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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 900x685, new-york-bread-line-1907-granger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51649044 No.51649044 [Reply] [Original]

You're going to wish we had bread lines.

>> No.51649061

Can we bring hats back? I want to hide my receding hairline

>> No.51649092

nowadays people will just steal

>> No.51649099

What if I just shoot the noggers first?

>> No.51649103

Steal what?

>> No.51649105
File: 218 KB, 557x550, 1645455656932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this happen? how does EVERYONE simultaneously not have any money, but there's still enough money to make and handout bread for free?

someone explain it

>> No.51649117
File: 68 KB, 1024x683, merlin_152357907_7c95e2f0-cb80-4427-8e51-ffee45d6fa48-jumbo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there will be none this time tons of more stores are closing also its gonna look like a ghost town

>> No.51649136

Jews fire their workers and hoard their cash. Government takes a cut and buys bread.

>> No.51649143
File: 353 KB, 2500x1669, gettyimages-467354336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is so wealthy we had iPhone lines under Obama. We'll be fine.

>> No.51649376

>but there's still enough money to make and handout bread for free?
There isn't.

>> No.51649423

Anti- bread line fags are lazy sack of shit. "Oh no, I don't like standing in line, it hurts my knees!" Die in a fire, pantywaists.

>> No.51650691

Great Depression 2 will be very very difficult, but it'll be good for Americans health when nobody is working and nobody can afford food. I figure the average American can last for 90 days without food.

By 2027 those that survive should be quite fit.

>> No.51650712

Was it illegal for a man to go out without a hat at the time??

>> No.51650733

Based Obama created the iphone

>> No.51650809

>Rationing is often done to keep price below the market-clearing price determined by the process of supply and demand in an unfettered market. Thus, rationing can be complementary to price controls.
It is more about lack of bread than about lack of money.

>> No.51650821

i hope you amerifats like waiting in line with niggers. coldcock videos in /pol/ thread is gonna be sweet

>> No.51650881

Just buy a hat & wear it. The fashion police are not real, they can't stop you.

>> No.51650924
File: 77 KB, 800x409, e5961f9e455bdab4d60191b516a14038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90 days
It will take 90 days just for them to get to normal BMI, then another 90 to starve to death.
It pisses me off that fatasses will outlive me after the collapse. People say "no anon, fit people can run and jump and fight when shtf" but the name of the game in survival is calories, and fatties have more calories in their ass than I have in my food storage buckets.

>> No.51651077

Everyone is going to know it's bald cope, which defeats the purpose

>> No.51651087

That dude on the right is surveying his next feast. Architect vibes.

>> No.51651268

>Can we bring hats back? I want to hide my receding hairline
>Steal what?
A hat

>> No.51651332

Do you really think black and brown people are capable of standing in line like that?

>> No.51651364

they also use more calories to lug their weight around. not to mention that they are completely inflamed and probably have major organ problems. dont worry anon its never better to be a fat

>> No.51652244
File: 53 KB, 768x576, Tim-Pool-1-768x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know guys wearing beanies in the summer are just coping, but they still look 1000x better than a hard boiled egg.

>> No.51652294 [DELETED] 

we have even better welfare assistance now than in the 30s

>> No.51652404

hats in 1891 america were like masks in 2021 china.

>> No.51652409

Even at the peak of the Great Depression it wasn't even a quarter of men who were unemployed. The situation was more like food banks today.