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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51651791 No.51651791 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the ultimate scam job? You can make 50-75% of a non-FAANG tier software job without actually having technical skills.

>> No.51651826

Let me let you in on a little secret OP. Most mid level corporate jobs that don't involve any real skills are just a jobs program for frat bros and sororstitutes.

>> No.51652104

i recently discovered this as well and seethed. i make $100k a senior financial reporting accountant at a fortune 10 company. braindead roasties are making $160k after bonus to schedule interviews and say "what's like your greatest strength???" on phone screens.

>> No.51652458

I seethed too. you can easily make half the pay with 1/10th the effort. You just have to know some buzzwords without actually having a clue what the buzzwords actually mean let alone how they work. "I see here your resume says you have kubernetes experience"

>> No.51652470

Am I going to Ireland, Antarctica?

>> No.51652506

Is it possible to become a tr as a man

>> No.51652529


Recruiters are the first to get cut in a recession though. And they can only be hired by large, cucked, globohomo tech companies and nobody else. Those places are miserable to work for.

t. former AMZN software engineer

>> No.51652795

>Recruiters are the first to get cut in a recession though
that's a good point

>> No.51652836
File: 1.22 MB, 1133x1154, wecangoup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work in tech. The people that do the hardware and software are total faggots and I have no respect for them. I stay away from them as much as possible.
That being said, I'm constantly trying to shill by shares (bags) to new faggots who want to come work for us and make me rich.
So, I'm 2000% willing to work with a dumbfuck roastie that makes 75% of may pay if she is skilled at manipulating faggots to join the company. It's a question of lesser evils. The roasties are more fun to talk to anyway because as long as you don't get sexual it's low stakes

>> No.51652863

shill *my* shares

>> No.51652898
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I work at costco and im about to make 90k a year for walking around and wagging my finger

>> No.51652930

>Get commission on hiring street shitters
>street shitter dumb
>project never gets finished
>never gets fired because of diversity
Sounds like the ultimate gravy train to me.