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File: 61 KB, 1024x870, 1664260657132182[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51674621 No.51674621 [Reply] [Original]

>be the absolute top of your sport
>huge mansion
>have fans all over the world
>wife divorces you
how the FUCK do we satisfy these hoes bizbros?

>> No.51674634

no marriage, no cohabitation

>> No.51674635

>Wife says don't go back to playing football or I'll leave you
>He goes back to playing football
This one is pretty cut and dry.

>> No.51674636

just stop caring

>> No.51674637

pro athletes are usually shitty people.
only so long one would put up with their shit before the millions and mansions dont matter.

>> No.51674651

do women really

>> No.51674666

family is meaningful. no competition

>> No.51674685
File: 730 KB, 960x720, superman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hypergamy knows no bounds. Women are insatiable in the long term. Marriage is a fool's errand.

>> No.51674686

Does he have AIDS?

>> No.51674692

and why cant you have both? Does a man have to be a slave to his family? Telling a pro sportsman to stop playing his sport or else I leave is merely creating an excuse to leave

>> No.51674710


>> No.51674725

how thirsty does a woman have to be, she thinks she is gonna upgrade from this chad, jesus christ, feels bad man

>> No.51674750

nice try satan

>> No.51674759

Anyone who still gets married is an idiot

>> No.51674827

if you look at the forbes list, a few of the women there like Oprah and the Pepsi CEO are there actually based on merit. maybe enough to count on one, possibly two hands. ALL the rest are heiresses and divorcees. Jeff Bezos' ex wife is the richest woman alive thanks to divorce. Make of that information what you will.

>> No.51674846

oh yeah there's also a highly rated AppleTV show about a woman who divorces her tech ceo husband and becomes one of the richest women on Earth. Women seem to really like this show.

>> No.51674879

you sound fat as fuck. imagine comparing yourself to superman you fat sad ugly fucker hahahahahahhaah

>> No.51674899

I would imagine he is exemplifying the behaviour of women through the image

>> No.51674908

i would imagine he doesnt move from his computer chair and smells like cheese

>> No.51674913

I would imagine you're a troon and/or a huge simp faggot.

>> No.51674918
File: 2.92 MB, 480x600, 1626019766009.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down woman

>> No.51674965

im the dude shes thinking about when she with superman already

>> No.51674995
File: 631 KB, 445x714, cope posts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im the dude shes thinking about when she with superman already

>> No.51675820

im gonna kms and domino nuclear war and global extinction

>> No.51675884

she looks like this

>> No.51675892

Man look at that toned manly body, an absolutely perfect physical specimen right there

>> No.51675912

And if he told her to stop modeling, would you have this same take faggot?

>> No.51675930

>women are usually shitty people

>> No.51675949

I have those noodle arms
how do I profit?

>> No.51675961

Who cares what women think?

>> No.51675973

Yes. That would be based of him.
Because niggerball actively destroys your health and society for no benefit. Kys faggot. Yes you absolutely are duty bound to your family and not your fucking sport.

>> No.51676002

Boo fucking hoo. She wants him to move on to the cush broadcasting job. Dude is obviously a workaholic and a piece of shit father. They’ve probably been on the ropes for years but now is well past his prime and unable to move on to the next phase of life like a man child.

>> No.51676066


putting a job ahead of your family after already reaching the pinicle of your profession and being rich is not a good move.

He should have retired to spent time with his family.