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51671804 No.51671804 [Reply] [Original]

He bought a Ledger on eBay 3 years ago, today apparently he checked his balance and it was cleaned. What do I say to him? He doesn’t seem like the type to rope, but I don’t know that for sure.

>> No.51671835

tell him internet money is a scam and he's a retard

>> No.51671844

wow that's really unfortunate that he lost all his btc and now everyone believes that it's all gone and he can't access it anymore

>> No.51671861

This, your zoomer cousin is a based "retard"

>> No.51671883

you stole it didn't you

>> No.51671891

I believe it, he texted me at lunch in probably the longest text I’ve ever got from someone. He said he only had 1 copy of the seed, that seed was never on a digital device and after about a day of trying to figure it out, his only conclusion was the origin of the ledger he bought. I will ask for his address, I think the BTC was gifted to him on his 18th b day from his dad

>> No.51671923

He made a Twitter and IG post about it, I hope he’s just being a smart big brain basically pulling a
>I lost all my guns in a boating accident
Type thing

>> No.51671941

Yeah tell him to find the transaction and see what happened to it.

>> No.51672041

>Bought from eBay.
Rookie mistake.

>> No.51672171
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he did not wrap its token....he deserve to lost them

>> No.51672190

Wait how long ago was this? i just combed 2.5btc that was stuck in the blockchain... do u have his wallet address ill check if it was his and send it back (less my fee of course)

>> No.51672286

>doesnt even know about unclaimed bitcoin

>> No.51672418

Common scam. People resell ledgers after copying the seed. Non savvy users don't realize they should generate a whole new seed.

>> No.51672943

>Why would he buy off ebay
>How are zoomers so tech illiterate

>> No.51672981

>The future of finance

>> No.51673148
File: 56 KB, 310x326, you lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo this isn't right! the future of finance has to be jews holding my hand!!!

>> No.51673220

I bet when you check the wallet, the transaction happened years ago. He has probably been running on the false belief that he owns 2.5BTC for the past 2 years at least.

People who are too lazy to sit down and learn the basics shouldn't touch crypto.

>> No.51673347


>> No.51673675

>Buying used Ledger
Well theres the problem

>> No.51673810

I-I just bought trezor from a Shopee e-shop (I live in Singapore). Are you telling me this isn't safe? It has lots of 5 stars reviews and it says sealed package. Do I really have to buy from the official website instead?

>> No.51673819

Lurk more

>> No.51673854

He's right though. Never buy a hardware wallet from anyone other than the manufacturer, basic opsec

>> No.51673856

Yes you stupid nigger, always buy from the manufacturer and always generate a new seed

>> No.51673882

>always buy from the manufacturer and always generate a new seed
I generated new seed phrases but do I still throw this one and buy a new one from the manufacturer?

>> No.51673896

I got a trezor a while ago and I understand how they work and even yet I'm still paranoid to use it so I'm currently assembling a new $4k computer so I can generate the seed on a fresh machine. Feels good man. Also
>ryzen 9
I got that because rebbitfags couldn't help but provide me with liquidity with their frenzied, short-sighted propensity for buying shit too late (and subsequently selling).

>> No.51673936

>I got a trezor a while ago and I understand how they work and even yet I'm still paranoid to use it so I'm currently assembling a new $4k computer so I can generate the seed on a fresh machine
do you have any greentexts for a hard wallet beginner? This thread makes me paranoid as fuck. I want to move my coins to a safer place.

>> No.51673981

>purchase hardware wallet directly from manufacturer
>connect to pc
>navigate to the website of the wallet and run software
>generate wallet seed phrase
>write it down on the two pieces of paper provided and put them in a very safe place
>your Crypto is now safe
I think that's about all there is to it, friend. It should be less scary than staking a smart contract Crypto, but I bet you've done that a bunch of times. It's scary at first but you'll be fine if you follow the procedure correctly.

>> No.51674013

thx fren. I'll get a new one.

>> No.51674033

No problem anon, I know it sucks but there have been many instances of tainted wallets being sold through third parties, and they always wait for years before draining your wallet. It's just so much more secure and will give you peace of mind if you know it's legit.

>> No.51674099

No if you have a new seed it's fine

>> No.51674395
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>> No.51674574

better tell him that this is part of the business
you can't always win, I lost too much when I sold my vinu bags before they started to pump

>> No.51674596

>hardware wallets
do normalfags really?

>> No.51674612

from ebay no less kek

>> No.51674633

>all this dongle shit
You don't need to spend money on this, I have an old airgapped piece of junk, which only signs transactions and nothing else. An old computer should cost nothing. Also how the fuck do people STILL not backup their seed phrases? It's 12 words, for the sake of your life savings you can put in minimal effort and fucking memorize them.

>> No.51674646

they should make it so the wallet generates a seed phrase without having to plug it in to a computer desu

>> No.51674665

wow he lost 50k
who the fuck cares

>> No.51674695

>bro just get a 100k/yr (post tax) job and work 6 months without spending a penny who the fuck cares
send me 50k right now

>> No.51674865

fuck you, send me $50k if you dare

>> No.51675266

>defending obvious retardism

>> No.51675294

uhh... I bought from the manufacturer, but didn't generate a new seed, just installed all the crypto apps on it for later use
should I generate a new seed just to be sure?

>> No.51675332

Amazon no good, right ? Bought years ago, now cant remember where .

>> No.51675340


>> No.51675351

it was amazon

>> No.51675353

You can buy ledger wallets from the manufacturer on Amazon so it should be more safe I think

>> No.51675545 [DELETED] 


Is this bait? It doesnt matter where you buy it if you generate a new seed

hell you can even buy it from a hobo on the street

>> No.51675601

>buys ledger that is programmed to generate only one of a couple known seeds

>> No.51676107

If there's one thing scammers are truly skilled at, it's quality packaging and making things look as good as new

>> No.51676124

If it came with an existing seed it was fake.

>> No.51676166

Never buy from third parties when it comes to securing your crypto

>> No.51676301

I always buy directly from Amazon. But I didn’t think that sometimes they commingle their inventory. However By doing that I didn’t have all my personal data leaked from the ledger website hack. I refuse to believe the hacker would just let this wallet sit on all that btc for years before draining it. Every single time you dig deeper on these loss stories the user made an error somewhere. Not once have I heard a legit ledger or Trezor “hacked” story.

>> No.51677620
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he should have locked in the price

>> No.51677775
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kek what a classic beginner mistake. I locked in the price at 69k.