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51635557 No.51635557 [Reply] [Original]

I keep hearing folks talk about this theory for the last week. Can anyone explain the milkshake theory to me as if I am a retard? What are the final implications if I want to invest, if this theory true? Do I just hold dollars in cash?

>> No.51635587

Dollar get stronger all other currencies get weaker. Shit tier countries with $ debt will struggle to service said debt.

>> No.51635590

I drink up your fiat. I drink it up.

>> No.51635625

I mean other than nigger tier nations going belly up, what are the implications for people in first world countries? What is the final outcome for the theory?

>> No.51635635

US is the dev slow rugging the global economy


>> No.51635648

The complete destabilization of global trade.

>> No.51635658

Ironically as they benefit more financially they actually hold more debt so eventually will default on this.

The writing was on the wall when the US lost its AAA credit rating

>> No.51635863

So what the best ways to survive this? What assists should I hold? Is this mad max level shit where I should be buying up guns and ammo?

>> No.51635995

you should have already
>1 year dry food
>50lbs butter
>victory garden
>1/2lb meat, 1 can sardines + 1 gallon drinking water per person per day for 6 months
>pistol, shotgun + rifle and hundreds rounds each
>own house free and clear
>minimal debts
>10oz gold + 100oz silver
>100k cash

then you might make it

>> No.51636016

USD really, it's the only one with the military and economic might to back itself up. Basically, fuck timmy gonna do?

>> No.51636022

if you live in america you're already not going to survive this
your country is being sold out from under you to prop up the dollar

>> No.51636025
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yurocucks absolutely fuming about their microstates being margin called in USD

>> No.51636252

glad my savings are 100% in BTC and investments 100% in LINK. BTC is the only money worth anything.

>> No.51637852

>>10oz gold + 100oz silver
You mean 10 oz physical gold and 1000 oz physical silver.

>> No.51638009

OK Cringy Preppers

muh bugout bag, bro.

>> No.51638282

powells milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, simple as

>> No.51638424

>Ironically as they benefit more financially they actually hold more debt so eventually will default on this.
This is the key to the Dollar Milkshake Theory. As smaller economies collapse, they'll seek refuge in USD. This will give the appearance of a strong USD and bullish American economy, but in truth is vicarious hyperinflation.

>> No.51638583

Long story short it makes the LINK token not needed

>> No.51639185

>Dollar get stronger all other currencies get weaker.
How? Why? I can see a collapse of third worlds given the past 2 years, but other first world countries?
Increasing interest rates bucks the past decade of 'growth' and destroys MMT.
What's the geo-political angle here?

>> No.51639287

Rate differences between the US and foreign central banks kickstarted a demand cycle for US dollars. Also, everything is denominated in dollars in foreign businesses, they can't opt not to use them. Economic slowdown abroad makes their currencies worth less, which forces businesses with dollar debts to convert increasingly more of their local currency to dollars which exacerbates the issue. As the currency collapses, they convert more to dollars for safety, which exacerbates the issue. Et cetera.

>> No.51639326

As global economy struggles the US is perceived to be the most stable economy due to it's size and the fact that the US dollar is the de facto world currency. This causes foreign countries to invest their money in US stocks - this brings in HUGE amounts in dollars. Foreign currencies therefore drop against the dollar causing further US investment - this is happening now and affecting global markets. Devaluation of foreign currencies causes their interest payments in USD to increase. The Fed raises base rates and does quantitative tightening and sucks up the liquidity like a fat straw in a thick milkshake.

>> No.51639349
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>> No.51639431

The dollar milkshake theory is merely a scientist's speculation is this: that someone out there, somewhere, is selling a milkshake for a dollar.

>> No.51639541
File: 618 KB, 1099x727, Captured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russia collapses due to a loss of the EU as a customer
Is that a false premise given China is buying Russia oil and Russia should be self sufficient or at least used to being poor as in WW2 and the Cold War?
I see it as the opposite - Russia is going full blown National Socialist
The screencap is right though in that UST are on a moon mission

>> No.51639574

That's absurd

>> No.51639642

>100k cash
>100 rounds per gun
>100toz silver
This nigger is retarded.

>> No.51639664

>Preparing yourself is cringe af frfr no cap

>> No.51639682

McDonald's sabotage their own milkshake machines to drive up the price of milkshakes. This is done to keep the global price of a milkshake above a dollar.

>> No.51639692

Yes shit tier countries go belly up.
Shit tier means giant Debt ie huge debt to GDP ratio.

By this parameter, US Is the shit tier, with Debt to GDP around 140%.

>> No.51639750

Yeah I just ignore the part about Russia desu. Japan doing currency control by, probably, dumping 10 and 30yr UST's is just the start. It didn't seem to work they way they wanted and are probably going to have to do it again relatively soon and they have a lot of UST's to burn though.

>> No.51639783

>hundreds of rounds each
reading comprehension mf'r

>> No.51639849

Backwards delusional nigger we're the only country that WILL survive this.

>> No.51639881

Russia doesn’t collapse.
Russia has the strongest debt to GDP ratio of them all. Only 18%.
And is completely energy independent.
They can print their own currency all they want and live for years without French Parmesan cheese.

Look at all those other countries in serious trouble with huge debt to GDP and no energy.

>> No.51639904

Bottom line is: the US dollar is what needs to be supported to justify a dollar milkshake price. Ironically that means that US inhabitants will be forced to live in a country where a milkshake costs $5 but the rest of the world will be able to buy a milkshake for $1, because of the store of pumped value in the USA books.

>> No.51640360

>Yeah I just ignore the part about Russia desu.
I can do that, but it's just irksome given that's the premise for everything else.
This is inline with what I'm seeing. Call my a tinfoil wackjob that needs to go back to /pol/, but it aligns with
>Negative oil prices in 2020
>Biden shutting off the Keystone pipeline day #1
>Nord Stream 2 never opened (coordinated by Nuland)
>Fake Ukraine drama
>Desperate and cold Europe
>US destroying the MMT concept in place that fed the global brrrr machine
>Food/resource shortages that undeveloped countries can't contend with
The picture is starting to take shape but it's not well developed yet

>> No.51640616

Ok they can also tell me to go back to pol , but I agree with most of this.
Clearly we were energy independent under Trump, we’ve had enough oil and at low price. Then Biden team started intentionally shutting everything down- from oil pipelines, to not allowing new oil fields in Alaska, to shut down of nuclear and power plants.
They knew countries like Germany can’t live without external energy, and made sure Germany gets none of Russian energy - Ukraine, nord stream shut down.
Some of this looks too intentional to ignore.

>> No.51640630
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Holy shit, I have everything in this list (plus more) except the $100k in cash. Have I unironically made it?

>> No.51641247

go back to your containment board

>> No.51641271

No. Nothing will happen and you will remain a neet unless you stop taking advice from these retards.

>> No.51641313

yeah actually it is since 99% of preppers' lives literally revolve around two more weeks until le collapse until they wake up years later and nothing has happened, surrounded by emergency food supplies and equipment they'll never use

>> No.51641376

>if you live in america you're already not going to survive this
Midwit euro take

>total air/sea supremacy
>most nukes
>god-tier geography + natural resources
>all other competition is trash
Basically as shit as we are, we are the shiniest turd in the world and everyone else goes down before us

Literally the only thing that can bring the US down is a civil war where a white ethnostate DOESNT emerge

>> No.51641409

/biz/ everyone

>> No.51641745

At first it looks like a whip-saw of stupid Covid supply and demand, but at this point it's more of an orchestrated govt control tactic as laid out and predicted by Spars / WEF.
Not to mention all of the food processing 'disruptions'
I'm certain there is pain in developing countries.
We're seeing the pain in Europe.
I can't help but expect the same in the US. Could it be a CIA/media bullshit since the average Joe is so prideful? So used to living paycheck to paycheck? So wrapped in media hype to not recognize the shitstorm?
All the countries are dominos in this game?

>> No.51641840


>> No.51643108

It ends with gold winning out over the $

>> No.51643349

and then?

>> No.51644020

Foreign central banks liquidity gets sucked up. The global economy has been propped up by over $20 trillion since the financial crash in 2008. There'd be a massive global financial crisis.

Don't know if it would happen this way, it's all speculation, but there's certainly something happening right now. I suspect they are trying to make the US Dollar, EU Euro and GB Pound all have parity, then introduce a single global currency. Look at the exchange rates between $/€/£ - it's getting close to 1.00

>> No.51644408
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>I suspect they are trying to make the US Dollar, EU Euro and GB Pound all have parity, then introduce a single global currency. Look at the exchange rates between $/€/£ - it's getting close to 1.00
Very interesting anon. You seem switched on, where do you mine your information?

>> No.51644442

Take your anti heart attack meds you fucking burger lmao

>> No.51644765

Cheers anon.
Info gathered from interweb - and just trying to imagine how we'll get to where we're heading and what's got to happen along the way.

>> No.51645036

i dont have acc on the yt

do u have more fren

>> No.51645128
File: 259 KB, 1776x1776, American_Eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then introduce a single global currency

The USA dollar **IS** the single global currency!

>> No.51646935

That's a lot of meat and sardines lmao