread your post

>> No.51669645

50,000 / 350 = 142.8
that would take almost 12 years just paying off principal dipshit

>> No.51669690

I put extra down on the principal faggot when I got a small bonus at work or as part of a tax refund, instead of blowing it on whirl trip to Europe for weeks or new TV like these simple niggers do. It isn’t hard to pay it off and my interest was never that high

>> No.51669691

>learn to code! finance bad! whats an interest rate??
literally exact same situation, same debt same payment. except after 5 years its gone from 130k to 80k. prob some idiot with shit credit score his rate has to be 15%+ its literally robbing the blind because clearly people are clueless. lenders are allowed to slap insane interest rates on student loans and thats the only problem that exists.

>> No.51669702

your bonuses and tax refunds shaved 9 years off your loan? kek sounds like some made up shit to me

>> No.51669727

9.3% apr by my math
If he had paid 1500 a month for that time period hed have paid off 40k of the principal

>> No.51669743

Believe what you want nigger, actually saving to pay debts and not wasting your money I guess is skill beyond the faggot niggers around here so maybe it seems like fucking magic

>> No.51669756

I think mathematics is a skill beyond faggot niggers because your story is clearly bullshit

>> No.51669782

how is it legal to be so dumb that you felt for a >2% interest rate loan?

just gun down this faggot

>> No.51669837

I learned to code by looking at it. Then I went to school to shut everyone up about whether I knew how to code. I have no debt and no longer want to code

>> No.51669852

It's astounding how few people understand how interest works. I can't even imagine getting myself deep enough in a hole that my payments can't even cover any of the principal. And if I was in that situation, I'd be cutting all my expenses, taking as much OT as I could get or working second/third jobs, etc. to get out of it, because there's no other way to. Whining on Twitter isn't going to pay off your student loans.

>> No.51670002

How does an undergrad degree cost you $120k and who would lend that money unsecured a teenager? Amerifats are completely fucked

>> No.51670055

>hehe I paid off my 50k loan just putting $350 in a month
>nevermind the fact that I paid 90% of it off with a one time payment using a bonus from work

>> No.51670122


>> No.51670147
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>> No.51670177

Why can't you be margin called on your student loan? Americans are funny

>> No.51670258

He’s an idiot who makes basic repayments that only just exceed the interest.
Even an extra $100/month would have put him about $7000-$8000 ahead (once you factor in lower interest on reduced principle).
Anyone who takes out a loan and only pays the minimum repayment is a fucking idiot. Whether it’s house, car or student debt, live like a fucking church mouse for a couple of years and pay every spare cent off that you can scrape up. Give friends and family your loan account numbers and explain that you don’t need Christmas/birthday gifts but every penny paid off the loan will be gratefully received.
On a home loan for instance you’re paying back 3-4 times what you borrow. So every $1 extra you pay off in the first year is actually saving you $5-$6 in the long run thanks to lower interest and shorter loan term.
If you must borrow, repay on your own terms, not theirs.

>> No.51670264


I got a comp sci degree and only had $10k in loans, which will now be canceled. I don't know how these fuckers get in so deep.

>> No.51670277

The first payments that you make on a student loan go towards paying off the interest. I think this is the case for mortgages too in the US

>> No.51670351

>who would lend that money unsecured a teenager? Amerifats are completely fucked

The United States Federal Government, that's who. More than 90% of the student loans in Burgerland are issued by the feds; you can thank Obama for that, as a provision of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) effectively nationalized things. And as for why undergrad degrees cost so much, well with the Feds offering so much money with their retarded loans, universities have no incentive to keep costs down.

The universities' role in this whole mess gets left out a lot in this discussion. They are the ones whom all that loan money has been flowing into. Now, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they had spent all that extra money on stuff that is actually useful for education, like more professors, better research labs, and the like. But instead they piss it away on completely administrative jobs and fancy buildings. Seriously though, 40 years ago colleges had 3 or 4 professors for every administrator, and things worked just fine; today it is like 4 pointless office workers for every professor.

>> No.51670497

How do you get that much undergrad debt? That's like my undergrad and grad school debt combined.

>> No.51670623

Why should people just out of highschool who have been indoctrinated for the past 6 years of their life telling them they have to go to college no matter what be able to get a loan you can't default on?

>> No.51670652
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>defending jews

>> No.51670737


Yeah but companies will hire the college grad before self taught guy

>> No.51670774

>retard gets enslaved by the kikes
>now a part of the kike cog
>"this guy is retarded"
>wtf you defending jews????

>> No.51670800

Turns out, biden did a miss step and the student loan debt forgivenes won't happen.

>> No.51670871

Maybe if they are both great programmers but not if the college boy is some chump that just went through the motions and the self taught has real working software to show off

>> No.51671088


I learned to code about 12 months ago, it was freaking hard, I even lost my girlfriend since I wasn't giving more attention, but here I am. I'm looking to start with QANplatform blockchain since it allows dev code in any programming Language.
> every retard can learn Javascript

>> No.51671354

They don't do community college, don't go to state colleges, and dorm

>> No.51671523

Most fortune 500 companies will filter you out if you don't have a degree.
They don't care about your personal projects unless you already have a degree.

>> No.51671547


Same here anon but i was 28. Took a whole year before i was “comfortable” and i spent 4-8 hours a day every day. It wasnt easy. Javascript was hell for about 4-5 months as it was my first language which is the hardest.

I think people under-estimate the tenacity and time and difficultly of learning to code. Thats why there are plenty of jobs available as not many people pass through.
Programming just happens to be something you can learn at home alone as all you need is a computer. If plumbing or carpentry was the same (you had unlimited space and tools and everything you needed at home and couldn’t hurt yourself or fuck things up with noob mistakes) people would be able to self teach that more often too.

If you have no experience the first few months learning to program can be pretty frustrating. I had a lot of basic experience as i dropped out of a computer science course after 1 year, meased around with hacks on games for years and built my own computer and had a general idea of how they worked at a hardware level and internet level already and i still found learning to think in code very unintuitive at first.

>> No.51671633

people go to dorms to have sex fyi

>> No.51671722

I will try this, It is hard to find a blockchain that allows Dev code in JS

>> No.51671881

>were do I start
pick a small project and do it
zero coding experience? go for python
learn how to print some messages
then add some logic
then add some simple graphical interface with a couple of buttons
then trash it and start something bigger, and try to be more organized, start to split the code into smaller functions, try to avoid copy pasting code all over, never use the same logic twice, just make a function for it
if you have any problem, google and stackoverflow
experiment, spend time on it
etc etc
then you will learn about classes and so on
with the time it goes better and better
and of course, check if you like it, because if you don't like to spend time staring at a monitor it's useless

>> No.51671902

>do what the people on tv tell you to do
>ruin your life forever

>> No.51671907

I kek'ed.

>> No.51672104

>>I'm a retard who signed a contract with clearly laid out terms WTF how is this legal
As a 17 year old, lmao. How is that legal though, really.

>> No.51672113

Learning to Coding has been the best decision of my life, got a job of 80K and I'm leaving a good life
I prefer GoLang though, but that should work too since QVM allows that too

>> No.51672144

wow this is actually good advice
>t. programmerfag

>> No.51672179

Tell him because Jews do usury and he’ll soi cuck rage at you and call you an anti-semite. They get what they fkn deserve

>> No.51672247

jews AND those who fall for their tricks get the gas

>> No.51672262

>I think people under-estimate the tenacity and time and difficultly of learning to code.
The only people I've ever seen become successful software developers are people striving to build a specific thing or work on a specific technology.
Without that drive, you'll give up.
Imagine trying to become a carpenter with no desire to craft anything out of wood.

>> No.51672313
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not my problem lol

>> No.51672372
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>rose emoji

he deserves absolutely everything that happens to him, because he always supports the people that make it happen

>> No.51672550

>Learn to code!
yup, that's a retard.

>> No.51672575

Well you see there's this cult of merchants that want to enslave you with debt you can't have forgiven....

>> No.51672748

No, when you pay extra on student loans, it goes TOWARDS FUTURE PAYMENTS not principal. Absolutely criminal. I don't think these people read the terms and conditions lol

>> No.51672918

>learn to code = get yourself in debt

Dude you can learn for free on the internet.

Just create a github/gitlab and start making projects like games,music players and shit like that.

>> No.51672985

Some guy on one of the computer science subreddits did a survey of people who had posted that they were learning to code 3 or so years ago, and only 2% had gotten coding jobs.

>> No.51672986

Is being a webcuck the fastfood of coding?

>> No.51673029

>being a coder, good with numbers
I tried to do math to estimate when would be the best time to sell or buy, but nothing works, not even the best promises can save you nowadays, better to go back to watching hololives or wait for holoclear to give as a reward an anime girl

>> No.51673154

code monkey is worst job.

>> No.51673184

Why even go to college without a full ride scholarship, do burgers even?

>> No.51673194

Can you shill better ffs?
I was bullish on QAN before but you esl retards are making me wanna sell.

>> No.51673216

Imagine if more normies woke up to the fact that interest/usury is parasittism.

>> No.51673219

>i tried to predict the probability of a coin flip and it came out 50/50
so it's working as intended

>> No.51673865

>, when you pay extra on student loans, it goes TOWARDS FUTURE PAYMENTS not principal. Absolutely criminal. I don't think these people read the terms and conditions lol
Are ypu pretending to be retarded ? You better not be. Theres this little check box i tick when I make a payment saying do not advance my payment. Additionally nothing in contract prevents you paying this off early. Maybe if it was a mortgage but even then the penalty for paying off early is nothing compared to the total in interest you would have paid. Also kys

>> No.51673880

>who had posted that they were learning to code
Ya but how many actually stuck with it. Also go back , leddit is where u belong.

>> No.51673910

>spending $120K on an undergraduate degree
he should return it.
you cant be this stupid and have a college degree.
i know high school drop outs smarter than this kid.

>> No.51674236


I learned on the job from a mentor. I make 130k now. Life is comfy.

>> No.51674268

>120k student loan
Holy fuck lmao
Im so glad I live in first world country where we get paid to study in uni.

>> No.51674269
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LOL what a fucking dumb cunt
most Web3 developers made a LOT of money. its his own fault and he deserves it
besides there are a lot of free courses that are actually good. some of the most prestigious universities in the world offer them. Harvard and MIT worked with BitDAO through EduDAO to offer free Web3 courses

>> No.51674654

>Rich people
cool it with the antisemetic remarks

>> No.51674786

Alright I'll bite;
What language do you start with to get a job the quickest?
Web stuff (JS, PHP, Python)
Engineer stuff (C++, Java, C#)

>> No.51674799

$120k for a 4 year-degree is private Ivy League money. You should be making enough dosh after that, that a $120k loan is fuck-all to you, regardless of what you got your degree in. Unless, of course, you didn't spend $120k on an education, and what you actually spent was $20-40k on an education and the rest on 100% offsetting your cost of living for 4 to 5 years using loans.
I have no issue offering tax-offset education by paying for, in part or total, tuition and fees directly related to taking classes. I have a massive fucking problem with conflating the cost of education with the cost of living near a university, on or off campus. Pay for that shit yourself.
Because ticks deserve to be pulled.

>> No.51674862
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I remember these guys were on my high school campus roping young idiots into these Loan scams.

>> No.51674953

Almost like there is a huge divide between owners of capital and those who earn income from labor.

>> No.51674987

"Man I really hate that I studied for years an got a massive student loan an now I only make a living wage and other people simply lied on their cv.... what should i do?"

"Hey guys!!! Uni was awesome! I totally got laid all the time and now Im working my dream job and make heaps of money!!! The workforce definitely doesnt suck ass regardless of whether you studied or not. Only im 4 years too late to understand that everyoe hates life and hates workig!!! Get a studen loan! Its totally worth it!!"

>> No.51675400

Can you get away with lying about having a degree on a resume?

>> No.51675444

Why shouldn't people who always do what they're told like good slave cattle and never question the intentions of their ruling elite have to face consequences?

>> No.51675544

this is not true

>> No.51675581

Whenever there's a power imbalance in society it's the legislator's obligation to create laws to protect the weaker side. One of the perks of living in an advanced democracy (which USA is not unfortunately) is that I don't really have to worry about reading a 90 page contract before I sign it, because I know my rights and interests are protected by the law and - for example - contract clauses that are taking advantage of me are outlawed. It's pretty dope. I signed a mortgage last year without a single worry and haven't read it apart from some crucial details, because I know if the bank is trying to fuck me over, I can just go to the customer protection agency and they'll nullify it.

>> No.51675602

Ok boomer. That's not how shit works in software, faggot.

>> No.51675603

If that's true (and I bet it's not because that's flirting with usury) then the young fella is even more idiotic.

>> No.51675604

How can one make $120k in debt for uni if uni only only costs €200 per semester (Germany)

>> No.51675638

>Student debt
Cant you just buy learn to code for dummies, from Amazon or Barnes &noble

>> No.51675708

because usury was split up into many different smaller financial crimes, so now the ultimate financial crime goes unpunished.

>> No.51675736

>pays the absolute batre minimum
>only enough to cover interest
>"wtf why is only the interest being paid??"

>> No.51675978

You can't release through bankruptcy so lenders have ironclad protection. Thus perverse government arrangement is an abomination and it should never have been approved.

>> No.51677406
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fucking commie

>> No.51679636

the problem is that labour doesn't transform into capital

>> No.51680705

>the grindstone for a couple of
Probably private loans with high interest. I guess math wasn't his major.

>> No.51682077

Pretty much. I live in MA which has some of the best state schools and my uncle's kids all went to out of state colleges, switched their majors a bunch of times, switched schools to do completely different things, basically their just burning through all this man's money.
Another guy I know had his daughter already working an electrician apprenticeship while in vocational high school and making money on par with a lot of adults, or at least people 10 years older than her. He had her a union job all lined up, she'd easily be making 6 figures and would have time to go do jobs on the side. Someone talked his daughter into being an electrical engineer instead and now she goes to a college that's like 20 minutes away and lives on campus 'for the experience'. I think he said all in it's costing him like $60k a year to fund it.
Can confirm

>> No.51682109

Because Americans don't live in Germany

>> No.51682159

How the fuck can an engineering degree cost 60K A YEAR? I think I paid like 45k total for my entire 4-year degree (even after it turned into 5 years lol), and I made a lot of it back on paid internships during summer terms. I would understand a shit tier college not having an internship program, OR a high-tier college costing a lot but having an internship program. But both?

>> No.51682218

I guess it's actually closer to $70k

>> No.51682306

Gnarly. 1600 USD per credit. Mine was about 600 CAD IIRC. Even then, that tuition fee works out to 28 credits a year. Either she's taking 9 credits a term or there's a lot of fat in that figure ON TOP of the price per credit. Is this like a New England WASP thing?

>> No.51682595

No, Merrimack has an 82% acceptance rate. It's probably the room & board that's the most expensive part.
I live in a working class town where if you're White you either work for the city or a trade union.
I only know 1 WASP around my age and he went her: https://www.stlawu.edu/
but he's a little more laid back and reserved/subtle/very concerned about how his behavior might give off negative vibes associated with money. Like he has more money than us but doesn't want anyone to know it but also wants you to know that he doesn't want anyone to know that he has more money, if that makes any sense.
>Man, it's crazy how expensive the used car market is right now isn't it? Btw I gotta take off early because I'm heading to the island (Nantucket) this weekend.

>> No.51682607

That's because "coding" is retarded copy paste monkey work that will soon no longer exist. Any actually decent programmer has a very strong math foundation, particularly in applied linear algebra, stats, etc, as well as an education in computer architecture and hardware applications. That's what an actually valuable cs degree is. Again, "coding," is stupid monkey shit anyone could learn online. I agree if you're motivated you can learn all of what i mentioned on your own regardless but a degree is really valuable here. You get access to math labs, tutors, tons of computing resources, other students to work on projects with, etc... That being said I'd never pay 100k for a degree, thankfully where I live my tuition is hardly more than 2k per semester and I get my books at the library on online.

>> No.51682625

This is correct

>> No.51682656

>and at the end of it all were both better off
>this is why we need to eat the rich

>> No.51682728
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Defending jews again

>> No.51682750
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The funny thing is, coding used to be something everyone with a computer did. They used to have have BASIC in a ROM on the mobo, or sometimes a cart (e.g. Atari 400/800).

>> No.51682948

>Democratic Socialist rose emoji in name
Ah yes. The eternal professionally useless financially illiterate retard who went to a private liberal arts school and majored in something incredibly gay as fuck and thought the market was going to reward him handsomely for it. Many such cases. Sad!

Also this. Imagine not know how to calculate simple compound interest and realizing that it working against your favor is a bad deal with the devil.

>> No.51683196

That's because these days the government is the lender for student loans (well, over 90% of them). Thank Obama for that.

>> No.51683216

any good programs?

>> No.51683262


>> No.51683320

Your parents are signing off as co-signers aren't they? Atleast they were for me 12 years ago when I went to school. Not sure how it works these days. It's not illegal but it is completely immoral.

>> No.51685631
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Learn how to balance your life annon. You need people around you to improve your mental health. Organize some game nights with your girlfriend to cool off and bond well. If you love board games, streaming platforms like GameStarPlus can give you a good gaming experience. Remember life is boring without these sexy bitches around you :).

>> No.51686503

I’m not a retard and am looking into this. Can you elaborate on this? How did you find this mentor/job? How did it all unfold while on the job (timeline)?

>> No.51686716

He trusted in the stingy boomer
Now he has to vote for Sleepy Joe to end with a 100k debt

>> No.51686997

you have to be 18 to use this site

>> No.51687103

>expecting kids who can't decide what to study or do in life to read and understand the terms and conditions

>> No.51687348

I dropped out after my first semester at a university. Went back to a community college and got a cert for way way cheaper. Best decision I've ever made. Fuck degrees, you just need skill. College is one of the biggest scams of all time besides crypto.

>> No.51687467

There are three types. Coders, engineers, and hackers. I agree with you on coders. I disagree with you if you're referring to self-taught hackers. They're top notch when it comes to whistling together a proof of concept or hardening something that the engineers burnt themselves out over planning.

The last 8 years have been mental on blocking hackers from teams with the focus on education and equity and tech has suffered immensely for it.

>> No.51687596

Hacking is becoming a huge industry. We are in high demand. I'm a bit worried that too many people are finding out about this gold mine, though.

t. Self-taught hacker being offered jobs that pay way more vs the original college degree I was going for

>> No.51688024

does this actually matter over the course of the entire loan if you pay of interest first or jsut some ratio of principal and interest
in the case of a house where something can be liquidated if you fail the loan i can see some issue
but with student loans where they cant repo your degree what difference does it make?

>> No.51688195

the interest accrues, whats not to understand? its like credit card debt...

>> No.51688222

They should be able to default on their loan. But then should also lose what the loan was for.

I know universities would be very very apposed to this as it would diminish the value of the degrees and reduce the free money they get for worthless degrees.

A good many graduates would be apposed to it as well as they feel their degree is worth something g when the marketplace clearly indicates it is not.

>> No.51688259

you don't need a CS degree to learn basic linear algebra and stats. I'm actually shocked at how uneducated CS students come out in general, as someone who did a Physics degree and then immediately moved into software engineering consultancy

>> No.51688308

I work for a fortune 100 company. I will on occasion have to argue with HR to hire the self taught. Fortunately our recruiters are seperate from most of hr so will send me resumes without degrees. Without the degree i will need to see years of experience or a pretty clever repo.

>> No.51689828

the funny part is this fucking goy thinks he's winning.

>> No.51690164

Pre-2000, post-1990 computer science was the short bus of STEM. Even the zoologists smirked at them. It wasn't a bad discipline per se, it was just regarded to have similar aesthetic value to plumbing or carpentry. Still afforded more respect than business and the arts, but people in the know knew.

A lot of the CS grads live up to this. You get the odd one that wanted a more practical avenue to practicing mathematics, but these are few and far between. It's still the trades of the desk job class.

>> No.51690662

No doubt! I have a balance for everything but it wasn't that easy at first. I had no girlfriend when I started coding because I wanted to be more focus. Now I have a job and often have gamenight with friends. Yeah! we've got a baord for games from gamestar+ too.

>> No.51690741

why do you mutts pay so much for tuition anyway?
it's like x30 than anywhere else on the planet. maybe it's time you realize the loans aren't the problem, it's the tuition costs
same as with hospitals, drugs, etc.
my friend just had PRIVATE knee surgery for 3,000$.
in the US they'd charge me 50,000$.
your country is insane.

>> No.51690998

>degree promises higher earnings
>everyone wants degree so prices rises
>government/private lenders give money so more can now afford college and pay back with higher earnings
>colleges now have greater demand so raise prices
>now getting a higher degree is the only way to stand out and get higher paying job since everyone has degree
>have to take out more loans before you can get first job (or grind it out while working and paying off previous loan)
>now everyone's getting work reimbursement for higher education or pursuing masters
>colleges continue raising prices because there's corporations paying for them or individuals trying to earn more
because if you want to make a decent enough living without taking huge risk on starting your own venture (and likely failing) or destroying your body with physical labor then you go to school and try to pick a niche that isn't completely saturated with others just like you, and colleges are just gigantic brands at this point who don't teach you shit but sell a piece of paper so you can prove to HR you can sit down and shut up and do what you're told, which is all that's needed anyways because 99% of work is just moving numbers around a spreadsheet all day and playing the social game so you won't get let go in the next round of layoffs when the market inevitably implodes because stocks are just a fucking casino to the bankers who literally print money out of thin air and they know that it's better to take fat leverage and make a shit ton off commission because they'll be fine after it all implodes anyways

>> No.51692809

How do you even advertise this to employers?
t. Jailbreaker
>Ayyo I hacked this bitch, that'll be $100k salary plus tip

>> No.51692978

in the US its very easy and cheap to do background checks. it would be detected

>> No.51693018

this is the average user giving you investment advice