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51631594 No.51631594 [Reply] [Original]

Historically speaking how much longer until plebians start killing rich people in the street?

>> No.51631647

Historically speaking? We are well past the point our ancestors would've been filling their streets with the blood of their enemies.

>> No.51631758

The proles have only ever been able to massacre the economic upper classes when those upper classes had already become so weak that they offered no resistance. This is because proles are generally stupid, disorganized, and unable to postpone immediate gratification. That's why they are proles and it is why they make very poor warriors. They can loot and burn when they are allowed to, but the slightest organized resistance will send them running like cockroaches in the light.

There will be a violent balkanization and massive purge of parasites in the USA before there is any kind of commie revolt.

>> No.51631777

it is already happening

>> No.51631803

People by and large live easy, comfortable lives. Actual revolutions take place when people are hungry and desperate.

>> No.51631941

When they can't eat. Still far off in West but getting closer. I think timing is mid 2030s.

>> No.51631990

>Actual revolutions take place when people are hungry and desperate.
yeah, I'm sure doubling rent and quadrupling energy costs might give them something to think about.

>> No.51632003

Quite a bit longer, at least in developed countries. Plebs are completely unstoppable only when they're starving. They'll tolerate almost anything short of that.

>> No.51632046


shouldn't you guys be posting on reddit about how capitalism is terrible, what are you doing on the business and finance board on 4chan?

>> No.51632150

Modern society will fight itself in the streets before going after the rich.

>> No.51632220

>what are you doing on the business and finance board
shouting into the void, apparently.

>> No.51634218

>Killing rich people in the street
Do you mean the actual wealthy elite? This has never, nor will it ever happen. They may start torturing, looting, and murdering the middle classes though as they have in the past. Pleb outrage is directionless and takes the path of least resistance since the true underclasses tend to be innately worthless at anything they do. So prepare to see a lot of dead engineers, doctors, lawyers, small business owners, etc. That is if anything at all happens.

>> No.51634256

Much more likely to see a red guard style activation of all the propagandized zoomers. Angry at the aging boomers they gut the middle class and other property owners who would oppose the 2030 agenda. This is part of the plan.

>> No.51634258

This man gets it. It'll never happen, nor will it. Even during the french revolution, Yes, they killed the nobility, but they didn't kill the aristocracy. The aristocracy is always in shadows waiting for the transfer of power. Same with russians and the oligarchs. The Aristocracy remains, positioning for their place.

>> No.51634526

Proles wont start shit as long as there’s food on the table and porn for single men

>> No.51634540

Nothing happened in 08

>> No.51634597

>Nobody mentioned capitalism
>mutt immediately starts starts bootlicking the elites that hate him


>> No.51634733


if by "bootlicking the elites" you are of course speaking of the underground sinister cabal of shapeshifting reptilian elites, I'll have you know that 1) Lizards don't wear shoes, let alone boots, and 2) I, for one, welcome our new reptilian overlords.

>> No.51635820
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>hating the government makes you a commie

>> No.51635845

>dead engineers, doctors, lawyers,

Better than nothing.

>> No.51635910

bro forget about this capitalism good communism bad, its fucking retarded
you come across as some retard maga boomer

>> No.51635992

I think the patricians have really studied the history and gone over the playbook too much at this point to really let that happen. They really understand the meta game at this point. Manipulating the masses to go after each other rather than them is significantly easier and cheaper than solving the base problems that make them angry in the first place. Plus there's just an inherent self destructive need for conflict in humans that would be difficult to satiate anyways.

>> No.51636366

That's wrong. People chimp out when they're starving and are getting desperate enough to risk their lives by defying the ruling class, that's all. Nobody is starving yet. Why do you think you're supposed to eat the bugs in the near future ?

>> No.51636693

won't happen, society too comfy

>> No.51636745

>Nobody is starving yet

They will be soon. over 70% of European fertiliser plants have shut down.

Do you know what that will do to food production?

>> No.51636780

Some of you tards here don't realise how bad things really are , if this energetic crisis and inflation goes past this winter basically next year will be a bloodbath out there.

And yes the faggy elites will get robbed and pillaged.dawyt

>> No.51636899

Ever heard of revolutionary Catalonia (1936)?

>> No.51636916

When did that ever happened historically?
Revolutions that larp as being by plebs like the french or commie ones are simply by butthurt bourgeois, not by the people.

>> No.51636957

no it's too soon, we aren't all unemployed and starving yet
this year might be a turning point when people can't afford to eat and heat their homes simultaneously
and remember that while some countries offer heating caps to homes, they don't for businesses....

>> No.51636981

Never. 2020/2021 showed us people will actually protest their governments TO enslave them rather than free them. It's over.

>> No.51636982

this is socialism plain and simple, we are having this green agenda forced down our throats for no good reason

>> No.51637707

probably never. when was the last time you saw a richfag? like literally saw one 'in the streets'. it never happens. What will happen though is the rich will livestream them giggling as the dumb goyim murder some poor middle class boomer in the streets.

the reason the rich are so disconnected from reality is because they are literally disconnected from the reality of the nightmares they create. You have no idea who they are or where they live. You have no fucking clue.

>> No.51637743

>bro the rich are like eternal omnipotent ultrapowerful beings that can NEVER happen
shut the fuck up you retarded prole nigger


>> No.51638309
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Read 'Revolt against civilization: The menace of the underman'. Goes into good detail about the physiological origins of Communism. Also look at the timelines and buildup to previous Communist revolutions. They don't come out of nowhere and almost always have telltale signs, it starts small with open, one way discrimination being accepted towards the "oppressor" group, and progresses to manifestations of Anarcho-Tyranny with police giving one group huge leeway while heavily punishing another for the smallest things and using those "crimes" as reason to push more legislation against said group. From there you usually see open violence and petty property theft against the "oppressor group", it may be punished at first but sentences (if convicted at all) will be lenient, eventually disappearing. Then property theft on a large scale starts, if it hasn't already moved to government sponsored asset and property seizure.

>>51637707 is correct though, the people being attacked / robbed in this case will be the upper-working and middle classes who actually keep America going while the actual problem causers / real 1% watch it on TV and laugh.

>> No.51638350

During your last communist planned insurrection in 2020, workers and families were targeted and killed. This is your brain ok communism.

>> No.51638358

Can't be soon enough.

>> No.51638378

you're all stupid, energy is not required to survive unless you're some manchild, my grandparents up on the mountain have no lights or anything and still live fine

>> No.51638427
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>thinking the zoomer / millenial / gen x mass (or even what's left of the boomers for that matter) are capable of looking after themselves
If the power went out like 60% of the people living in major cities minimum would be dead within 2 weeks. More if it was winter.

>> No.51638445
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>> No.51638448

in the US? lol never, other than blacks chimping for flat screens

>> No.51638481

No one mention capitalism or communism. Eat your meds fucking schizo jew

>> No.51638518

Our household income is 500k a year yet we try to hide our power levels. We dress modestly and drive a modest car. We live in a major Southern US city suburb. Regardless I am definitely feeling the HATE especially from poor blacks. I was shopping at the grocery store, about $100 worth in my cart, not even what I would call a full shop -- and just a peek into others' carts, I saw very little. Maybe a couple bags of chips, or some cereal. The workers at the counter are fucking PISSED OFF. Service attitude is non existent in this country. I'm thinking about pulling an Andrew Henderson and taking my family to where we are treated best.

>> No.51638540
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Singapore is REALLY nice.

>> No.51638555

Don't you mean >financially speaking?

>> No.51638560

I've studied scenarios like this extensively and from what I have learned I can confidently say it'll happen in about 2 weeks.

>> No.51640126
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>rich people
low iq take, but to answer your question, never.

>> No.51640275

holy fuck how poor do you have to be to think like this

>> No.51640303

Holy fuck your parents must be so disappointed in you.

>> No.51640352

the middle class are all subhumans who unironically consider themselves 'intellectuals' and vote for libtards. they dislike working class folks too. should all be strung up from lampposts. in Minecraft.

>> No.51640356

when the army lets them

>> No.51640398

>Our household income is 500k a year yet we try to hide our power levels. We dress modestly and drive a modest car. We live in a major Southern US city suburb. Regardless I am definitely feeling the HATE especially from poor blacks. I was shopping at the grocery store, about $100 worth in my cart, not even what I would call a full shop -- and just a peek into others' carts, I saw very little. Maybe a couple bags of chips, or some cereal. The workers at the counter are fucking PISSED OFF. Service attitude is non existent in this country. I'm thinking about pulling an Andrew Henderson and taking my family to where we are treated best.
Based Henderbros, I'll let you in on an open secret – Cape Town

>> No.51640401

No, but I won't bother looking into it because a single tiny exception in a backwater nobody cares about just proves the rule.

The Marxists were never able to get a foothold in countries where classical liberalism got there first because capitalism made everyone richer and there were no clearly defined economic classes. (That is changing with the rise of crony-capitalism).

The inability to raise an economic class conflict is why the Marxists turned to sewing social division based on race and gender. Unfortunately for them, the idea of a unified POC revolution exists only in the minds of the Ivory Tower fags. Anyone who knows anything about race relations on the street knows that POC hate each other far more than they hate Whitey.

>> No.51640407

So, two more years? I'll believe it when I see it. The lower classes are too uneducated and disorganized to put up any long term fight. The various colors of people can't even agree on common goals. Could happen doesn't mean will happen.

>> No.51640539

>Do you mean the actual wealthy elite? This has never, nor will it ever happen.
You don't think this time people are a little more educated or less retarded and realize that bankers are the cause of their woes? Idk how retarded the average pleb is but it seems obvious to me that central bankers are a huge part of the problem.

>> No.51640605

That faggot could've made a real statement and instead he just asked the old kike questions?? I'd assume I'm getting assassinated anyway for daring to question Mr kikeschild.

>> No.51640781

as long as there bread and circuses (and infihting) then no revolts will happen
they got this under control.

Yet I see tough times ahead for Europe, I think Europe is going to decline massively over the coming decades and it will stay that way for centuries. I hope China doesnt cave in in the near future, without competition its going to be bad for all non-elite. But if I had to put money on it I think they will remain in control.

>> No.51640812

also I should add that the alternative(s) probably wouldnt be universally better anyway, humanity is a slave species, so were always going to get screwed no matter what unless youre on top.

>> No.51640890

God, shut the fuck up.

>> No.51640918

>this is socialism plain and simple
Okay, boomer.
>You have no idea who they are or where they live. You have no fucking clue.
They live in rural New England and the mid west, you dumb fuck.
Every nigger with a house is the rich, you fuck.

>> No.51640919

After 20 years of wage labor, races dissolve to make place for class consciousness, class conflict.
Take a racist white, a racist black, make them work as wage slaves in a factory. My guess is, if they are only slightly smart, they'll notice that the problem is not the other race, but the owner of the factory who exploits their work, each day, every day, decade after decade.

>> No.51640940

And English colonization will be your grave maker, fag.

>> No.51640959

>Do you mean the actual wealthy elite? This has never, nor will it ever happen.
What is the French Revolution??

>> No.51641058

You could do this, but it would be risky:
>Kill government officials
>Plainly state your case in court when you get arrested. Talk about the French Revolution, remind the jury that their retirement funds have been dumped by the wealthy elite/government officials.
>Bring up how much the government has inflated the currency, how much this has increased prices, how they restrict energy from being sold and cause prices to skyrocket, etc.
>Explain to them how rich government officials have gotten, like Nancy Pelosi, Barbary Boxer, Bidens, Obamas, Bush's, Clintons, AOC, Elizabeth Warren, etc.
>Inform the jury about Jury Nullification
>Hope they're smart enough to acquit you of the charges
No one is going to risk all that. The government is too well protected by the entire court/criminal justice system, which really only exists to protect the elites. That's why they literally don't give a shit when poor people murder each other, or when citizens riot against private businesses.

>> No.51641093

>>thinking the zoomer
1997 here, I can handle winter, fag.
>What is projection.

>> No.51641122

>The workers at the counter are fucking PISSED OFF.
Pay more or fuck off to cape Town.

>> No.51641220

>No friends
>No family
Being a "nomad capitalist" is basically dumb unless you're a multi-millionaire who can afford to visit back home a few times a year. Or you're a complete autist loser with no friends/family to care about.

>> No.51641443

my friends. I didn't really mean for this to be specific to communism, I'm not a communist. Just was trying to make a generalization

>> No.51641499

>POC hate each other far more than they hate Whitey.

>> No.51642023
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>Anyone who knows anything about race relations on the street knows that POC hate each other far more than they hate Whitey.
Basically this. Black people may kill white people occasionally, but they murder other black people at far higher rates.

>> No.51642054

People are stupider than ever. Dysgenic breeding practices and a lifetime of corn syrup and pornography have eroded the minds of damn near everyone.
Americans hated the concept of central banking in the late 1800s. Today 95% of people couldnt even tell you that the federal reserve isnt part of the government.

>> No.51642055

masonic shitfest which turned out to be a disaster

>> No.51642077

Absolute pleb tier thinking
You cannot read
This isn't entirely true, you just sound poor and envious.
The underclasses are as retarded as they've ever been, if not more so. They will once again follow the direction of their jew commissars, organizers, or politicians when called to, as they always have.
Another occasion in history when elite powers of the world stirred up the pleb classes and unleashed them to spill blood for their desired power shift, which is the only thing that classic leftist 'revolutions' ever accomplish. If you actually believe the French revolution did anything constructive for common people in the long term, you are another useful idiot.

>> No.51642206

>Every nigger with a house is the rich
You are proving the point that the cattle will only ever attack the middle class

>> No.51642232

Ignore my other post. You're justan angry nog/mutt. Not worth entertaining your posts.

>> No.51642278

already are looks at other countries right now. ukaine, haiti, yemen, etc etc all killing each other. you just have a small and sheltered perspective.

>> No.51642323


This. I am poor, but i still live relatively comfy. The only thing that really sucks is that I cant regularly do "cocaine and whores" which really sucks, so I need to find a way to get rich.

>> No.51642821

Depends on the country.
In Sri Lanka, the WEF fucked up so bad that the government officials had to flee the country after the government buildings were stormed.
That's the problem in the US, everything is digital. No more lines for soup kitchens, money is sent directly to the NEETs, while the national debt goes up by trillions.
It would take a complete collapse of the currency for everyone else to "rise up", or one week without foodstamps/NEETbux. And even then, the poor are so dumb they would probably attack stores instead of government buildings.
Hopefully everyone who owns property has several guns and a few thousand rounds of ammo.

>> No.51642851

never. in america? lol, just never. or, what, in europe?
two more weeks

>> No.51642852
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basically this.

>> No.51643225

checked and big if true

>> No.51643224

>but they murder other black people at far higher rates.
simply because on average they are surrounded by their own colour of skin more than they are by whitey.
i mean close surroundings.

>> No.51643263

>In Sri Lanka, the WEF fucked up so bad that the government officials had to flee the country after the government buildings were stormed.
What has changed in Sri Lanka since then?

>> No.51643329
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>You don't think this time people are a little more educated or less retarded
LMAO. Poor litty buddy here doesnt know how the real world worms.

>> No.51643414

For anyone who has doubts about how chaotic and ineffectual 'revolutions' are toward the ends of enriching the proles, just look at this poster as an example of who supports this shit. His anger is genuine, but impotent. He is passive aggressive. His angst as no real target, except against an extremely broad sweeping attribute that applies to a huge portion of the population. You can see that he would never be able to accomplish anything of import on his own, but that any 'victory' on his part would have to come gift wrapped from another party, complete with the tools necessary literally falling into his lap from somewhere else.

>> No.51645496
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There aren't enough plebs to do shit. The elite would crush you if they don't hire you.

>> No.51645587
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What's going on in Cape Town and why in in the hell would I ever move to South Africa?

>> No.51645849

Wrong. They "integrated" everything racially specifically because a mixed-race workforce struggles to unify and bargain collectively.

>> No.51645894

you missed his point you dumb chimpanzee

You know what, you actually proved his point

>> No.51646565

That's true. But this only delays the awakening to class consciousness. At one point, arabs, white, negros, will understand who their true ennemy are. And no, i do not mean the jews, but the owners of the means of production aka the Capitalists, whether jewish, or not.

>> No.51646634

Killing people in the street sounds unoptimized.

>> No.51646836

Gotta love how retarded people are. They are literally dumber than my shit.

>> No.51648553

There are emails leaked from amazon in which higher ups have discussed how more diversity in their labor force reduces the chance of unions forming so your point is incorrect.

>> No.51648753
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>> No.51648759
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this but also

>> No.51649291

Rich people have people that defend them with big guns. When rich people get too stupid to realize that they need to protect the families of the people with the guns that protect them, they will soon find themselves being killed by the people they hired to protect them.

>> No.51649466
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unironically true

>> No.51651627

What did the french revolution accomplish?
>depose monarchy
>few years later ruled by absolute monarch
>monarch loses subsequent wars and bankers use the vacuum to become global

>> No.51652691

Because people are inherently lazy. Once they accomplished >thing they go straight back to the status quo.

>> No.51654679

People nowadays are weak ass snowflake faggots who are afraid of being called "racists" or "homophobics" and comply with everything like the cattle they are. There can't be a revolution when the majority of people are low T vaccinated fags who get offended by words. So no, at least it won't happen in this century

>> No.51654702

You now understand the whole point of so called racism and homophobia

>> No.51654707

Historically speaking, the downtrodden don't kill the actual rich. Historically speaking a bunch of goons who happened to pick the right side by sheer chance wind up brutalizing the local doctors, academics, and small business people (along with their families) while the actual rich escape to someplace else.

>> No.51655029

>revolutionary Catalonia (1936)
An embarrassment that Stalin decided he hated more than the Fascists and ensured that Franco was able to rally reactionaries to victory

>> No.51655048

Two, maybe three centuries.

>> No.51655095

Yeah but it has nothing to do with distribution, the unequal distribution is what drives envy but it isn't sufficient for revolution. Fact is even lower class people live better lives than most of humanity ever has; they complain but are ultimately too comfortable to do or risk anything. Cope to believe anything else.

>> No.51655126

As long as people have bread, a box to live in, beer, and sports ball they will complain. A few might riot, but there's always gonna be plenty of out of work military vets and former bullied high-school kids willing to go knock their heads together in exchange for their bed and board.

There likely isn't going to be some sort of cathartic catastrophe. Things will just get progressively shittier, people will keep getting used to it. If the great depression didn't do it whatever this bullshit is won't either.

>> No.51655140

Literally never. The collapse will happen due to currency collapse or a natural disaster and here’s how it’ll play out
>mass George Floyd style riots
>the murdered will be upper middle class homeowners and anyone in the general vicinity with food (not rich people as they’d evacuate by that point)
>dysgenic low iq spiteful mutant fat mentally and physically ill population will all die horribly
>only people left will be the elite and a handful of lucky/fit plebs
This is what happened during the Black Death and Rome. We are too advanced and sick of a society that a revolution in the style of Russia or France would occur. Have you seen some of the people nowadays?

>> No.51655233

You have some of the right ideas. A very shitty grasp of history, but touching upon society being more advanced is 100% correct. You know what every developed nation on earth has that even rome at its peak never did?

An intelligence and security apparatus. You know what would have happened to Biden back in Rome when bread and wine prices got too high and the empire lost an embarrassing profitless war? He'd be butchered by knife wielding senators on the house floor, or his praetorian guards would have strangled him and blamed it on antifa.

We have perfected intelligence, counterintelligence, and state security to a science. Leaders no longer face any meaningful reprisal for failing. They are insulated utterly and completely from the outcomes of their decisions.

Simply put, society is failing because it's leaders no longer fear the outcomes of their failure.

>> No.51655321

>cowards don’t kill
Just wait nigger

>> No.51655348

Just two more weeks right?

>> No.51655760

Yooo look at what's happening in beverly hills

>> No.51655781

use human poop. lots of fat americans poop a lot, no?

>> No.51655852

>xir doesn't know

>> No.51655873

It's a trip to stumble across these multi-million dollar homes in the canyons and mountains in what looks to be boring desert. There are no signs that you are about to enter richville other than using google earth to check the area after seeing a couple of these monster sized homes by going down the wrong private road and realizing the entire hillside is covered in them on 10-20 acre lots.

>> No.51656032

What's the solution? Is there a solution? I doubt the average group of otherwise responsible citizens will have the means or methods to counteract that level of security apparatus, and there isn't exactly a community of off the grid assassins that blend the attributes of Agent 47 with Uncle Ted.

>> No.51656136

but reality is racist. you can't hide the underlying truth about white supremacy without it constantly leaking though in statistics over time.
you can try to trick people that the problem is some nebulous group of wealthy people, but any solution that tries to democratize and equalize only further highlights white supremacy.

inequaity is the greatest veil for browns. take it away and they're exposed.

>> No.51656290
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Based and truth pilled

>> No.51656972
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When they get rekt by crypto because smart investors like me made the right choices and they didn't.
Don't worry, I won't be around when the massacre starts, I'll be with Elon and Jeff on Mars, watching you guys like The Purge movie.

>> No.51657060

Almost like they own nothing and are happy?

>> No.51659070

must-read redpills on "liberty" movement

>> No.51659087
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majority of black crime targets other blacks, and it still RARELY ever happens
crime rates similar to russia
race is not a predicotr of morals, catholic influence is

>> No.51659106
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>> No.51659765

Nofap and Fasting to retain based and red pilled reality.

>> No.51659821

Chill Pol Pot.
>Not Le Heckin important jobs people

>> No.51660145

The thing is that all of the “races” (races don’t exist, culture was created around skin colour) have their elites. Elites like other elites and will keep the proles at bay. Why do you think America is so economically successful? It’s culturally diverse but nobody recognises class consciousness. It’s all about culture.

>> No.51660306
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For anyone in a country as a member of the 5 eyes alliance, our leaders are literally gods and the only peace we can get from their rule is shitposting on 4chan
>t. Studied Politics & History at uni

>> No.51660483

who cares. jews are just arabs, so they can go the same way the blacks can.

>> No.51660512

skin color is just one external representation of human evolution as humans moved north. the more north they moved, the more selection occured, and the more intelligent humans became.

high melanin levels don't make your iq lower,
but that doesn't mean they're uncorrelated.

>> No.51660517

checked but
is mostly true. Also the graph has ALWAYS looked like that. always will, most likely.
black swans and (((elites))) trigger revolutions for political reasons, it's never the cattle deciding over night to fuck the power.

The people is very docile nowadays, netflix, weed, porn, etc. It's unprecedented.

>> No.51660575

they literally executed the king, same with tsar nicholas and the bolsheviks. you're a cluess dunning kruger zoomer

>> No.51660692

I am french and know my history. They killed the king but (((those in power))) != the king. The 1789 french revolution mostly failed. The empire came not much later with Napolean dabbing on all Europe. There even was literal communist uprising in 1830 and 1850+. Literal revolutions. Crushed to zero.

(((they))) never ever lose long term.

>> No.51660789
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Read "The Theory and Practice of Oligarchal Collectivism" by George Orwell. It explains how this works. There has to be an upper middle willing to displace the top ranks. Proles will just prole like they always have. See the American Revolution for reference.

>> No.51660849

The rich don’t walk on the street

>> No.51660902

People always say "We're already well past the point our ancestors would have started hanging bitches." Which is true. Our ancestors also didn't have a multi-trillion dollar international intelligence and state security conglomerate with a century of development and refinement to go up against. Yes, the founding fathers would have just shot at the kings soldiers until they gave up and went home. Thats because George Washington and friends didn't have to worry about SEAL team 6 ventilating their skull in thier sleep or a drone firing a missile with fuckin swords strapped to it through the roof of their horse drawn carriages. Or fuck, the NSA and FBI putting them on a watch list and quietly arresting them the night before the Boston tea party because they'd been listening in on their online traffic for the last 6 months.

The possibility for revolution and civil unrest and insurrection still exists, but the bar to reach it is so goddamned high only lunatics who are too incompetent to pull it off or suicidal people who don't have a vested interest in what happens after they die in the ensuing shootout even try, and such people are easily spotted and dealt with or diverted.

>> No.51661535

based. just as bad if not worse than rich people

>> No.51661568

>Another occasion in history when elite powers of the world stirred up the pleb classes and unleashed them to spill blood for their desired power shift, which is the only thing that classic leftist 'revolutions' ever accomplish. If you actually believe the French revolution did anything constructive for common people in the long term, you are another useful idiot.
But you side stepped his point, and deflected with world-slop.
The elite were killed in the street. Simple as.

>> No.51661592

word* slop

>> No.51661661

Approximately 50 years ago. The jews have successfully castrated the modern world though.

>> No.51661699

Or when those defenders of the elite get greedy and reckon they could do a better job.

>> No.51662869

>The people is very docile nowadays, netflix, weed, porn, etc. It's unprecedented.
In the last decade, in the west, occupy wall street, the spanish los indignados, the yellow vests.

>> No.51662923

>There has to be an upper middle willing to displace the top ranks.
You know who this upper middle currently is.

>> No.51663179

lmao what kind of ultra-kikery garbage is this? Now you're saying that being against blacks is part of some jewish schemes?

>> No.51664963

Not one of those accomplished a single thing. People got bored and went home, that's all that happened.

>> No.51665086
File: 109 KB, 1280x853, 1655607221111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people have to actually starve. The French Revolution was preceded by a famine.

>> No.51666433

>Fact is even lower class people live better lives than most of humanity ever has
>being force fed ssris, gene therapies and glyphosat
>better lives than other 97% of humanities history
damn do glow niggas even try anymore? Get fucked

>> No.51666487

2 more weeks

>> No.51667058
File: 111 KB, 1216x1109, Covid+did+this++_9ebecc2b10b57429b62b7c07246ee8b0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the point of that archive? To show the brutality of the revolutionaries? I think that should be shouted from the roof tops as the reason to AVERT revolution by actually addressing the fact that the Pareto Law takes over systems of wealth and ends up disenfranchising huge numbers of people until the system destabilizes and you get brutality. So far, technology has become sophisticated enough that the effect of bread and circuses has seemed to cause a tolerance for unprecedented levels of wealth inequality, but we should never forget that our systems are within the range of when mass amounts of people drag the rich and powerful into the streets and engage in unfathomable levels of brutality and depravity. It would be unwise to think such a state of affairs could never happen again, and thus we should actively be working to reverse this trend in our societies and return real earning power to those who have no capital. If you examine incomes, a huge divide has grown between labor incomes (decreasing with globalization) and capital incomes (increasing and hyper concentrating). This is the road to disaster. Everyone should sit up and take notice.

>> No.51669291

Never, were so scared of the (((courts))) and laws put in place. The alphabet agencies have become or made it seem that theyre sophisticated that they will stop any form of movement before it starts to gain traction they will send this info to the (((news))) and (((media))) to write several articles on how their is a pro-trump white christian racist antisemitic group in some vague town. It would only take about a thousand even less well trained military experienced men to shut the country down but of course you got the zogbots like the national guard and cops that will be in the way.