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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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51640033 No.51640033 [Reply] [Original]

I got a head cold and i'm not allowed back to work till i get tested. Problem is i don't want a false positive, so I just said "see ya".

>> No.51640048


>> No.51640070

Huhh??? you didnt even want to get tested so you quit????? wtf is wrong with you dude????????????? im so confused

>> No.51640113

dude answer me your post doesnt make any sense are you that mentally retarded you quit your job over a covid swab? what the fuck is wrong with you dude i need clarity

>> No.51640122

some of us dont like to get tested or vaxed! i know i don't do either

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>> No.51640141

checked, and i love to singa

>> No.51640176

i get not wanted to be vaxxed but not even getting tested?? you either put a thing up your nose for 1 second or lose your job and this dude chose 1 second of discomfort over employment leading up to a recession?????????

>> No.51640186

I quite because they weren't paying me for the time off, I even went to work to start making up hours and got sent home. Also I'm not getting swabbed, i have a head cold, end of story, no more investigation is needed.

>> No.51640222

did you have any sick leave accrued or did you use it all up already? you collect paid leave up over time, and if you used it already thats on you. man, choosing not to get swabbed over keeping your job that is some real embarrassing shit

>> No.51640251

yeah dude no workplace is going to let you work while youre sick, whether during covid times or pre-covid, you dont come into the office sick thats gross

>> No.51640258

if i had to bet, his job needs HIM more than he needs his JOB! so keep your probe out of my NOSE!

>> No.51640269

i mean he implied i was a plague rat and the guy training me was insulting me daily, so it just kinda the breaking point. only been there six weeks and they fired the last 4 guys who tried to do the job. They were actually really happy about the fact i came in and cleared out the back log fairly quick. anyway, already got my toolbox.

>> No.51640296

damn dude... fuck your life lmao

>> No.51640313

> plague rat
anon, people who get sick aren't much different from people who don't

>> No.51640338

I know the other guy in the thread acts like he can't fathom taking a principled stance, and I guess I understand people who are like that. some guys always need a job. But I respect you for telling those corporate WHORES to fuck off!!

>> No.51640364

i earn 160k/year in my comfy finance job, what do you do for work? i guess i just value my career more than a stick up my nose for 1 second lol

>> No.51640366

i mean the exact words from my coworker were "we can't have you work in another line cause god knows what you'll give those guys" and my boss said "can't have you brining covid into the shop". like i've seen dudes work through he flu before, full on colds, shingles, and no one got sick. anyway, already got a few emails for work to look at.

>> No.51640381

I still can't fly to some job sites despite travel restrictions being lifted.

For whatever reason people get more sick at these sites now despite people like me not being allowed.


>> No.51640382

machinist. i mean our work environments are saturated with oil and dust so implying anyone could make that worst is pretty funny.

>> No.51640391

man i cant believe some people quit their job over this petty stuff. your coworker and boss are spot on, dont take it personally. people get sick and its in the firms best interests to not allow sick people to work

>> No.51640395

I'm not trying to put you down except to chide slightly the impression you give off that you would sacrifice anything to cling onto your comfortable position! thats how they get you! carrots and sticks!

>> No.51640412

if i was in your position i would take a stick up the ass if they wanted.

>> No.51640420

hahahaha yeah i guess ive been got! lol. what are you earning?

>> No.51640432

Fuck off. Unlike you, some people have dignity.

>> No.51640434

you probably would to get a comfy job and comfy salary like mine. luckily when you work hard and earn respect in a job you have worked for awhile nobody asks you to put sticks up your ass

>> No.51640453

you're trying to turn this into a dick measuring contest! I don't want to drag this all into the mud and say guess what 160k is not really that much! but I wont say that you should be very proud of your finance job!
but people who roll over for little threats really need to start considering where it is leading society!

>> No.51640458

if you are truly confident in what you do and not a fragile little girl comments like that wouldnt touch your dignity. you sound like a lower school dweeb who snitches to the teacher all the time

>> No.51640481

Machinists where I live usually cap out at around 240-260k right now anon.

As a boilermaker before additional benefits, housing allowances, etc, I make $5,613 a week, work about 20-25 weeks a year at 60 hours a week. with the remaining weeks I collect unemployment which is another 12-18k.

How many weeks off a year do you get to do whatever you want anon?

>> No.51640484

Absolutely based op. Faggots don't understand the chad level of never vaxxed never tested never will. Fuck um. Dont take none of their shit

>> No.51640485

nah im just saying i dont think youre in a position to encourage behavior that would lead someone to become a loser like you lol. just because you're doing it and your life is shit doesnt it bring you any remorse to other people who couldve gone along with their job and improved their lives and shit? you can have an opinion thats fine just know your place, bitch

>> No.51640504

Sir, the based department is on line 3. It sounded urgent.

>> No.51640515
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stawp da cap

>> No.51640533

Never had to get probed for the flu. Not getting probed for kungflu.

>> No.51640546

neither, luckily ive never caught it

>> No.51640571

you're getting very nasty! and I don't think you want to sounds like a quizling who has literally done and will do anything to make sure he doesn't jeopardize his own comfort! and then shames others for not adopting his cowardly practicality! but it is starting sound somewhat like that! I know it sounds cool to minimize having principles and flaunting the mediocre amount of extra money it costs to buy your total compliance! But really the only way I can respect that is if you are really an accelerationist!

>> No.51640575

People are more than fed up with medical bullshit. They are waking up to what we all knew was true, what Fauci said in 1999:
Everything for the last 2 years has been totally unorthodox and an obvious power grab. When shit like that happens the pendulum swings in the opposite direction.

>> No.51640577

I understand taking a principled stand OP. I did it too and quit my job but that was over the vaccine not testing. Still, it's important - we need madmen like you in society, without a small but critical mass of the population who are obstinate and "don't give a fuck", society becomes conformist and the government authoritarian.

Carry on.

>> No.51640627
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See >>51640481
Machinists are in much higher demand than people that “work in finance” (what do you really DO?). OP will have a job well into any recession while you jump out a window on Wall Street. Not only that but he likely makes more than you. So put your little dick away.

>> No.51640635
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>> No.51640636

>no workplace is going to let you work while youre sick, whether during covid times or pre-covid
Non bullshit jobs have a point system. You get 7 days of pto a year instead of vacation. You have to work a year with no pto to earn those 7 days. There is no sick time. You call in sick then you get one point and lose a pto day. A late punch in is 1/2 a point. A point takes a year to fall off your record. 9 points in a year and its automatic termination. You call in sick 7 days in a year and clock in late a few times then you are terminated.

>> No.51640645

It's not a mere comment, it's violence and oppression using institutional structure and guidelines as coercitive agents. They wouldn't let the guy do the job that they hired him for even though he was willing and able unless he subjected his body to them. Read on Foucault's bio-power to see what it was really about: human dignity nonetheless. Even though I wouldn't expect the likes of you ...
>i earn 160k/year in my comfy finance job
...to understand anything about it.

>> No.51640666

i dont like the direction the world took against covid, but im smart enough to know my opinion doesnt matter unless i have a shit ton of money to back it up. this is how the world works, unfortunately, and even if i dont make it in my lifetime, i can pass on my wealth and values to my kids and hopefully they can bring about the change they want to see in this world.

when i hear of people opting out of their employment etc because they disagree with something i dont see it as smart or brave, i see it as childish. non-participation of a minority group doesnt change the direction a capitalistic society moves in, but capital does, even if the group is still a minority.

see the rich today are a minority group, yet the issues they face are the ones which get changed, not the issues of the average person.

i dont agree with mandated jabs or losing your job over swabs, but i cant change that from where i am now. i need power. i need capital.

>> No.51640707

guys i want to make it clear i'm in no way happy about the situion, but my decisions seems to have struck a red hot nerve. i just don't see the problem with saying "okay you can work, but wear a mask and just stay by your machine". Instead of just stopping someone's income flow completely.

>> No.51640710

>satan tells people they can only use money to change the world
The digits don’t lie. You think Gandhi was a rich man? Hitler spent time in the slums. Van Gogh was poor his whole life. Brahms too. Do you think these people didn’t change the world? Money isn’t everything.

>> No.51640733

none of us are comparable to ghandi, van gogh, or brahms. sorry to break that to you.

>> No.51640744
File: 64 KB, 720x465, 94169327-8C84-4871-984D-FF26218E8D7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Trudeau freezing these guys’ assets in Canada? This is how they want to play the game. Do as we say or we stop your cash flow, stop your livelihood. It must be opposed at every turn or they will get their way.

>> No.51640759

Not you, that’s for sure. Don’t speak for others.

>> No.51640798

machinist chads rule the world

people who knows how to actually do shit and can describe their job in less than 3 words will continue to thrive

>> No.51640811

Go the fuck back you faggot

>> No.51640920
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>I'll do anything for enough money
Literally the mentality of dubai porta potties

>> No.51640961

would you get swabbed for $160k if we assume the swab is harmless and it gets destroyed immediately afterwards

>> No.51640977

>Van Gogh
>change the world

>> No.51641021

People remember his name, and they will for centuries more. It may not be a grandiose change like founding a nation, but the world all changes in his wake.

>> No.51641072

AI Solutions like DALL-E and stable diffusion are DIRECTLY inspired by van Gogh. Nerds wanted to PAINT like him but couldn't.

>> No.51642508

If I was in charge I wouldn't want people spreading infections either, that being said, it sounds like your boss has a shitty attitude and in a "healthy" world you would also always be fully compensated while staying home for the health of your coworkers, whether that means sick leave or a higher base salary value that lets you afford it. And yes, it shouldn't matter whether it's covid or the flu or some random weird shit, so props for standing up for yourself.

>> No.51642568

OP is a based retard
covid tests are fake and gay and probably put nanobots in your blood or something
but he should have probably just faked a test

>> No.51642596

are you kidding me, most workplaces would basically pressure you into coming in sick before covid unless you were visibly coughing up blood or vomiting on your desk
you're just a retarded goy with overwritable memory

>> No.51642631

I just keep waiting for the next vax mandate to drop

>> No.51644745


>> No.51645368

I'm gonna be an extra for a tv series and they're giving me money just for getting tested

>> No.51645624


>> No.51645706

Fuck that. I might earn shit money in the UK but I get six months of full sick pay and 38 days paid annual leave.

>> No.51645942

the test kits contain toxic metals
everyone i know who tested frequently is having health issues now