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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51647745 No.51647745 [Reply] [Original]

>work for a company doing something you don't care about and has no bearing on your life whatsoever because you need "money" to afford a place to live, food, water

>build a homestead, grow food, fix things yourself, everything you do has a purpose to your life directly, have some kids who can take care of you & wife when you're old, no need to "save for retirement"

What is the appeal of the former over the latter? You can buy a few acres and just build your damned house. Why do you want a mortgage? Do you think you're winning there, like you aren't the sucker in that transaction? Banks aren't losing, that's for sure. Why do you want to be such a sucker, living a sort of indentured servitude?

Do people in your country ever choose the latter, or is everybody like some sheep nutcase living in dirty, ugly, smelly, loud cities, working to pay for a substandard existence?

>> No.51647771

>make these sorts of posts on 4chan
fucking ugly loser. Look at yourself, you vile cunt. Creepy fucking incel shit fuck. Go fuck yourself, you sad piece of shit

>> No.51647781

LMFAO kek this kind of anger is funny to come by on biz

>> No.51647852

>work in a profession that you enjoy that contributes more to society than just growing fucking potatoes in the ground until the day you die while the world rots around you

>> No.51647853

Why yes, larping as a as serflike subhuman from the Middle Ages in the 21st century is surely superior to typing in numbers on a computer screen for a couple hours every day. Surely that makes sense.

>> No.51647882

because growing salad and cucumbers won't pay the bills of electricity

>> No.51647905

Original poster clearly struck a nerve

>> No.51648043

let me guess, you're a seething disgusting incel who doesn't wet his toilet paper or use a bidet to clean his ass properly? Disgusting vile piece of shit. Imagine the smell of shit on you, makes me want to puke

>> No.51649719

>have some kids who can take care of you & wife when you're old, no need to "save for retirement"
>What is the appeal of the former over the latter?
Its easier and more socially accepted. perhaps safer too given the divorce rates.
>Why do you want a mortgage?
people want to live above their means, its expected these days
>because growing salad and cucumbers won't pay the bills of electricity
growing fruit trees will. but the point is your supposed to have multiple side hustles

>> No.51650718

Women who choose this lifestyle aren't divorcing without genuine reasons, and even if they are, incomes are negligible. Gold-digger sociopathic types can't proliferate.

>> No.51650780

People moved out of the country and into cities for a reason. Rural life is fucking hard. Actually producing enough off the land to subsist or trade with is hard fucking work, and if you don't have 14 children it's even harder. You're working sun up and sun down doing back breaking work. After the novelty wears off, you'll dream of sitting on your couch and ordering food to your door on your fucking phone.

>> No.51650929

You work to buy that house dumbfuck.
>inheritence is free!
Time for the gov to take it away since you didn't pay taxes and other shit.
Gonna fight back? time to send it full gear police and soldiers, lol

>> No.51651007
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>working sun up and sun down
only if you are a retard
>doing back breaking work
movement is medicine, chud

>> No.51651093

Even the Amish don't do that. Your words are hyperbolic.
You build it. The property tax is nominal, and Amish do not pay FICA.

>> No.51651185

I have a small homestead. Raise animals, garden, etc. It’s an awesome way of life but a financial burden in every single way. Thousands of dollars on fences, sheds, stalls, animals, vet bills, hay, etc. If you think you’re going to make a living doing it, you better be charismatic and entertaining and start a YouTube channel cuz you’re not gonna pay the bills off 5, 10 or even 50 acres.

>> No.51651747

>making money
If the land is paid off, he just needs to worry about shelter, water and food.

>> No.51651761

Oh and the Feds shooting his door open and shooting his wife in the head with a sniper rifle

>> No.51651838

he will need a substantial income to maintain any amount of land that is capable of generating income in the first place.

>> No.51651911

and get some farm aid

Grow wine grapes or marijauna

>> No.51651938

>buy 2 acres for $30k
>pay it off
>live inside a shed like Wayne
>grow your own food (not in the desert)
>haul in your own water
>pay year land tax

I don't see how that would require him to make money beyond paying property taxes.
Or paying for food / water / internet / whatever extras he wants.

>> No.51651959

>harsh winter or drought destroys your harvest
>no insurance
>lose everything

>> No.51652018

First, the land isn't paid off. Second, he has to worry about health, clothes, etc. With only a small farm, you will not be able to afford anything. The only way a farm pays even a subsistence lifestyle is if you have hundreds of thousands put into tractors, irrigation, seeders, tillers, harvesters, etc. You'd need about half a million to buy the land, 100k to build a shack.
10K in just hand and power tools. Another 100k to build a small barn. https://www.primalsurvivor.net/much-land-need-self-sufficient/#:~:text=With%20livestock%2C%20you'll%20likely%20need%20at%20least%2030%20acres.&text=Thus%2C%20if%20you%20are%20going,is%20probably%20more%20realistic%20though. Welcome to reality.

>> No.51652101

Yeah yeah yeah.

And a bunch of guys living in caves could never defeat the US military.

I've heard it a million times guy.

>> No.51652134

What's wrong with you?

>> No.51652145

I assume that people would argue

- maintenance supplies
- health insurance
- vehicle insurance & fuel

Let us be frank: property tax is a nominal expense in this situation. You'd have a few acres and a small home that you built. It's not valued highly.

Water, food, and electricity are non-issues in the modern day. Non-perishable food is just given away. We have efficient electronics and affordable solar systems.

I never mentioned farming specifically. Amish don't focus on farming nearly as much as they did. They have genuine businesses. It's a non-sequiter.

>> No.51652178
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why is jidf and discord troons raiding this particular thread so hard? what is it about homesteaders that makes cityfags seethe so hard?

>> No.51652186

how do i buy a sick sports car doing the latter?

>> No.51652209

It's really weird.
I would guess it's because rural people are hard to brainwash since they are less "tuned in".

>> No.51652221

What the fuck is wrong with this board? Half of the posters are probably israelis

>> No.51652278

I don't think you read the comment above my 2nd comment.


>> No.51652371
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The Amish have 30 fucking kids, plus brothers, uncles, an entire community and centuries of inherited skills and wisdom. I'd love to see some chud from the suburbs whose mom has to pay him $20 to mow the lawn try to rough it off the land.

>> No.51652425

oh, youre one of those anons who thinks he can grow enough carrots and lettuce on 2 acres to actually live. Ok, carry on

>> No.51652558

A barn is 30k so you’re a liar. Your tool budget was too low. Just generally negative

>> No.51652675

I already said that you are hyperbolic.

>> No.51652791

I've been growing marijuana for over 10 years.
I've experimented with vegetables and other herbs.
I understand how difficult it is to get a good crop, especially without the use of chemicals and nutrient boosters, be it all natural or not.

>> No.51652966

>especially without the use of chemicals
You don't need that
>nutrient boosters
You can make your own fertilizer for free, like in the old days.

>> No.51653053

By natural chemicals I mean things like neem oil, which you will need if you don't want bugs to eat the living shit out of your crop.
As for nutrient boosting, I just use miracle grow with a mix with a special ingredient which makes my nugs dense and frosty.

>> No.51653187

>build a homestead
plausible, but costly. if you're starting from scratch be ready to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars just for basic things such as a septic system, a water well, furnace/wood stove, etc
>grow food
again, plausible. but you need the equipment to do it. and you better get good at learning how to farm fast. plus youre going to need several acres just to sustain yourself with crops and livestock (livestock another expense with vet bills, etc)
>fix things yourself
yes, but again. the costs add up. tractors aren't cheap. neither is maintaining a house

living off the land is plausible, but a lifestyle. and if you desire to do it, you better start reading up on it and be ready to drop 500k, easy. and devout your entire life to it. its obviously easier to live in a city condo with a six figure programming job and order takeout

>> No.51653211

cant grow onaholes on a farm

>> No.51653212

Your calculations are ridiculous.

>> No.51653238

Which military academy should I send my son to? Air force seems too faggy, even if it's the safest

>> No.51653261

>people disagree and provide reasons why
>discord trannies! jews! raid!
How did we get to this point? Just call people who disagree retards for fuck's sake. Not everything is a conspiracy.

>> No.51653300

The latter is no longer possible because of evil Jews making it almost impossible unless you have tons of money to start a homestead in the first place

>> No.51653315

They literally are. There was some stats on pol and almost 50% of posters were Israelis. They are definitely here on biz also

>> No.51653388

chat bots do in fact post here, be aware

>> No.51653400

Like I said, you don't need any of that, you can make your own inputs, including natural pesticide. It's your choice: be a consoomer or a producer. Kill soil life or multiply it. Steal from the future or create abundance for everyone. Get cancer or be healthy and live 100 years.

>> No.51653757

>murdered 177k afghans and only took 7k casualties
kys retard