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51645117 No.51645117 [Reply] [Original]

What will drug dealers do when weed is legal?

>> No.51645138

pay tax?

>> No.51645157

that's a bag of dirt

>> No.51645179

also it's weird how much that guy looks like me. I dealt weed in college

>> No.51645207

Couldn't they at least fill the baggie with something that's realistic?

>> No.51645302
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The same thing they do now - under cut the overly expensive "legit" businesses (that have to pay license fees, taxes, rent, payroll, etc)

>> No.51645356

Not likely, in leafland the price of an oz was cut in half.

>> No.51645411

even if weed will be legal, I will still support my local plug

>> No.51645443

Every single time weed gets legalized, dealers thrive because the legal weed is twice as expensive because muh taxation.

>> No.51645909
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>> No.51645944

it's legal here in Canada and i still buy it from my guy i've gotten from since high school instead of at a dispensary because he gives me better deals and the quality is the same or better.
he even tells me when he stocks up on one-time grows that are really fucking good

>> No.51646078
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they move on to selling different drugs.

heroin, crack, meth/ice.

some just end up working at a dispensary or start their own shop.

can confirm. weed is legal in my state.

>> No.51646113
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this is Ontario's official weed store. You can find it even cheaper in other legal stores. Dealers are gonna have to make their money with other things, but even mushroom dispensaries are opening up here.
remember to treat your bodies well, frens

>> No.51646335

I should mention that the taxes are included and they deliver express to your door for free + no expectation of tip

>> No.51646368

you should still tip tho

>> No.51646387


>> No.51646415

Sell tax free drugs

>> No.51646436

well, the options are:
1. continue to sell under the table.
2. go legit.
3. focus on other illegal drugs.
4. stop.

>> No.51646581

in the US, legal weed is ridiculously overpriced and focused on "consumer experience" (they try to sell you crafty expensive edibles and infusion pre-rolled joints). So there's still a very large market for drug dealers to thrive in.

>> No.51646597

sell all other drugs

>> No.51646641

Heroin looks liki that.

>> No.51646744

legal weed was infinitely cheaper than the illegal weed I bought. I remember buying a 20 pack of pre-rolls in Seattle that was $20 for 20 .7 gram joints

>> No.51647056
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nice dubs
that, and you know where and how the weed is being grown. I have friends working in the industry so I have total confidence in the product.
Much rather put locally grown weed into my system than some filthy illegal imported shit. You think people making money illegally to escape poverty, in an industry propping up other shady shit, have the consumer's long-term health in mind? Enjoy your foul-tasting, toxic-chemical-sprayed, outdoor trash while I enjoy something grown only a few kms away by enthusiasts

>> No.51647162

Sell other drugs, all laced with fentanyl.

>> No.51647201

Its funny, in Tejas it used to be shitty mexican brown weed but now you just drive to New Mexico

>> No.51647395
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my hometown is being absolutely rekt by fent rn
10 years ago people would be out partying and barhopping downtown and now the nightlife has been replaced by tent cities and leathery people muttering to themselves or straight up fenting out all over the place
did you ever drive to Mexico for it? i heard parts of Mexico are a blast to party in

>> No.51647446

Sell Even more. In My country Is legal and i know a Lot of people that are Making a living out of it Even after taxes and regulations. Also the low skill ceiling and infraestructure needed makes it possible for a lot of people to keep it as a side gig.

>> No.51647702

Damn, that's amazing. When I lived in Washington, Uncle Ike's dispensary would sell $20 ounces from time to time. The quality wasn't the best, but it was still better than the schwag I smoked in high school lmao

>> No.51647740

Canada, Uruguay, Malta? How much does street cost compared to regulated?

>> No.51647767

Out of all the legal weed states I've been to, Washington had the best prices by far

>> No.51647845
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I'm not drug dealer or a consumer, but I'd offer them to get some VINU and get a bunch of money since it's the best coin on Gate Io
+best dogcoin +blue dog +filled with waifus

>> No.51647871

is that a fucking nft?

>> No.51647901

I mean, blue dog coin is good but what does this have to do with drugs?
Is VINU a drug?

>> No.51647920

Buy with caution :)

>> No.51647958
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What's the deal with fentanyl?
It makes drugs cheaper.
It makes drugs stronger.
Is it a super drug?

>> No.51648006
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i don't carry cash
also, i think it sets a bad precedent - especially if the product is being used medicinally. We already pay gov't wagies to do their jobs via taxes anyway
$20 ounces? lmao holy that's incredible

>> No.51648189

>heh nothing personal kid

>> No.51648223

I had this toy as a kid. fucking ace

>> No.51648418

>+best dogcoin +blue dog +filled with waifus
who said so?

>> No.51648442

kill themselves, hopefully

>> No.51648622

>here's your $100/g dab bruh
while it costs like $4 to manufacture

>> No.51648680

i tried literal fentanyl multiple times as a teenager and usually just puked, with little euphoria. there's a reason i only did it twice.

wtf is the point??

>> No.51648862
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>You know so basically Bubbles said something about having to pay Texas because I sell my dope and it's not an eagle to sell dope anymore.
>Why the fuck should I pay them to sell my dope when I've been doing it for free for 30 years. Pretty fucked if you ask me.

>> No.51648897

they will do illegal->legal arbitrage

>> No.51649056

>What will drug dealers
>drug dealers

Any other drug that is ilegal?

>> No.51649090

Outcompete the regulated legal dealers.

>> No.51649094

how cheap is it?

>> No.51649139

still be around just like they still are in CA and NV

the black market provides better quality, strength, and price still.

>> No.51649200

what's the best price and strength you've seen for street dro?

>> No.51649247
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join ETH POW miners

>> No.51650066
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>pay tax?

The TAX on weed is insanely high, so high that selling it illegally is not an idiotic idea.

>> No.51650183

i smoke weed. i wouldn't mind getting it at a store as long as the prices are competitive or the quality is far and away better. edibles are a pain in the ass to make at home so that would be a nice change of pace as well. as far as what drug dealers will do if it becomes legal? they'll still sell drugs to people who can't otherwise go to the store.

>> No.51650199

they will still sell street weed

i thought that legal weed meant good stuff for cheap since its mass produced but its actually more expensive

>> No.51650250

Grow ops are like boutique vineyards. Marginal profits.
Dispensaries are usually run by ex cops, not ex pot dealers.

>> No.51650266

a friend of a friend just went legitimate after it was legalized in this state, but with more knowledge and starting capital than local competitors

>> No.51650276

*in his state

>> No.51650308
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Find a better dispensary. I'm sorry, but Tyrone cant compete with 10/$100 carts or 5/$25 edibles (thats PACKS, not pieces). I'm not going to gush over the $79/oz because its shit weed, but you can get an oz of something good for about ~$140, which any drug dealer who's trying to make money cant compete with

>> No.51650517

Uruguay. thing Is, there Is no more such thing as a street Quality weed anymore. The Quality users are demanding right now it's thought the roof. No way we are going back to that chemical infused bullshit they brought from bolivia and Paraguay. There's been a huge shift that's not price related. Compare it to the rise of Home brewed beer against Coors light or some other bullshit. You have now a huge amount of people that Is not going back on Quality. Period. That and the fact that a Lot of people in theory forties and so on are beggining to use, mostly edibles, because it's not demonized anymore. I think if things keep going this way cocaine Is gonna be next. Because the government Is raking in mád profits and the societal impacto ( negative) Is minimal. Not Even hardcore right wing nuts are saying anything

>> No.51650547

Fentanyl. Meth. Shrooms?

>> No.51650570

not much, dispensary weed is really expensive and don't forget it's taxed to shit, selling it black market style is still going to be around.

>> No.51650883

Lower prices increase volume.

At least in Canuckland it did.

The cost of US Cannabis will probably rise in Black Market since people will probably sell pot to kids legally.

>> No.51650992

Continue to sell it illegally until cartels supply dries up and legal weed becomes Marlboro 2.0. It’ll be reduced to hustlers buying weed on sale and trying to push it marked up 20%

Meanwhile everyone has moved on to krokodil and develops cancer because weed ends up a cash crop with as many additives as tobacco

>> No.51651190

the real question is what will big pharma do?


>> No.51651459

Work in kitchens.

>> No.51651548

Sell your daughter better weed laced with fermeldahyde and fentanyl.

>> No.51651566

sell powdered copium

>> No.51651624

Negative billions when they have to invent new drugs to counter weed laziness and munchies

>> No.51651671

Have gay sex

>> No.51651894

my neighbor started dog training. he's got like 250,000 in 20 dollar bills from the old weed selling biz before they legalized it

>> No.51651927

doesn't work like that. it would be cheaper since they have huge scale farms now. same way any factory works really.

>> No.51652133

So was the quality i heard

>> No.51653186

depends on the state, in Maine and Massachusetts its expensive, in michigan in oregon you can literally get an ounce of fire weed for like $90

>> No.51653341
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Lads I'm scared to go to bed tonight and I'm getting really tired. Last night I went to bed almost caving in to fud and when I woke up I was up by $1k.
Im so tired. There needs to be a stablecoin that is pegged your coins and backed by sleep and you can swap different Cryptos out to it every night so you can sleep.

>> No.51653363

Does he think it will still be worth $250k of current buying power in 5 years?

>> No.51653553

start selling the drugs that people like me actually want, like, I dunno, ketamine and some of the more obscure psychedelics like AMT

>> No.51653590

I dunno about that; $150/oz is standard where I live

>> No.51653595

Sell weed illegally for cheaper then what legal outfits sell for. That’s what is happening in BC

>> No.51653611


There's your problem, kid. Get a hold of good chiva and snort it

>> No.51653711

Traffic people and their body parts

>> No.51653849
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>Traffic people and their body parts

I will allow your attractive sister to give me an oral massage and 'harvest' my sperm.

>> No.51654774


But what if they spent their entire lives selling weed?

What happens if they're in their late-60s and they've been selling weed since the 1970s?

What if they spent their entire drug dealer career honing their weed skillset, like someone who creates a character in an RPG and only puts all their points in one stat, like they only put all their points into their weed stat?

What if it's too late in the game to learn to sell other drugs?

What then?

>> No.51654804

>when weed is legal?
Wtf are you even taking about when

>> No.51654948

if you smoke weed from a dispensary just know: they have pest issues, they have mold issues, so they use ozone and other fucked techniques to rehypothecate your buds into looking good. grow yourself. or buy from someone you know doesn't fuck with natures product.

>> No.51654973

cartels have already set up massive legal grow ops in the west coast states and colorado, assume it the same everywhere

>> No.51655116

legal is like double because of all the taxes

>> No.51655134 [DELETED] 


>> No.51655174

>i heard
Meaning you didn't hear shit, American.

>> No.51655176

They just sell it for cheaper than the store and don't pay taxes. What do moonshiners do while alcohol is legal? There's not that many of them.

>> No.51655252

>it would be cheaper since they have huge scale farms
Do you honestly think no one steals from those farms? It's the same deal with regular crops where hands offload a few boxes every harvest and managers foremen turn a blind eye because they know it's the only incentive keeping them coming in. Heck anecdotally I know my friend who deals gets his product from a medicinal growth site where his gf was working as a packer for a couple of seasons and now he just buys from contacts who are still there.

>> No.51655264


>> No.51657153
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>sell chicken.

>> No.51657166

Weed but tax free

>> No.51659920

Sell weed. Most dispensary weed is pretty bad, and they run it all through X ray machines because they are too retarded to prevent mold. As more money flows in the quality of weed will inevitably go down. You’ve seen this in literally every other industry, consumers don’t get good products these days

>> No.51659942

legal weed is too expensive. id still go through dealer.

>> No.51660057

It's a massive huge bag of tar that's heavily cut, maybe.
Or it's old ground up rolling tobacco.

>> No.51660129

As a normal consumer for several decades in many places, people like me have never once considered prerolls/fake ass nonfunctional edibles. If you charge more than 15 for a g of 75%minimum thc content shatter, then I'm going someplace else. I'll settle for 20$ oz since top shelf (30+% thc Bud) has gone down in price.

>> No.51660205

That's what I paid for club weed when I was 16, it was delivered from 2 hr drive away(1 hr both ways), this was in the last antiweed county of my state where prices were inflated heavily.

>> No.51660235

Then you can teach trade secrets and should have some social/managing skills. An old timer can just get legal or buy legal weed to process.

>> No.51660364

More importantly, what will any criminals do when digital currency rolls out and cash ceases to exist?

>> No.51660652

everyone knows the legal weed is boof. listen they spray that shit down with radiation to kill the molds. grow your own trust me.

>> No.51660722

you can grow your own for under 10 cents per gram everything included after your first run.i could sell ounces for 50 bucks and still profit heavily

>> No.51661498

I wouldn't help