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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 99 KB, 1280x720, BTC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5165567 No.5165567 [Reply] [Original]

>Really really need BTC not to rocket last week
>It does +$7,000 from 12k to 19k within less than 24hrs immediately after I trade into alts for absolutely no conceivable reason on a Thursday

>This week: Really, really need BTC to rocket this week to increase my alt stack, bet that something similar to last week might happen with CME
>Bitcoin crashes through the fucking floor and alts rocket immediately after I switch back into BTC to ride things out


>> No.5165587

We are getting killed over here

>> No.5165607

Same here. I don't know, man. I don't even care anymore ; _ ;

>> No.5165644
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You morans thought it would really go to 20k!?! That broken piece of shit with incompetent devs!?!

>> No.5165657

>not zooming out

>> No.5165674

Tbf i still don't understand how is it valued at 18k
No virtual meme in the world should be priced that high

>> No.5165680
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Most alts on Binance are solid green from what I can see? People are going to pump them even higher now that they know BTC isn't going anywhere today.

Y-yes, I mean every time I bet against BTC this past month it has fucked me time and time again. The first time I decide to give in and cheer for it, it takes fat ogre shit right on my face.

>> No.5165698

even satoshi himself jumped ship like 8 years ago lmao fucking idiohts

>> No.5165718

try we just lost 1k in 1hr u fucking nigger

>> No.5165809

Look at all the normies in this thread, holy shit.

>> No.5165847

BTC is crashing. We've known it for a few days now.

If you're in a good coin then no need to worry as BTC will break 25k eventually and the alt market will recover.

Reminder that a BTC crash is good and it's the perfect time to accumulate as the altcoin market can't keep up with the btc market and you can get altcoins for extremely cheap.

Ask if you would like to know more.

>> No.5165858

Because it’s a black hole. The money goes in and never comes out. Well except the whales money. Anyone with less than $1M is a bag holder.

>> No.5165872

That's what happens before the bubble pops

Everyone and their mom has joined crypto this month normies are already here, If you haven't already made it, it is already too late

>> No.5165910

Everyone should've jumped on as early as this morning, any time after is FUCKED

>> No.5165921

Bitcoin is fine. You are a faggot. Sell. Sell everything. I am on a BUYING spree.

>> No.5165923

just hold BTC. always have some money to buy for cheaper.

>> No.5165942

Should also add that a large portion of new money comes from casuals, the exact amount? Who knows. The amount of casuals will determine the floor, but this round there are a LOT of casuals. This just means they won't touch their coins because they don't follow btc and they have small stakes anyways.

There has been manipulation of a lot of highly supplied coins recently, so you can expect them to bomb as people try to pull out for btc into tether. This has been happening slowly throughout the last 18 hours. It will continue to happen. Again, look for high supply coins going -50% and buy them all; there will be a lot of them.

>> No.5165963

This is it, guys. It was a pleasure to shitpost with you. RIP crypto

>> No.5165976

I have 1.4btc, should i sell now? Bought in @ 15555

>> No.5166011
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>> No.5166033

Zoom out retard

>> No.5166047

1k is like 5% you fucking faggot

>> No.5166052

No. Too close to the potential floor.

Usually when I'm in your situation I make a little more money by selling when the coin is stagnant, then I buy after a 5% dip and hold. It's a good way to accumulate some more, but it comes with risk. If you're happy with your btc amount then I would hold.

Definitely set a limit sell for 16000 though along with a blockpholio alert at 16000 so you can rebuy at a 5% drop from 16000. No reason not to.

>> No.5166122

>no reason

>futures open trading


>another futures exchange opening tomorrow

>> No.5166132

suck my fucking dick nigger

>> No.5166137

I've only ever put 5k into this so im happy but i have 50k in student debt. I'd like to scoop up LTC if the ratio improves for btc holders

>> No.5166162

>Babby still looking at crypto in usd
How fucking new are you?

>> No.5166167

Fuck off bcashie shill, keep drink that Roger Ver cum

>> No.5166223

LTC is trash too bud. It has the same scaling issues as BTC.
Try XMR or POWR, they have genuine utility beyond ponzi-tier "value storing".

>> No.5166300

It's not money anymore. What you see is just numbers on the screen. Get rid of your emotional attachments and you will immediately do better than most people. Half the time you should do the opposite of what you want to do. FOMO is a powerful drug.

For your student debts, let me recommend keeping a close eye on ada. The coin is still in the beginnings and has potential of 20+ billion market cap. I am sure it will hit it. If you can get the coin at .30 USD or below then you should buy as much as you can get. It will hit a dollar. Don't touch it at the moment though.

>> No.5166476

>Try XMR or POWR
>erc 20 token with ETH scaling issues already exposed
Yeah, great idea there.

>> No.5166519

Why is anyone surprised? I'll ask again: WHY IS ANYONE SURPRISED?

I warned you knobs this shit would happen. Control of bitcoin was just handed to Wall St. It's now a plaything for them, like everything else. And they have limitless BILLIONS to manipulate it at will.

It's game over for Bitcoin.

>> No.5166679

dip is money getting out to see what happens with futures, when they realize Wall Street are a bunch of useless retards it will go up again it's already coming back

>> No.5166740


Bullshit. The smart money exited BEFORE the futures markets opened.

>> No.5166832

jesus christ you people really are new. How would you have handled the 70% drops in btc.

>> No.5166867
File: 511 KB, 386x750, 5fd3d1e0f29e4e3e849fa64019e1e723.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>portfolio is about to hit my goal of 600k
>btc dump

>> No.5166940

Because big shit happens in neat USD increments. Look at what happened at 10K. Wait for the peaking shit storm when it clears 20K on every exchange.

>> No.5166966

You REALLY didn't see buying right before 20k as the worst possible time you could have chosen to do so?

>> No.5166968
File: 240 KB, 600x249, sbMnmfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL what an idiot, just hodl or gtfo because you have pathetic hands faggot.

>> No.5167020

>It's not money anymore. What you see is just numbers on the screen.
Hi, welcome to all banking for several decades now.

>> No.5167040

>still above 15000 which we were surprised to see a week ago

kill yourself dumb faggots

>> No.5167072

This is the all-time classic "buy the rumor, sell the news"
Why do you think Bitcoin mooned hard recently? It's because of this. Now the bags get dropped and we proceed as scheduled.
See you at 12k USD.

>> No.5167188

Think about all the people that bought at $19800 lmfao. Fucking retards.

>> No.5167291

>bought BTC in 2014, small amount cuz poorfag student
>have about $1,500 accrued now
should i pull out now? or go down with the ship?

>> No.5167302

>exited before CBOE futures
>coulda made atleast another 40-50% on my portfolio if i hadn't exited.


>> No.5167335

Slay that fucking dragon.

This slow ass shit makes me lose even when I try to sell at the top.

>> No.5167585

That's not what I'm talking about.

People that just start with investing like to look at the numbers like it's actual money. They have an emotional attachment to it, like "What could I do with this 20k I just made?" - That's harmful and will cause you to lose money.