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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51646686 No.51646686 [Reply] [Original]

how much income do you need for picrel?

>> No.51646702
File: 361 KB, 615x615, 1656907018850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surrogacy costs $60,000 united states dollars in mexico.

>> No.51646773

>In Australia, it is illegal to pay a surrogate
welp, looks like USA it is

>> No.51646783

In the UK, £48kpa between you n the missus, and about a 50k deposit for the house.

>> No.51646791


>> No.51646796

Got to be at least 25 years for stealing a baby

very difficult to resell now the main fence is gone

>> No.51646801

Is a trap. You rely on cashflow which I consider unsustainable aka being someone's bitch is not comfy
I wouldn't feel good starting a family without retirement money first.

>> No.51646804

is that before or after today?

>> No.51646840

Haha you got 93 in your id.

>> No.51646850

You want to buy a toddler gf?
Fucking monster

>> No.51646857

why are they being recorded for the internet?

>> No.51646877

To sell children

>> No.51646999

This is all I want in life guys. A sunday afternoon like this after going to the market and before playing with legos. Ahhh fuck why can't (((they))) let us have this ? I'm black btw

>> No.51647070

dude, you go to prison for doing something like that

>> No.51647117

to raise a child costs 200k goy bux apparently

>> No.51647164

that seems low, since private school (to keep them away from minorities) alone could exceed that
also, to attract an attractive white wife, i'm thinking 100k is the absolute minimum needed

>> No.51647204

you said nothing about private school
send them to brainwashing camp, i don't care

>> No.51647212

homeschool > private school. putting kids in a prison for 8 hours a day is cruel. most private schools are cucked anyways, the only advantage is that the staff are slightly higher iq and the prices filter out undesirables

>> No.51647238

i guess some public schools are fine, like if you live in montana or maine, but otherwise private school is pretty much implied

>> No.51647243

private school is for retards unironically. It's the same fucking "education" aka retarded waste of time GE classes that provide 0 skills for the real world.

>> No.51647306

If you want that just go the nigger route and collect welfare while being paid off the books.Put all your money in untraceable assets and leave like a king on the government dole. Don’t be fucking stupid

>> No.51647528

Mike Judge tried to warn us.

>> No.51647564

The love of a child is priceless. No amount of money can replace the loss of your kid. Enjoy it if you have it.

>> No.51647667

you have nigger iq if you dont homeschool

>> No.51647764

Someone somewhere is profiting from our collective misery, anon.