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51632302 No.51632302 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.51632312

Maybe get your info from a non incel source my guy

>> No.51632320

Was China not practicing QE before? This is basically just QE right?

>> No.51632326
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They're not going to do it again in the West.
You need to face the truth that depression is coming.

>> No.51632365

Finally the printing machine will save us again

>> No.51632367
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>> No.51632417
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>> No.51632444

Fucking based

>> No.51632469

>source: an article written by someone who goes by the name "Tyler Durden"
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.51632470

buying stocks means less money in circulation dumbass

>> No.51632510

The glowniggers were literally seething at ZH. Just don't open the boomer comments

>> No.51632542

wow retard do you think the money is burned when the stock is sold or something?

>> No.51632544

zerohedge is for volcels ONLY

>> No.51632559
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>we're going to make it after all

>> No.51632573
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>Pls Chink man, pump my bags with your printed, zero asset-backed trash currency!

QEtard "mumus" fundamentally deserve to be shot in the fucking face because they totally miss the point of Bitcoin.

>> No.51632596

Based boomer

>> No.51632598

Sounds like copium

>> No.51632602

the chinese government is not pumping anything that doesnt help the chinese state first and foremost. that means a bunch of chinese companies. has nothing to do with crypto (they hate it) or the us (maybe they need it, but it'll be a last resort)

>> No.51632798

Isn't china investing in its own companies like a bullet firing a gun at the owner?

>> No.51633042


I hope nazis like you get fucking decked in the mouth.

>> No.51633217

go suck tranny dick

Mm, hello? Based Department?

>> No.51633228

If you are USD salary chad you need to think a little smarter. China has state owned stocks where they have 80% stake in the companies, that trade publicly, and pump out insane dividends every single year. China has stocks trading at 20 year lows right now in USD value.

They are also only just starting QE.

T h i n k.

>> No.51633240

ZH is based

>> No.51633250

are you lost?

>> No.51633302

uhh the fed has been doing this for decades?

>> No.51633340

Oh goddamn it's actually happening.

>> No.51633368

>twitter repost thread
we're nowhere near the bottom

>> No.51633392

And sanctions mean they can be delisted at any time.

>> No.51633499

lmao you should take your rainbow flag and he/him down from your facebook page, when nazis come to power you'll regret having them.

>> No.51634239

I don't understand. Buy big china?


>> No.51634254

I'm not well-acquainted with stocks. Could you elaborate on what this implies?

>> No.51634273

Doesnt mean its fake news fag

>> No.51634285

So what Softbank does in Japan that in no way assists the stock market but extends contagion?

>> No.51634342

Almost all those absurdly high yield stocks with state control are property management or development companies like HKG: 1813. -85% overall time is where the value comes from to pay out dividends.

>> No.51634352

So what does it mean, I should buy China? I don't trust the Chinese enough to invest in them.

>> No.51634481

So you gain nothing as the stock price is dropped for dividend returns?

>> No.51634569

Not entirely, the drop is recent as has been shown in the last couple of years. It's because fraud is effectively state sanctioned, problem is unless you get insider info you don't get any indicators when it'll unravel.

>> No.51634580

is there a source aside from just a twitter post?

>> No.51634603

Thank you for your response.

>> No.51634604

>devs turned off selling
Holy shit this is bullish, the price can LITERALLY not go down

>> No.51634620


>> No.51635186


I can hear the "ooooooooooooooooooooooh" in my head
Love this video, best there ever was

>> No.51635275

>China hates crypto
Lmao. This isn't 2019 anymore. After seeing what the West did to Russians assets and trade earlier this year, the CPC are back into crypto hard. Do you really think the CPC isn't investigating how they can use crypto to purchase needed assets if the US decides to impose Uiyghur/Taiwan/Supporting Russia sanctions?

>> No.51635320

wish there was a more cattle baron flavor on that analogy

>> No.51635339

They're not concerned about the importation of resources, it's the loss of exports driving civil unrest.

>> No.51635394


>> No.51635413

>crash the currency to keep the boomer market afloat
Can't wait to get fucked by this. Austfailure kinda already did this back during covid when they bought bonds

>> No.51635425
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Explain this like I'm boosted

>> No.51635439
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I'm really sorry you were made black, anon. But don't hate on actual humans for it.

>> No.51635488

R*ddit moment

>> No.51635812

Why aren't chinks dumping their US bonds?

>> No.51635833

more like hyper QE
old QE was houses go UP
this is everything go UP

>> No.51635862
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>Reddit frog

>> No.51635917

sorry it's not gizmodo or salon.

>> No.51635952

japan has been doing this for a long long time

>> No.51635972


>> No.51635981
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>> No.51636010


>> No.51636064

Banks don't buy shit with real money. They're allowed to buy on fractional reserve, which means more money is entering circulation.

>> No.51636103

ZH has predicted last 20 out of 2 recessions

>> No.51636137

Cry more commie vatnick.

>> No.51638287

>You have to buy all the stocks.jpeg

>> No.51638385

the fed are raising rates despite stock falls, so no it's not coming.
Continue to hold the bag, please.

>> No.51638392

Because US is the ONLY safe bet

>> No.51638401

you are a fucking moron, this is the stupidest thing I've read on biz. fuck you.
you are also a moron

>> No.51638496

>Wants his enemies to get dicked in the mouth.
>Wants to get dicked in the mouth too.

Communist are so complex...

>> No.51638532

Fuck off faggot ZH is great

>> No.51638584

Are you ok buddy?

>> No.51639093
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Yeah please send your USD to the commies.

Real smart. The bugmen will totally just let you win and value own them.

Please try to enforce your property rights with them. They really care about your ADR receipt.

>> No.51641065

lol okay retard

>> No.51641086

Yes that sure

>> No.51642610


>> No.51642635

On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

Deal with it you faggots.

>> No.51642668

Infinite money printing is the main reason why Bitcoin exists in the first place retard

>> No.51642842

Not QE at all.
QE is when the central bank buys bonds from primary dealers (big banks) in order to keep interest rates down. This is the govt buying stocks which seems retarded but idk how the system works in China. I'm also sceptical of zerohedge claims

>> No.51643930

hey, you can say whatever you want here. welcome, niggerfaggot.

>> No.51644550

The greatest Boomer slayer ever. That site single-handedly destroyed the finance of all stupid conservative boomers who hangout there.
Muh stack more guys, don't get into debt guys. 22lr goys just bought a crate. All day doomsday porn. Fucking idiots lost hundereds of thousands reading Russian Chinese demoralization propaganda.